We have been scammed

Yep, there still falsley advertising on the website m8. Still tricking people.

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Good to see another soul well versed in the lore of all things Warcraft! Not that today’s a festival or anything, but here I raise a cup in your name. :beer:

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There’s nothing false on the website. You just have poor reading comprehension skills.

You’ll find out once you play wc3 reforged for the first time.

So explain what “reimagining” means, then.

It says, and quote, “Warcraft® III: Reforged™ is a complete reimagining of a real-time strategy classic.” It obviously doesn’t mean the gameplay, since they’re going above and beyond to make sure it feels/plays the same (which is good), so what else does it mean?

To me re-imagining means, looks and somewhat feels new but is at the core the same. Like if you drew a dog and then reimagined a dog it would still be a dog, it wouldn’t be a cat or a wolf. So I expect ZERO changes to the story. Maybe some new voice lines but I’m glad they didn’t. Possible some new missions instead of changing old ones. And changing graphics and maps which they are confirmed to be doing. So this outrage is unwarranted. Those new maps could be a lot different.

There is absolutely no problem, no insult to the RTS genre, no broken promises, no reason to complain. Stop crying and search 4v4 rt now.

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Risky click. But since the game isn’t called remake it’s not. People preordering got burnt or think they did. Lesson learned. Cancel, move on. QQ

People pre-ordering only got burnt in the sense Blizzard used their marketing hype to sell a so called Reforged game. When in reality its actually just a Remaster with minimal changes. Financially, Blizzard are happy to accept requests for refunds so its not the end of the world.

I really just wish they were more honest and up-front early on in development. They definitely made Reforged into something bigger than they ever intended. Its great for the so called ‘purists’ as they are getting WC3 Remastered but why not lead with that from the start…it would have avoided creating such a divide and ultimately confusion. Don’t mistake what you want with what Blizzard actually promised and/or eluded to with their marketing…they fooled many people here.

You have been scammed by your own expectations.

also you haven’t really been scammed, just cancel pre order and begone. no one is stopping you.

unless yourself.

The fact there are so many people in the same boat goes to show how crap a job Blizzard has done at communicating what this game was offering. They very much over sold this game, knowing full well they were never intending to do many of the things players were excited about.

I have already canceled my pre-order and will await to see what else Blizzard announces before making a final decision If will invest time in playing the game.

Having played the Beta, the game play is exactly the same as the original so that will at least keep current players happy and maintain the existing ladder community. Its just a shame the other areas of the game have missed the boat.


i aint in ur boat tho, just letting you know :point_right::smile::point_right:

i simply have astronomically more the reap from Reforged then yall people that are pissed about 2 things.

not being retconned by vava and adding of entirely new missions
and cutscenes

which means most new people are ready to ditch the game after 30 hours of campaign.

or more like 60 or 90 idk you guys have some giant tower expectations out there.
someone said to me he’d pay 100$ for new campaigns being added.
yeah because a side project for blizzard done by a small team can do that.

I get it, you are happy with what is being delivered. From your perspective I am happy for you, its a great feeling when a game delivers to your expectations.

My main gripe if I boil it down to one thing is simple this:

Blizzard hyped this game on initial release and talked about all these amazing things and the potential for what Reforged meant. They then went silent, failed to communicate with the community, failed to address and reset expectations early on and ultimately allowed the hype train to chug on. They did this knowing full well they couldn’t deliver on what a significant portion of the ‘Refogred’ community both wanted and had come to expect.

They then shattered many peoples dreams in one afternoon at Blizzcon. Now I appreciate you really don’t care, but my issue isn’t with you…its that Blizzard has allowed the community to become divided and toxic so they could maximize pre-orders. They could literally read the forums and engage the community to set clear expectations and they chose not to do so.


I get you too my man, and i mostly agree with what you said up there.

hey mean i aint happy about Reforged models being outsourced and not looking true to the original art style of warcraft 3. and their dead silence.

i mean radio silence atleast has a static sound, we didn’t even get that. and the Reforged panel wasn’t even meant to be seen because it was a paid only show for people only being their.

what’s disappointed about that is they have been silent and still are even though they should be sharing with us what they said at that panel.

i gotta say though, mostly people like me were really pumped for this because it felt like they were literally talking to us in our homes. they reaching out to the existing community of wc3 the one that was around before Reforged.

we all knew what they said meant, but Reforged people sort of took that and had more expectations then they should have had. and well them not communicating and clarifying this issue isn’t helping.

when in reality people like me were just happy with dedicated servers, more editions to the world editor and bug fixes and polish.

we mostly got that. i’m a happy soul. but then again i entered inside this community 4 years ago, i knew from day 1 of Reforged we should be glad we’re getting dedicated servers let alone some god knows what level of content that prob isn’t really coming.

I feel lied too, if I wanted to replay the same old Warcraft 3 Campaign missions I replay Warcraft 3 Campaign missions. I was looking forward to replaying these campaigns where they have new twists. New objectives or new aspects they didn’t tackle first time.

You know have the Blood Elf and High Elf campaign factions match up better together. Like sharing the same barracks. Or in March of the Scourged, expand the city and defense lines. Have it not simply await Uthor arrival but Uthor has to arrive to a specific point on the battlefield. All this and more.

That why I bought Reforged, maybe that not what was promised but when I read and saw revamped campaign better match WoW Lore, I was hoping that actually meant “Revamped Campaign Missions, if you played these campaigns hundred times over, they will be new and interesting with different obstacles to overcome”


Looks like someone didn’t go to the Deep Dive event at Blizzcon. How can one OP be so wrong on everything?

we wanna talk about opening sale homepage was about summer 2018, u (and i) buyed it then great discover, released before 31 dec 2019 … “showmethemoney” cheat still works? because in fact on me worked, what a fair trade, im a happy Blizzy customer now :smiley:

An additional campaign doesn’t disable anything already there.

The additional campaign is already happening. It’s just not going to be a hardcore rewrite. It’s being done carefully hopefully.

So how does that change the game at all, then?