I doubt it man. I doubt that any of the things you mentioned in the above post are going to get implemented (but it would be cool if I was wrong). The game is basically going to be what we have now and that’s that.
There is still hope! I hope they can improve the graphics,terrain,lighting,shadows and the UI. Please! Thanks
Have hope! Many people have said that there is still time before release to fix what needs to be fixed. Look at the game the current look needs better graphics to match with their realistic models,buldings and effects. The 2018 demo had modern and realistic graphics, and these graphics matched very well with the realistic and modern look style. So these days they need to focus on this visual area, improve the UI, the demo UI is amazing and it looks clean and cool as you can see more parts of your screen. Now I will talk about lighting and shadows! It looks like the beta has no lighting reflection, everything looks so dry and super colorful, it hurts the eyes, the game without lighting makes the game look like an old game, they also need to improve the shadows in order to match well with the lighting, These types of modern and realistic look aspects are right for models and match constructions in a correct way, the best way is that they enhance these parts and bring the most modern and realistic style that had in demo version, finally the game need urgent improvements in these parts so with that it can will be able to look like an reforged game, the potential of this game will be huge if they improve these things, which is why we have to hope for the improvements of these things.
Feedback! The game are running smooth but the graphics still bad, we hope they can improve that graphics! Thanks!
How many times are you going to post in this thread? I get a notification every time you post in my thread, and it’s always the same thing.
The game isn’t changing this game is…I would type the word but I’d get a ban because Blizz watches me like hawks. The game is boned
I said before that game was running smooth? I don’t said that before, the game are running smooth now with that update, but the graphics still bad. But lets still hope because that really needs be improved to looks like the same product game featured in the 2018 blizzcon.
Video showing the graphical comparison between Beta and Demo.
Hint There’s a big difference.
But… its beta, in just 10 days everything will look amazing! Don’t worry guys it’s gonna be fine!
The difference is huge! Beta graphics looks so downgraded and are without lighting effects! The shadows are weak too, this is sad! Beta now are looking like an old game
Warcraft 3 Reforged in the release needs look like with the same graphics from the DEMO in the launch and all will be fine! Lets hope <3
It really is unfortunate that Blizz failed so hard on this project.
This comparison is a fair a meme for expectations vs reality…
I see that the quality are on low settings, but Wtf is this?¡¿ with polyurethane armor??
Still remaining time! Please improve that things, thanks!
Kinda looks like a game turned down to potato settings to me.
2018 version looked a lot better. That being said, Grubby is probably using low graphics settings.
Game still looks awful btw. It should look exactly like 2018 version. That one looked polished an units are clearly distinguishable.
Yes, the 2018 demo still looks more better than the currently beta. Lets hope them improve the graphics.
Lets hope, people! Day 28 is very close! We hope they bring the graphics from the 2018 demo in the release, please!
I am bumping this thread, as it is the proof of a couple things me and others are debating on other threads.
1- The negative feedback about beta graphics, saying we prefer 2018 ones, comes from months ago, like October and November.
A very adequate time, months before release, and while still in early beta.
So this has nothing to do with some last minute haters.
2- Here I see many many users that -unlike the fanboys that post on every thread saying our feeeback is wrong and inadequate- voiced their opinion once, and didnt insist much more.
Its clear that there are many users giving same feedback like we are giving now, vs the half dozen of whiteknights acting as the typical very loud minority.
This complains come from months ago, and by many different users.
Many seem to have ceased to complain months ago, probably losing interest on the game and or refunding.
not really myhria and souichirou have been spamming the forum with the same posts every day
true, but it goes both ways, as its the same with a couple or three whiteknights, posting every day, on evert thread, replying every opinion, and even saying their feedback is wrong and out place.
In fact this has snowballed thanks to those fanboyish white knights trying to silence obsessively any feedback they didnt like.
As said, I even got a “stop spoiling our fun” reply to one of my calm, reasoned and non clonic feedback post, lol.
Still in this very thread theres more than a dozen different users agreeing with them, another dozen in a different one…etc