What are you making Blizzard? Reforged or Remade?

You still havent noticed how much most Warcraft III/Warcraft RTS fans HATE WoW and what it has done to the lore of Warcraft? Thats why…we think that the story, the characters and the lore of Warcraft deserve better than what WoW has done to them and thats why we are still holding on to slim hope that one day WC IV would abandon and scrap WoW’s timeline and reboot the story from WC3: TFT…and that is also why we want WC3: Reforged to have as little as possible lore retcons when it comes to pleasing WoW fans.

I mean think it kind of like how Terminator fans think of the new movies…most people decide to entirely ignore them/NOT even consider them as part of the canon…its the same way with most of WC3/Warcraft RTS fans when it comes to WoW.

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Hey :blush:
Thats quiet easy. Why would we talk about something that is planned to be a feature anyways? Why should we say: „YOU HAVE TO DO THIS“, when they are already planning to do this? I never thinked of this before, I was only happy to this be a feature and will close many story holes. And now? The only thing will mentioned are people like you, who have had a so loud voice that blizzard can‘t ignore that. The other ones, had never a reason to say something to a ‚promise‘ from blizzard… until now. I really understnad your thinking of keeping the lore as it was, but we could have both… there was actually a ‚pre-beta‘ screenshot that show an option where you can choose what you want to play: the old improved campaign, or the new (linked to WoW) campaign. I really like it that people like you stand their point, but the problem is… theres not only one opinion/option.

Have a nice day mate :raising_hand_man:t2:


Except there is one fault in your logic…Warcraft III already IS 99% linked to WoW as it is…so stop talking like it isnt. And in fact it still will be even further in Reforged thanks to lot of the cities/locations looking much more like in WoW and hey, you even DO get to kill Anasterian Sunstrider in the Reforged Silvermoon map.

Anyhow I know my opinion is not the only one, but lets say that Reforged team really DID listen to our voices and that would have been the real reason they scrapped new voice acting and lore additions (I still think the real reason is related to budget/deadline of getting the game out in 2019). It would be great for people like us who have been the most hardcore fanbase of Warcraft III and Warcraft RTS games ever since 2002-2003. It would be great that Blizzard would give more weight to our opinion, cause lets face the facts…Warcraft fanbase is clearly extremely divided on the matter whether they do or do not like what has been going on in WoW.

So should the day come that we ever get to see Warcraft IV, Blizzard again would have to make the choice who will they listen to…those who want its storyline to go along with WoW or those who dont. And this atleast gives me bit more hope they might actually listen to those of us who most vocally would express our opinions as soon as any plans for Warcraft IV would be announced. You know that we would be there again demanding Blizzard to ignore the storyline of WoW either entirely or as much as possible and let Warcraft IV create alternative storyline, free from the shackles of MMO game.

Thats what we have been saying for years and will continue to say, that Blizzard should keep WC as RTS franchise and WoW as MMO as seperate as possible from one another. I know darn well that this would not please lot of people, but no matter what Blizzard would decide to do, they would show their backs on some fans.

So if Reforged team really based their decision of scrapping remade voice acting (and few of the added in new lore/dialogue bits along with it), it gives me atleast small amount of hope they might listen to us again with Warcraft IV, rather than the MMO fans. Either way even if with Warcraft III: Reforged there might have been a way of pleasing everyone, we all know that with Warcraft IV that would no longer be possible. So thats why Im glad that with this decision Warcraft III: Reforged WONT add another connections to WoW that only WoW players would really appreciate, cause then again that might mean that if we get Warcraft IV one day, it would pick on Warcraft III’s story rather than go along whatever WoW did over all these years. Very slim chance, I know, but this add bit more hope to it.

Blizzard should do everything in WoW to please its playerbase and with Warcraft RTS games to do everything to please the RTS fanbase…while there are ofc those of you who enjoy both, making clear distinction between the two would work the best for most of the fanbase, cause whether you like to admit it or not, it still holds true that MMO and RTS games have two very different target audiences…

And although the RTS fanbase might be significantly smaller, we make up for it by being all the more vocal, as this case proved.

First of all, i have always been here, but i didnt post anything cuz in 2018 what they showed us is what i Appriciated <- think i spelled that wrong, and the rest of us who are complaining now near the release is because the game look so bad cuz of obvious reasons. Back then things were fine and nostalgia ruined it, but now with all the changes and cut content the purists doesn’t even talk anymore cuz they got what they wanted. And now ppl who appreciated the 2018 demo wants to show blizzard what a bad decision look like. They could make everything optinal. And i hope you understand what im trying to say. Maybe some parts werent perfect but it was decent good. and if u look up on youtube from the demo alot of people were looking forward to it.

Sorry for bad english or smh- Not my main language.

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Thank you alot for making this so clearer than my statement ^^

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Exactly. Thanks