Why are you all so bothered? The solution

Neither. 4 Barbarian choices prove nothing, as they will all play exactly the same. A Barbarian + an Amazon would have been varied, as they both would have different societal norms, roloplay expectations, and class features.


No it isn’t but, does it really matter?
There comes a point where all of it looks the same and we’re seeing communists in our soup.


Not mad they added a female dk, just making sure that we have the option to select skins or favorites to random, which for me might include female chars. Also I would like the option to disable bonus skins if not for me for them pros that wont crossover for the competitive disadvantage from playing classic Warcraft III

Cos’ this forum is essentially populated by cretins who are so insecure about their own masculinity they can’t stand a bit of well-needed diversity in videogames. I agree we should get to choose (and it appears we will), but the amount of butthurting that I’ve been seeing around here is mind-boggling.

The entire wc3 demographic is 99% male.
Who are they cathering towards with a female DK?
Girls don’t play RTS so whats the point?
v swap out the .
cdn.vox-cdn . com/thumbor/Y0Cty2TQLdp79t1RyIC6nLuYDqQ=/0x0:1870x1604/1120x0/filters:focal(0x0:1870x1604):format(webp):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/7842523/genre_gender_averages.png

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People that just think an alternate depiction might be cool. Mapmakers are grateful for more content to use in their own content without the time and energy expenditures to make it themselves since it’s provided for them.

I am a mapmaker, but honestly this isn’t something i care about.
I’d rather they fix the editor so that it doesn’t crash and that has poor performance.
The extra assets is a waste of time that can be added after launch.

The art team probably doesn’t use their time on programming the editor.

No, but people are complaining about the looks of the water elementals and other models that are in dire need of work. It’s a poor use of money and development time. Also it upsets the most extreme parts of the fanbase, when they don’t have to.

I’m wondering about that, too. What the actual hell

Ugh! “Oh, Arthas, how could you even think of that!”
My God! It was a healthy game! By the way, you forgot about the crazy feminists…
What do we see in the ugly portraits of the high elves?

Yeah, well, and also add a special button to disable thick and bearded faces and woody bracelets on dreadlords!))

Then make that point initially because it is relevant to what the art team does for development rather than a side tangent about the editor.

Would be great to rework that model, new water elementals look unnatural and not water-like. Like some kind of gel.)

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I’ve already given my critique on the editor, art and especially the state of the game.
Honestly i just don’t care anymore at this point, because they don’t care about feedback and it shows.
Paladin still has that awful haircut that everybody hates.

Didn’t feedback get them to scale back the amount of changes in the Reforged campaign.

I’m not complaining about gender changes because I expect female versions to be optional, but I’d annoyed if it isn’t or it’s fully random. Two reasons for this.

  • First, this is not how it was in Reign of Chaos. Death knights were riding a horse, held a runeblade and happened to be male. If the new death knight model was a male but held a mage staff while walking on foot, I would also be annoyed. Of course optional, alternative models are fine, as long as I can select “stay close to the original and forget the rest”. If this is the case, you can implement a female death knight riding a unicorn and fighting with a lollipop, for all I care.

  • Second and perhaps more to the point, the reason female versions are implemented is because it has become fashionable to do so, due to pressure campaigns organized by people who believe this will change society for the better. While I happen to be sympathetic to that cause, I also don’t want a political issue to affect video games, especially one that didn’t care about it originally. For example, I watch something as obviously silly as James Bond to see car chases, crazy vilains and a psychopathic dandy gunning down armies of helpless henchmen. Not being reminded yet again that not being prejudiced and treating women well are good things.

You are right.I hope they will add an option to remove wowers from the game.

I’m agree that if it is optional, I am fine. Now the creator of this thread added in the whole ‘character people can relate to’ BS, which I don’t agree with, but I don’t have a problem with the female death knight and do think most people are overreacting to this situation.

I disagree with this one. From the perspective of the developers, I think it had something more on the lines of ‘wouldn’t be cool if you could play a female death knight or demon hunter, it’s lore friendly and it shouldn’t step on anyone’s toes.’ It’s the same line of thinking that gave us the night elves, a faction with full female warriors, yet no one complains about them, even though when the came out in 2002, they were an entirely new faction with no bearing on any of the previous lore. In fact, Blizzard made the night elves amazon style because they simply thought it would be more interesting, nothing political about it.

I’m annoyed that everyone is making this political in the first place. It isn’t a lesbian death knight, or some purple haired transgender blood elf, it’s just a death knight skin. I have no problem with this, and if it is optional (which seems the case, evident with things like bonus skins in spoils of war), I don’t see why anyone should.