We have been scammed

Expanded story? What? It’s a remaster…it seems clear that you are unsure what a remake and a remaster are…

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One still gets new VOs for some of the hero variants.

It is possible that the cut dialog may still make it into the final game.

In any case this is why I do not pre-order games. I also pointed out how loose and unlikely all those things were to come to fruition.

Agreed. This is scamming…


The biggest thing that upsets me as an RTS player is that this game with all the original things they promised had the potencial to give a very big boost to the RTS genre. Now its just butchered and i cant believe that people who have a voice like Grubby just keep smiling and do nothing like hacks!


:slight_smile: here here.

It’s the opposite. Now it’s not butchered! Be happy!

Grubby is one of the biggest blizzard shills there is, just look at the panel at BC2019. He only cares about MP, he’s stuck with his nostalgia glasses like the rest of these purists, he asked them nothing of consequence. “ oh, we changed like 50% of what promised “ Grubby: oh oke lets move on.

Most ridiculous wc3 YT’er there is.

Its ridiculous, people like him should have input on balance, nothing else!

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I dont mean the retconning i am against that. I meant other features like cutscenes etc. They could have done something to give it a modern feel without touching the story that much like they did in the 2018 Culling demo. The point is to get as many people in the game so that the ganre can stay alive.


I dont want a retcon, i want enhancement, like promised. With the option to hear voices i find a vast improved like patty maddison as sylvanas which was promised!


Blizzard, please, delay the release, i can wait a bit longer, give us a good game, not half game - half lies.

An enhancement for you could be a ruining for someone else. It’s better not to change the voices. If this is such a gamebreaker for you there is always wow.

Depends who does the cutscenes, if it’s their animation team then I’m for it.

Stop with the damn go to WoW, thats the same as me saying to to classic.

I have played this game for over 16 years on and off, i was a fervent map maker in the 2005/2006 era, i co-created alot of custom maps.
You have no right to forbid me from demanding what was promised. I will hold people/companies accountable for their lies, if you like to lay down and take stuff like this in life like a good little boy go ahead. Not everyone is as easy as you.


All in all, I agree with you OP.

Blizzard doesn’t really care about the purists who are just a vocal fraction of the current Warcraft fanbase. They’re just using the purists’ vanity to excuse not being able to meet the deadline of 2019 without cutting budgets.

So we’re scammed, yes. But I guess I’ll keep my pre-order and play Reforged because the artists have done well. I’m not playing to say I agree with Blizzard. I’m just playing to say LemonSky has done a great job.


With all those hq models it would be a shame i think to go to the old cutscenes. They made them like that back in the day because of the limitations at the time. :confused: Thats my logic.

Which custom maps did you create? I would know them. I’m not forbidding you, I’m just asking you to go back into the insane asylum because none of that stuff was promised. You’d have to be nuts to think they would make a brand new campaign and rewrite all new voice lines. You will hold them accountable? I am holding them accountable with my preorder. You will do nothing but spam. If they changed the game completely like you are begging for no one would play it or buy it except a few flavor of the month wow players. Now again,
let me say to you again,

hahaha, Enjoy wow!

Nice job trying to pretend you aren’t in the minority of bfa fans. Good luck in the future.

Dude…did you watch any of the devs interviews from last year? Do you even know what you’re talking about? Are you really this stupid?

They even had the culling trailer with the new VA for arthas! What the hell is wrong with you.

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Of course I’m a minority and of course I’m a BFA fan. I don’t even pretend to not be. Are you a communist? Ununsed to people other than yourself having Freedom of Speech?

You have your speech and I have mine, I’m just letting you know you sound like an unhinged lunatic.