Crashing constantly and restarting

Me too. Posted my details on this thread (no solution on thread, just details)

Maj complÚtement buguée.
Pb de quĂȘtes. Lenteur. Achat ne fonctionnant pas correctement. Et maintenant
 impossibilitĂ©s de se connecter.

Same here on S21 Ultra !

Experienced the crashing loop a day or so ago. I thought it was fixed and now it’s occurring again, even after downloading the update.

iPhone pro 13

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Same with you. Android.

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Mine also keep crashing today
frustrated about this

Just started for me after last update

ame version:
iOS 17.6.1

Same for me, game all time reload
Device type: Android
Device Model: Nubia RedMagic 9pro
Device Operating System: Android 14

Same issue here on Android. I was able to play with the update a few hours ago but now stuck in the authentication error and software is up to date

Same here, endless loop login:

  • Device Type: iPhone
  • Device Model: 8 Plus
  • Device Operating System: iOS 16
  • v8.5.0.102987/something

But come on - that doesnt matter, its happening on so many devices anyway.

Same here, crash started today. Yesterday was fine

Keeps loading & restarting, when finally entering the game. It has graphical errors & I cant do any quest due to loop.

I have the same problem.

Reinstall of the game has solved the issue for me

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Hi, same problem.
Device type: Samsung
Device type : A72
Operation system :Android 14

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This might be due to the phone user is also logged on to diablo immortal or hearthstone at the same time. I notice the looping behaviour stop once you closed those games. Good luck fixing the issue. :slight_smile:

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Yikes! 176 posts and only one is blue saying they are aware of a problem?!

iPhone 15
Was able to play early morning, but now caught in a constant crash loop on startup

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This thread actually started earlier this week when there was a similar issue. That’s what the blue post is responding to. That issue was fixed, then this one emerged when they released another patch. I haven’t seen a blue post acknowledging the new issue yet, although it’s clearly a widespread problem.

Does Blizzard follow these forums? Sometimes I wonder.

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I assume they don’t because any company worth its salt would have replied immediately.

Blizzard obviously doesn’t staff a social team.


Same issue, started 8/24/2024 for me. Samsung galaxy s23.