We have been scammed

Not responding to a piece of trash troll like you anymore.

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I could, but I won’t. MMOs are too expensive for how unfun they have become these days. I like BFA’s and Legion’s stories, but the MMO gameplay, ewww, boring.

Why tell me to “stop spamming” when I haven’t done that though? I reply one post at a time, where you reply twice or more just to make one point. Who’s spamming, hmm? :smirk:

No. I stand by the belief that we are all being scammed. Not to the degree that I’d cancel my order. But we’re scammed nonetheless. These things happen. No shame in admitting it.

I’m honestly sick and tired of these liars, spamming, admitting to spamming and trying to ruin this game. It’s to the point where if blizzard doesn’t uphold the forum rules, I might end up refunding the game myself just to stay away from the garbage. I haven’t spammed any thread ever, I’ve only responded to single responses. So get your eyes checked. And I don’t really care about this anymore. Done with the forums. The game itself is a laggy mess and all you guys care about is if sylvanis or jaina gets a cameo voice line. Pathetic.

“Hurr durr bfa, huwheeeee!!1”

Despite what you may tell yourself, you aren’t a purist, and not a true fan of the game, so Blizzard inevitably won’t cater to your kinds. The MAJORITY of us who ACTUALLY care about the game/franchise are fans of all the games, many since Warcraft Orcs & Humans, we’ve read the lore, spent hundres of hours in the editors of both WC2 & WC3, made custom games, levelled in WoW reading the quests and books and are true fans of the Warcraft universe.

So when an opportunity arrises where the WC3 story could be enhanced, retold, or “reforged”, and is then scrapped, we true fans (the majority) are right to be pissed off.

It’s fake fans like yourself who probably only picked up the game with TFT, had to use cheats to beat the campaign & only played melee for awhile where you constantly lost to tower rushers, those of you are the pathetic losers ruining the game, and the Reforge.

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lol you are outrageously mad it’s sickening. Go see a therapist. I’ve played way more wc2 and wc3 than you anyway and I’ve never called myself a purist. What you are is an entitled brat. You think this world is your world because you played in wraith. Well it’s not. You’re gonna have to suck it up and play nice with the other kids. I love that blizzard is doing this and exposing you as the brat you are. Calling yourself the “true fans” is cringey and simply false. I doubt you even preordered. What scum to call others not true fans.

Nope you are entiteld brat because you think the whole world should cater to your peter-pan syndrom version of an 18 year old game.

We are just upholding blizzard to their promises and demanding the best of both worlds.


I like this discussion

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Whatever helps you sleep at night. But the point still stands that if you were a true fan, you’d never turn down an opportunity for old stories to be retold in a new light. I mean, IF you actually cared, but you don’t. i.e, you aren’t the majority, and Blizzard inevitably will revert their decision once they see pre-orders getting refunded en masse.


I am in the majority and even if I’m not the second they go back on this and cater to idiots like you we all will refund and protest. Keep crappy bfa writing in bfa. Thanks.

You lie when you say “old stories being retold in a new light” that means ruining them because we all know who the new writers are and what they write. Yes sylvanis one shotting the lich king. Very good storyingwriting! lmao

Don’t forget one shotting their beloved Saurfang.

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Seriously one last time because you 2 are either to stupid or to ignorant to understand, NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT CURRENT EVENT WOW LORE DAMMIT.

Yes I would imagine they would have sylvanis one shot arthas as well and purge strat herself.

Listen pea brain, I’m going to respond to you once because you still keep spamming every thread I’m in like a rabid needy dog; if they change the story they are going to use their current writers. So it is perfectly reasonable to look at current lore in order to determine how good a rewriting of reforged would be.

Just because you’re too stupid to understand the lore doesn’t mean the lore is stupid. For example, Pyromancer, a WoW lore theorist, has proven just how superior the modern storytelling is compared to the BC-WotLK era, and how the lore has LARGELY been consistent. He even “disproved” the new Chroniclers book as not being 100% truthful (Titan propaganda), which was literally just confirmed this past Blizzcon, that it was indeed told from Titan perspective. That created a narrative tool that opened so many theories, possibilities, and philosophical debates that “old Blizzard” could never dream of doing; not because they were stupid, they weren’t, but they were a small team who could not have foreseen WoW’s success, how could they? So the story needs to be updated/enhanced, as they initially promised.

And you just proved how much of an idiot you are. “lul sylvunis keeled da lickking hurr” You fool. You absolute moron. Bolvar, the new Lich King, is not some almighty demigod, like Arthas was. Since you’ve never paid attention to the lore, I’ll explain: Arthas had a runeblade called Frostmourne, literally the most powerful weapon in the universe with two exceptions. Bolvar does not have that weapon, he only has the Helm of Domination, giving control of the undead. Besides that, he has nothing more than burnt skin and snowballs. Sylvanas is powered by powers from the Shadowlands; literally powered by every soul that has ever died, ever.

You would know this if you were a fan.

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First of all, you’re replying to my thread so, there’s that.
Second your arguments are so childish and invalid that i cant even take them serious anymore. You’re the kinda person who has never read a warcraft book, only watches the wow cinematics, never looked at wowwiki or done any kind of lore research, because if you did, you would know what i am talking about, and you would know that adding things from like the book Arthas would only greatly add to the campaign to tell a complete and cohesive story. I mean, look dude i dont love everything about wow, there is plenty about it that i thoroughly dislike but WRC3 is the prelude to wow, all your denying wont change that fact.

Well people assume Reforged meant something it didn’t. Could just mean remastered like with SC with a different name. It didn’t say Remake, ever, did it?

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Gee, what could this mean?

x_Imgur: The magic of the Internet

"For example, Pyromancer, a WoW lore theorist, has proven just how superior the modern storytelling is compared to the BC-WotLK era, and has LARGELY been consistent. "

Thanks for the laugh out loud man. I forgot I was arguing with a neckbeard. Regardless most people hate the new lore. And yes you can make anything you want happen. You can make Taelia the most powerful being in the universe. It’s still stupid.

Just like Arthas literally was in WC3?

I don’t read lore ruining new books if that’s what you mean. I’m an old school fan, not a wrath baby.