What are you making Blizzard? Reforged or Remade?

They used to make Reforged but now they downgraded to remastered.

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Would you be willing to create a new thread out of this? I really like the idea and want it to receive more attention and discussion. :smiley:

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No more new threads please jesus christ there are already 100 today repeating the same things over and over.

If the dev team was a little more involved with the community instead of being Mute for a year I might give them some slack. BUt this is very sad.

Sounds like they just ran out of time.


Find me those 100 threads or you’re lying :smirk:

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Look at the front page of this forum RIGHT NOW and you will see.

And look at the posts from the past 24 hours.

more threads the better because the dev team already misinterpreted what we have been saying for a year.

Just shows how wrong you are on that.

Also the fact you think throwing your toys out of the pram by continious spam will get you anywhere other than BANNED from posting anything else on the forum.

If only they had active moderators :wink:

Go and read this: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/warcraft3/t/forum-guidelines-please-read/28

I bet none of you did when you started this all off today.

It isn’t spam so you would be very bad moderator for banning people who are confused. And there is a lot of confusion regarding the direction of Reforged and the team behind it will need to clarity for us.

It also doesn’t help when they only listened to the vocal minority regarding the story changes.

But posting petitions and repeat postings of threads over and over is.

Stalker comes to mind.

Both games needed completely new models and art, and thats what we pay for.

Reforged was featuring new campaign and updated voices. While I never agreed with that change, I can justify the $40 price tag for the work involved. Voice acting is not free.

But if they’re rolling back and cutting out the voices and the updates to the campaign, then what justification is thete for the game still at the same price?

I never said it is the exact same as SCR, but the work involved is scaling back to a remaster rather then ‘Reforged’. Again, I am saying this on the basis of a campaign that is exactly as the original, meaning stratholme reverted back to WC3 style instead of being enhanced. I think that is a bait and switch.

No dishonesty here.

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I wouldn’t call changing the campaign maps and adding NPCs that weren’t in the original game (even if they’re just cameos) a “remaster and not Reforged.” I mean, that’s what I personally paid for anyway.

I’m glad they’re not throwing in poorly-written side content, even if it WAS going to be by Christie Golden. She’s a good writer but Blizzard’s current loremaster is a total hack and nothing of Metzen’s caliber.

If they are keeping that then yes, I would be okay. But this is all assuming they are rolling back to WC3 campaign based on fan demands, that is what I am talking about.

And if they aren’t gonna change the voices, then i think the game should still be cheaper. I think the price is already too high for a remake and they were doing too much by redoing voices, so if they scale it back so too should the price. But of course they aren’t gonna do that.

They’re keeping the map changes and lore character cameos.

LINK_Warcraft 3 Reforged’s story isn't changing to fit WoW because people love the voice actors | PC Gamer

Matt Morris, senior 2 game designer on Warcraft 3 Reforged, told me the team backed away from retconning the story to WoW because fans wanted to hear the original voice actors and sound effects. “Sounds from clicking on the grunt to hearing Arthas and Illidan’s voice, that was what they didn’t want changed.” If the team was able to change the story and still preserve how the voice actors sounded all those years ago, maybe the fans would have been open to story changes. But because fans were adamant about keeping the original voices, it made the team think about how else they could connect Warcraft 3 to WoW.

They ended up redesigning certain locations in Warcraft 3 to match what exists today in WoW. The look of locations like Silvermoon, Stratholme, and Dalaran had evolved in WoW while they remained the same in Warcraft 3. “We spent a lot of time leveling up the looks and the aesthetics of these missions so that players familiar with the Warcraft story can say, ‘oh, this is where this event happened’ or ‘I raided here.’”

Basically we’re not getting anything we didn’t actually see for ourselves last year.

Not true, they cut out the reforged custscenes. Which again was a major selling point. And it’s also still on their website.

Not a major selling point for me.

I wanted to use Reforged to make Warcraft machinima, I can’t do that with those highly advanced cutscenes that would absolutely 100% require voice acting, let alone knowledge of how to make those animations even work.

You can use compositing or 3d to make proper machinimas, would be better than using the game.

No I can’t. That’s not even machinima.

But it is. You are using assets of the game. WoW machinima for instance; about 80% of it is green screen compositing.

May be a bit off topic but;

There is something I made with just After effects, I recommend it :smiley:

And that’s too difficult to use. No thanks.

WoW model viewer isn’t even that good; I don’t know why people still use it.

And Warcraft 3 will allow me to create custom locations specifically for the machinima.