Crashing constantly and restarting

Typical Blizzard lol

Haha, clicked the welcome to Season 8 screen and got booted. The game went full sarcasm mode.

Every single time I click on leader page it causes the crash loop. Seems like everyone with problem has iOS.

Made same here didnā€™t start happening intill I made a 1.99 purchase

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This is getting really annoying

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Having the same issue.
iPhone 14 Pro Max
iOS Version 17.5.1

Seems like Blizzard shares their QA team with CrowdStrikeā€¦

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Seems to be fixed, after another in app download.

Same issue. Restarted my phone, reinstalled the app. Nothing works to make it stop crashing mid quest.

After second download in past hour it is at least playable. Still crashes but can now play a match and work on Darkmoon Faire. Guild says Android was working only iOS had problems.

Now seems to be working fine after the forced update. Annoying that I was unable to finish my arc lights and quest lineup because of the bug, as the daily reset happened as well.

Received & update & it is working now.

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Same for me! Very annoying bug! Just crashes randomly.

Same issue. Highly frustrated as Iā€™d hoped to close out PVP season today (needed 400 points). Working now after fresh reinstall (post season start) but feel like recompense is in order for a lost legendary core!

This thread started 18 hours ago and still canā€™t play. On iOS like everyone else. Yesterday had the crash loop so I just gave up and figured it would be fixed by today. Now Iā€™m not even able to load the game. Goes to 45% and then just stops. Canā€™t even get to the part where it continually crashes. If I didnā€™t waste so much money on this game I wouldnā€™t care as much but jfc at least give me what I pay for.

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After second update itā€™s now working properly.

There better be a nice comp chest for this BS!

Me crash cityā€¦missing out on all the progression, purchases, and already purchased.

  • Device Type: iPhone
  • Device Model: 15 Pro Max
  • Device Operating System: iOS
  • Warcraft Rumble App Version: latest update, as of 21.08.2024

Same for me ā€¦
Tablet Android 13

This is happening to me as well. When I launch rumble, and the loading bar starts, i get backed to the Blizzard logo screen. When I go back to the loading bar screen, it says O have an authetication issue, kicks back to the blizzard screen, and on and on.

I downloaded the latest from the android store, but i cannot click to copy the version I have.

I am on a Samsung Galaxy 24 Ultra.