Why does Warcraft 3 Reforged look so awful now?!

I too! Lets hope them back with that! The game needs that too to improve the gameplay!

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I’m so happy to see this thread bring something fresh and new to the top of the forums instead of being the same broken record spinning the same message over and over again.

What a great start to the new year!


Do you even know what ‘ray tracing’ is?

Speaking very broadly I’m not necessarily sure how this is a bad thing.

Waiter there’s new graphics in my Warcraft 3 soup.

Simple and nice feedback! Agreed with you, Myhria! Those Graphics,Lighting and Shadows of this actually Beta looks so outdated and weak. When we play the beta game the gameplay looks like the thins in the game don’t have any lighting reflection! Look to the buildings and models! Those things will have a old look without the graphical improviments! The models from Reforged have the Realistic-ArtStyle! And are the same too for the Buildings! Much of the game look as maded the things with realistic look! They said as tried the cartoon style before and after they choosed go ahead with the realistic style. If without the realistic improviments, that game will look strange and old. Because that they needs back with the modern graphics in general from the 2018 Demo! In the Demo you can see the Houses with Lightning reflection and good shadows! And in the models too, this graphical improviments needs back to the game in the release!


coz the beta looks aweful and only makes people dislike it.

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To you, sure.

My only problems are really with the tauren designs, some Undead unit recognition, and wishing for a bit more team colour on units.

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Learn English, Yoda

They need improve the graphics to looks the same product showed on 2018 Blizzcon! Is that product we buyed! Please back with the modern graphics and UI from the 2018 demo!


LOL! I came back here on the forums to visit after a month or so to see how Reforged is doing and what did I find out? More frustrated posts from people saying how awful it is. I mean, something is really not right here.

Either this community is crazy or Reforged REALLY is awful.

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Reforged is fine in both senses of the word. It could absolutely be a lot more but it’s not as rubbish as some people are trying to claim.

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You can’t possibly believe this.


I’ve been playing the beta and from what’s in there, it’s okay but there’s room for improvement.

In regards to the grander scheme of things for what’s to be the released product, yeah there’s some more glaring stuff.

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The new patch as come and this game still looking bad, old and ugly… Please do improviments to the graphics! This weak graphics don’t match! This game needs the realistic and modern graphics shown in the 2018 demo!


I hope the next update brings the 2018 demo graphics


they are they have been doing this since beta came out lol :slight_smile:

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Probably. There are only 2 weeks left before the release.

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Yes, Tokanhk! The upcoming updates needs to be an preparation to implement the modern graphics shown in the 2018 demo! I remember when the beta started last year, i think it was close to October! And before that i already always had been following those forums since the blizzcon2018! They asked for our Feedback in the beta! After that i become registered to the forums in early November and always trying to give the feedback they asked for to help improves the game! But i was very disappointed with the result of this game beta because the downgrade of graphics and the with the disappearance of the good UI shown earlier! That game now are looking like an old game! but with remaked models,buildings,icons and other things. That game has a realistic art style! Because of that art style this game essentialy needs the realistic modern good graphics from the 2018 demo!

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I hope they can bring an graphics update patch, please! <3

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Will the game be updated this week? I hope they improve the Graphics,Lighting,Terrain and the UI! Thanks!!