What happened to the graphics?

To me, it’s a deal breaker. The 2018 demo looked incredibly bland and depressing. I’m happy Blizzard hearkened to me.

By the way, why are you speaking out only now? This has been out since October 14th.

What? It’s utterly impossible! Look at all the new models! New UI! New tilesets! New Russian voices!

I think it’s pretty clear the Demo trees/tilesets/shadows objectively looked better and more natural than the current Beta. Any arguments against it seems based on purest nostalgia or they didn’t like the units actually fitting within the environment.

For those optimistic that these trees are on medium setting and will look like the Demo ones once high is ready, I highly doubt it if they have new screenshots on the playwarcraft3 site with the updated trees looking no different. And why wouldn’t they showcase their best graphics settings there? Granted the blight on one of those screenshots is not even corrupting the trees under it.

Unit models and other doodads look great, but tilesets/trees definitely don’t look on the same level as the amount of detail/work put into them. I really think the immersiveness of the environment is really important to the overall quality of the gameplay and to watch it as a spectator. But I’ll be okay with the current look if they changed it mainly for the sake of preserving FPS.

Honestly, I’d be content if they just darken the grass and shadow. I think it’ll make a big difference. The shadows are so light right now that it doesn’t even feel like the units are standing on the ground but rather just moving above it. Same with the current trees, they’re just placed above the ground rather than feeling like part of the environment like the Demo. (Yes, there’s a difference to that) Hopefully we get the Reforged unit sounds/music at Blizzcon so that might help enhance the experience.


The terrain is the biggest disappointment. The new HD models look funny running over what appears to be basically the old terrain tiles with a few minor changes.

If what we are seeing is the tile-set package, well that is a kick in the guts!


I just played my first reforged game and graphics are ok. The terrain looks good too.

Perhaps instead of being part of the loud annoying minority on the internet you could be useful and offer more constructive feedback. Offer specific changes you’d like to see.

“Better” is subjective, what do YOU consider better? What change do you think they should make?

You trashing a game on forums and online in general will get nothing changed and your posts ignored by the devs.

It’s always been like this.


He did it. Here.

But here is my very first post on this forum!

or people need to take stuff like this into account



im actually not upset, just capzin for coolnees

EDIT why did i say hardware

Hahahahaha, blizzard “hearkened” to you… so much autism dude, keep believing they trashed away the option to have realistic graphics just to make fans happy and not because of framerate lololol

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The game looks too cartoony and bright while it previously looked good


Wait, what? The fans are happy when the framerate is high!

And don’t pretend there wasn’t a deep divide between the cartoonishists and realisticists. I got what I wanted - sharp realistic models with bright saturated terrain.

I do hope they turn up the shadows a bit more. That could be considered an objective downgrade.

I think some of you are forgetting that Warcraft 3 is an e-sport game. Many people have played the game for years or almost decades. I would prefer it if the graphics were a bit worse but allow good micro and visibility of the units.

In addition, the game is just in an early BETA. There’s a lot more that can change. It is also completely unclear whether this current state is the right development version or simply the most stable one to date.

More people played WC3 for custom maps than ladder. The races and more specifically the heroes have terrible internal balance which makes ladder very repetitive.

Terrain is paramount to reviving the custom map community. It’s looks like they have spent all the time on the unit models and forgotten to invest in detailed tile-sets.


The game is very good balanced. The problem is: if you are bad and don’t know how to counter anything it seems unbalanced. If you are medium-skilled player then the story looks quite different and if you are a pro then it is clearly well balanced overall.

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Ok, if there is such great internal balance home come many of the heroes are not viable in competitive play? why do Undead have pretty much one play style etc?

I can’t agree more with this. I have a AOC C24G1, 24’ fullHD cuved monitor and in 2019/20 the UI(console/HUD who how it call it) tooks 8cm high and 40cm width from my screen really?! It looks like we stuck in 2002/4. I hope the final version of reforged will have an option to change the UI to reconcile both kind of players who love the old UI and those who wish a smaller one to got more view on the game.


First of all, the number of available playing styles doesn’t say anything about the balance.

But it doesn’t really matter. The reason for this is that your example is just nonsense after all?

Dk, Lich, Fiends, Abos/Destro
DK mix Guhls and Fiends
DL/Dk, Lich, Guhls, Necrowagon
DL/Dk, Lich, Guhls, Gargs
DK Guhl or Fiends and Banshees etc.
DL Fexpo
CL Fexpo

Fexpo with MK/AM
No Expansion => T2 or T3
T2 Expansion
Tower Rush
Paladin + Rifle
Knights, Griffons, Caster combinations…

let’s not talk about the countless amount of playstyles you have here


combined with:
Walker & Raider, Raider, Wyvern, T3 Exp, T3 Caster, with new patch even T3 Tauren, Tower Rush

… be creative and you can also make other stuff work. I didn’t even mention tavern heroes.

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Yep. All those 0.01% active wc3 twitch streamers who demand this. 99% who bring actually more money on the table for blizz via sold game copies doesnt matter at all.

That’s the problem for blizzard. They listen minorities with wrong arguments. Or they don’t listen at all.


Models look terrible as well. They are “pretty” and that’s a problem. This is not an issue of graphics and polygon count, but that the art style is so uninspired. Warcraft units should be bulky and comical. These new ones have absolutely zero personality.

I don’t get a warcraft 3 vibe at all and feel that the wrong team was working on this remake.


But they are. Arthas, the Footman, Grunt even, and Tauren were all in people’s crosshairs because of the sheer scale of some of their proportions. Whether it was their armour, their weapon, or themselves. I don’t get the ‘uninspired’ comment though.

We’ve known since last BlizzCon - when and where it was announced - that their inspiration was them pointing at the Warcraft cinematics and going “we want that”. Which I think they nailed. Truthfully I hope Reforged’s artstyle is definitive for the series and what I’d want a World of Warcraft 2 or Warcraft 4 to keep going with.


great job admitting to help ruining classic wc3 I hope you’re happy

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