Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

It was used against it’s will. The will of it was to fully ressurect her to life, not to return her as an undead.

I also forgot to mention that different magics tend to have different curruption effects.

The proccess had no death magic used as far as i can tell.

Eh, not really, it was already explained that calia’s willed the light to make her undead against the lights will itself. She choose to be undead. It’s one of the reasons forsaken players hates her.

Speaking as the number 1 necromancer as the next class supporter (yes I am fight me irl not online you won’t, no heart) lore-wise any magic can be used to produce necromancy. We’ve seen examples of every combination of magic and necromancy in game. It does not have to involve Death magic.

Life-based necromancy has even appeared in-game (right? how cool is that?).

Bonus points if you can remember where.


Your refering to those orc zombies in WoD right?

That was pretty cool. I wish they expanded on that more with a hive mind kind of deal.


Yeah boi.

The Laughing Skull Clan mention the fact that they have to burn their dead, because otherwise they come back as Infested.

If beings of pure Life energies (who, as far as I know shouldn’t even physically be able to tap into Death energies if they tried) can use necromancy, so can the Light. Life is Death’s opposite, not the Light.


It’s not that far fetched.

We have that in real life, on several species. A popular one is a patasite the kills ant brains and takes control of them.

I forgot the name of it. But basically the orc zombies is a play on that.

This is the Number of customization categories available and the amount of customization options available for the Horde Races.

This is the Number of customization categories available and the amount of customization options available for the Alliance Races.

Note: The total combined are both without and with the Human Customizations for Worgen.


So orcs are second on combinations and fifth on number of options if I’m read that right?


You are correct unless you count the Human customizations available to Worgen players. Then Orcs drop to 3rd place and 6th place.


where? link?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, but man someone in Blizzard’s art department hates female worgen.

I do count them tbh. They’re options you can pick from to customise your character. Even if they aren’t used in combat I feel like customising your appearance is largely an out of combat concern anyway.

I have no patience for the whole “they’re not unique options!!!” thing either, if you start pulling on that thread you need to take off half of the orc options which are shared with Mag’har as well as the fact that you could show me all the shades of green available to orcs and I think I could pick out maybe 3 or 4 that are distinct.

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We don’t know where these models will be, but they look positively lovely!

Having a hard time finding the other article at this moment, but there are a lot of assets updated that suspiciously do not appear on the Dragon isles :eyes: Orc ramparts and huts, for instance.


Do we know this for sure? We’re sending a whole expedition so I could see us building stuff on the islands and orcs are without question the mortal race with the most shared history with the black dragonflight.

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There is a real possibly that we may see a phasing situation where we eventually settle more on the islands. A part of the later story in patch content? From what I’ve been told from people exploring the alpha there are no orc villages or use of the bulk of blood elf assets that were datamined.


It would be weird if the Dragonmaw didn’t appear at all in the dragon xpac imo (gib Dragonmaw options pls Blizz).

Especially given that the most recent Aspect of Earth is Thrall, not Wrathion. I feel like he’s going to finally get his powers back as part of this xpac, since all of the other Aspects are too.

I’d really like to see more interaction between blood elves and orcs this xpac too. We don’t see much between them, but as far as Horde races go they’re the two most disciplined, orderly and martial and they seem to me like they should have a lot in common.


I seem to recall there being a mention of a Dragonmaw quest.

After a quick look, there is!

It sadly appears to be short. So I doubt that is where the assets come from.


tbh I feel like it deserves more than a side quest, but I’ll take what I can get at this point as far as orc storylines that aren’t about what massive pricks orcs are (even if it kind is about that).


I would love this as well. But let’s face it, if they were to pass each other and nod. The forums would explode with. Blood Elves and Orcs get all the attention.

I also count the Human options for Worgen

Now for the actual thread I would like to see void scarring on Void Elves. I like the idea of void fissures on their skin with tentacles and/or void corruption leaking from them. Void themed tattoos. Tentacle options for all current and future hairstyles. The ability to customize the color of the tentacles. Kept within the void color scheme though, blues, purples, magentas, etc.


I’d like to see glowing purple hair. Like full on void hair.

body horror


Makes me wish we could see more Updated World Assets. Like Thalassian Elven stuff and etc.