Get Ready to lay Siege to Stormwind!

Get Ready to lay Siege to Stormwind!

Get ready to lay siege to the Alliance city of Stormwind! On May 29, you and a guildmate can battle through Stormwind to earn unique rewards.

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We gotta do it actually together or…just, complete an aspect and they do an aspect and we are good to go?

Just heard that you are going to nerf some minis again. We need compensation for the nerf, or simply learn the Hearthstone, make returning the core and energy possible. Stop making pve players pay for pvp balance. WE ALL SPENT A LOT TIME AND ENERGY AND MONEY ON LEVELLING UP MINIS. Please!!!

Hope there will be auto search.
I dont want to ask in chat to people asking them join the battle all the time, and getting answers like - we already done it…

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Looks like if your guildie has already done it, they can still help you complete the raid… er siege… um, no I mean raid… :roll_eyes:

Only THREE comments on your big release Blizzard!??!? Whaaa?

Also, especially with yet another guild-dependent reward event (i.e. monthly “season”, Darkmoon Faire, and now Raids… or Sieges) we need an effective way to recruit active players. And for active players to find active guilds…

Raid co-op annoying

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Can we please have randoms or NPCs join for this stuff? I love this game but not forced co-op. Yall added this too late too as it seems the games too dead for this especially since no one has joined my guild after I purged the inactive who hadn’t been on for months.

Really terrible. Like I said before every time a game forces co-op, it works well in a dev setting or by those making the games because they always have their work friends and other game devs to ALWAYS play with while the actual player base will struggle to ever find a group. This is super annoying and game devs are literally this dumb lol

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Then change your guild. And look for a guild that has active players in it. But please no NPCs. And the game is not dead. There are enough players looking for guilds. We are also 20/20 and almost everyone has everything ready. And the players who still need help will be helped.

Would love to try this bit even co-ordinating with guild mates the game just hangs in the waiting for others to join queue, until I eventually have to relog. Haven’t been able to experience the stormwind raid/siege? at all it’s so impossible to get into.

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Man this is the only mobile game I like but I really don’t want to be forced to play with other people especially on a mobile game. A few times now I’ve had people leave on me mid game.

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No one in our guild has been able to even launch these. Get stuck waiting forever. Also requires the game client to restarted.

Very sad. Wish this game mode actually worked…

Come join The Haven. A public guild looking for active players with 90+ sigils. War chest, sieges, raids and pvp! Come help us, help you get your armies strong!

Glad I’m not the only person who is annoyed with forced co-op. I play this game because I didn’t have to play with others. If I want to raid with a guild, I’ll play WoW. This Siege and Raid system does nothing for solo players. If you’re going to force us to play with others, at least give the option to search for players outside of your guild or players not in guilds.


I would like to recommend adding a Pick Up Group option to multiplayer events. Requiring events like raids to a Guild only is very limiting to an average player, especially in a mobile game built around simple random time solo play. I would rather fail a raid 10 times with a stranger who can’t talk to me than join a random Guild and have to deal directly with people.

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I’m here again to say I find it very difficult to even enter the raid and I find myself guild hopping just to try and find someone who’s even online at the same time as me. Not only that but to even complete it you have to find someone who’s got a level 30 army. This is just not a good way to introduce new content to a mobile game where the majority of the playerbase has a limited window of playtime. I recommend making it more accessible for everyone.

Warcraft Rumble is from Blizzard. It should be clear from the start that it can be played with other players. And it said in the dungeons window from the start that there would be raids, i.e. that they were coming. Raids always have multiple players. It has always been like this with WOW and it always will be. I think it’s great that you can go through MC with two people and that you don’t need more than 2 players. I don’t know, but you can probably find someone out of 19 other players who wants to or can go through MC with you. It was clear to me from the start that Warcraft Rumble shouldn’t be a pure Sollo game. If you’re supposed to be MC for Sollo, then the rewards should be weaker. So Raganaros is weaker in the end than those who played it with two people. But you can’t cry when you lose the PVP game against players with a stronger Ragnaros.