What are you making Blizzard? Reforged or Remade?

It isn’t all that difficult, just a bit of a learning curve. But if you’re interested, I know a few tutorials which got me on track.

Wow model viewer is fine, I don’t know what you’d think is wrong with it.

But anyways you should be able to make machinimas with more advanced systems the same way.

I’d still need voice actors for that type of sh!t.

I don’t know any voice actors and I’m not spending money on them.

Warcraft 3 cutscenes in the classic style don’t need voice acting. So I’ll continue down THAT route.

For that too, I have a tip.
check out castingcall.club. Free voice actors doing it for a hobby

Anyways, were way off topic now

Nope! Not doing it! It’s a damn crapshoot.

My way is better for my needs.

…And yes we are.

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Actually you are kinda being dishonest here.

And then right before this you say…

You did not get or pay for new models or animations and such in SC:R.

Again no they did not “redo” the graphics in SC:R, they scaled up the resolution of the existing models and art. Reforged is an example of the graphics actually being redone.

Again no they did not.

I can understand that with the decision to keep the campaign experience the same that some may feel its not worth the money. However you have on multiple post attempted to draw comparisons to SC:R when there is actually little comparisons to be had here. Completely redoing the models and art assets is considerably more work than taking art and up rezzing it to a higher resolution.

Please don’t assume your opinion speaks for other war3 fans. It’s my fav game and I’ve followed warcraft since the war1 demo. I don’t agree with your opinion. And it is my opinion (which has as much merit as yours) that if they are “reforging” a game, then that should include updates to out of date lore and revamps to campaign elements that didn’t feel as good. The original campaign will always be available in classic war3. This isn’t classic war3.


Are you kidding me?

Did you not know that all graphics in SC:R had to have new models made in order for them to high res?

They are all new models made to make every sprite. Did you think they just put the old sprites through a filter or something?

Don’t reply until you do your research. Seriously. You prolly didn’t even know the company doing reforged models, Lemonsky, worked on SC:R.

After Blizzcon its painfully obvious this game is simply a Remastered version of WC3. The word ‘reforged’ has been used to create marketing hype and suck people in. Unfortunately the devs have done their best to back-track.

Blizzard should do the right thing and update the name to WC3 Remastered. That would be a fair representation of what we are getting in a few months.

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Yeah, keep throwing around Polygon’s article which is directly contradicted by this:

LINK_Warcraft 3 Reforged’s story isn't changing to fit WoW because people love the voice actors | PC Gamer

Originally the Warcraft 3 team, with the help of writer Christie Golden, were going to rewrite some story elements of Warcraft 3—changes that would help bring a “renewed focus to a few central characters that we thought deserved a little bit more time in the limelight,” Pete Stillwell, Warcraft 3: Reforged senior producer, said last year at BlizzCon. Key characters like Jaina Proudmoore and Sylvanas Windrunner would have been given more “camera time” in Warcraft 3 Reforged.

However, over the last year unhappy fans have been vocal about that decision. Their continued persistence lead the Warcraft 3 team to scrap the story retconning, as Robert Bridenbecker, executive producer and vice president at Blizzard Entertainment, told Polygon in a recent interview.

But it wasn’t because the fans weren’t open to story changes. It was because they knew it meant changes to the original voice acting—and those fans love the original voice acting.

Matt Morris, senior 2 game designer on Warcraft 3 Reforged, told me the team backed away from retconning the story to WoW because fans wanted to hear the original voice actors and sound effects. “Sounds from clicking on the grunt to hearing Arthas and Illidan’s voice, that was what they didn’t want changed.” If the team was able to change the story and still preserve how the voice actors sounded all those years ago, maybe the fans would have been open to story changes. But because fans were adamant about keeping the original voices, it made the team think about how else they could connect Warcraft 3 to WoW.

They ended up redesigning certain locations in Warcraft 3 to match what exists today in WoW. The look of locations like Silvermoon, Stratholme, and Dalaran had evolved in WoW while they remained the same in Warcraft 3. “We spent a lot of time leveling up the looks and the aesthetics of these missions so that players familiar with the Warcraft story can say, ‘oh, this is where this event happened’ or ‘I raided here.’”

TL;DR – The campaigns are still reforged. All that got cut were the new cinematic cameras and the content that would have seen the entire campaign get re-voiced. All the other stuff is still in.

They just sat there and pressed the “Photoshop” button, clearly.

SC:R is literally just hd remakes of the original SC ones. Reforged features new models, as in completely new not an HD recreation, since it features a new art style so everything had to be created from the ground up and redesigned to fit this new style.

If i gave you the impression that it was the exact same assets as in they just transferred it over I apologize as I worded it poorly, I meant its the same model design just an HD version of it. My point is that SC:R is just recreating the same models and design to suit HD resolutions where as reforged required a complete redesign due to its art change as well as the creation of new models that do not even have a counter part in the original. More time and work was put into reforged than SC:R on the visual front and implying otherwise is disingenuous. SC:R was remaking SC in HD where as reforged is remaking WC:3 with a totally new visual style…hence reforge vs remaster.

Now as I said a new art style alone may not be enough to entice people to buy into it and thats a fair point. Plenty of people had been expecting a more fleshed out and in depth campaign experience and I can sympathize there. But personally I am still ok with the reforged title as I think the new art alone is worthy of it bus thats just me, others will obviously feel differently.

It doesn’t matter if the designs are the same or different. It would have needed to be done with the same pipeline from design to model to final animation and effects.

SCR would have needed new designs to bring out the details that simply never existed in the original SC models. No matter if they keep it looking the same, they need new designs for the modellers to make any kind of upres model. That is a lot of work, and in the end it was still a $15 remake.

Reforged was going to do all it offers now, and new voices, and new campaign. That justifies a price of $40.

If you take away the campaign changes and voices, then I say drop the price of the game down to $25. That is still MORE than SCR pricing, yet nowhere as high as the intended full package they initially announced.

But what we have now is a $40 package that is mostly the art revamp. It isn’t what they promised, its a bait and switch, and I don’t blame anyone choosing to cancel their preorder. This is not excusable by the actions of the diehards who already would have had the option of keeping the original campaign and voices.

Again “New campaign” is stretching your narrative honestly…what you would have gotten is EXACTLY the same campaign missions as previously and what you will get now, just with new voice acting and some additional cutscenes with Sylvanas and Jaina here and there…you make it sound like each mission would have been re-designed and that the “Reforged campaign” would have been entirely new and widely different to the original campaigns which is simply not true. They said it then, just like now that they would only change the layouts of the maps that they felt needed the updates most and the story/lore would remain 99% the same.

Again what you now mainly just lost was the new voice acting (not needed in FIRST PLACE imho, when the original voice acting was excellent as it WAS), the remade ingame cutscenes like they did that Stratholme cutscene last year (atleast for most parts, and of that we can mostly all agree its a shame) and just few added in dialogue/cutscenes to add more to the story of Jaina and Sylvanas.

Again you seem to think that Refroged in its original plan would have been this entirely remade Warcraft III, but that never really was the case…yes it was going to be more than just simple “remaster” and in my books it still is (reminder here how many “remasters” in the past have been nothing but resolution updates), but not really a fully fleshed out remake that would have redesigned the campaign missions from scratch and added in big amounts of new lore and characters.

Still I can fully understand why you would want your money back or atleast making Reforged cheaper now. But personally Im still happy to pay even that original price for it, cause I didnt really ask for any new lore additions or new voice acting in the first place. Im personally perfectly happy with visual update alone and with the newly designed character models. I would however would gladly give them more development time in order to remake those ingame cutscenes or even pay little more to see that happening.

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Well it does make a difference because if you are changing the basic art style and appearance then you have to go all the way back to the concept stage where you draw out how you want these new units to look then create models for them, figure out how you want them to move, animate them accordingly, etc. SC:R has at best minor changes if any to its models which saves time and effort as it more of a recreation than a redesign.

The goal with SC:R was to remain as close to the original as possible. Reforged wanting to make things functionally the same but look and move differently makes things harder because all these new models and animations still need to sync up with the old models attack intervals and hit boxes etc. In SC:R the path is more laid out for you where as reforged requires a bit more off roading because you dont have as clearly a defined final picture as you do in star crafts case. This leads to a lot more trial and error and fine tuning. There is also the problem of working on something then you boss decides he doesn’t like the look of it and you gotta start over. Thats less likely to happen in SC:R as again you know where you wanna end up already you just gotta make it happen.

Again tho I agree with you as far as the campaign goes if all reforge does offer at the end of the day is a new art style that does objectively lower it value. At the end of the day thats going to be a consumer decision we all will have to make.

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they probs did some calculations and spending time on a new campaign wont make em any bucks.

Hey :slight_smile:
I am one of these ‘few’ like tons of other people…

But thats stupid… you can play Reign of Chaos also…

We all want Reforged to be a great game! - and there is a way
A few days before Blizzcon 2019, a pre beta screenshot appeard. It says that you have the option to choose for the old campaign with reforged graphics, OR the new reforged campaign with story changes and amazing graphics. And thats the way we all get what we want. But I think the real problem is the factor of ‘time’.

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How curious, I also want Reforged to be a great game!

That’s why I want it to get as far away from World of Warcraft as possible!

You see? we have different visions for the same purpose :wink:

At this point, Blizzard should take a look at this post and think to themselves how they screwed it up so much. I was glad hearing i wasn’t the only 1 feeling bad about this when i first read it. Pursists totally ruined it all early 2019.

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Why? Please explain that in detail. I want to understand…

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So let me ask you where were YOU in late 2018/early 2019 when we talked against new voice acting or lore additions? When were you then when we made it clear on these forums and as well as in WC3: Reforged YT trailers that we would NOT want any new voice acting, atleast from WoW’s voice actors. Where were you back THEN to voice your own opinions?

Besides I think you are giving too much “credit” to us “purists”…I think its quite clear that the REAL reason Blizzard scrapped their original plans was that they simply lacked either the time or the resources or BOTH to go through with what they had originally planned year ago.