WCIII Reforged Graphics Mod: Quenching

To the people with low performance (myself included), it is because 1.1 included Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO, or soft edge as they called). Since it is a post-processing enhancement, and due to the high geometry of the game, it destroys the performance. The only solution is to Blizzard to included SSAO in the game engine, like SC2 which has SSAO at least since 2012!

Dingo, yes, settings are configurable after installation.

I did activate all the settings before installation. My IN-GAME settings are:

Textures >> HIgh
Particles >> Medium
Spells >> Medium

Shadows >> Low
Lighting >> Low
Foliage >> Off (this is the most taxing setting, even in Vanilla Reforged, but the new foliage is awesome)
Antialiasing >> Off

Resolution: 1680:1050

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That’s written in the description of the new YouTube video:

if your performance not very well, we suggested to turn off [foliage], and low down the resolution a little bit, and last turn off [soft edge]


And apparently there is no solution yet for the lagging of the campaign.

No, because everything is post-processing, nothing is changed at the engine-level. Jinx explained how the mod works several posts ago here.

Thanks for the heads up, the video just showed up on my notifications.

EDIT: awesome video! I’ll die for a setup that can run the mod at 60fps all high.

And one question: how do you change the FOV/Fog in game???

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I don’t know, but I read that W3Champions added this option. I guess you could just use W3C to change FOV, even if you don’t want to play ladder. I didn’t try it though.

The new cinematics is awesome!! :muscle:
Definitely somthing the guys should work further on! :slight_smile:
Could be nice to see, in game cinematics as they should have been.


what is the Fov and Aoa in the camera settings ?

Found it. You have to go to “Interface”, “Adjustment”, click on “On” and tick then “On” next to “Camera”.

@Hilalstar “Fov” option should allow you to zoom out much further and “Aoa” prolly stands for “angle of attack”? Not sure about the latter one to be honest.

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Also fount it. FOV is how much real state screen you have. in previous version you can change the value between 80 (default) to 100. For me, in FOV=100 the units looked too small, so 90 was a good balance. Angle of attach changes how the camera zooms in and out, in terms of smoothness and angle.

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I have mixed feelings about the change in the prologue maps themselves, mainly due to difficulty (playing even on story mode was a challenge). But I have to say the game looks absolutely gorgeous. Those new cutscenes look JUST like what was advertised at Blizzcon during the culling demo. Truly a masterful work of art. The achievement system is a very nice addition too. The ability to replace the melee heroes with the campaign ones, another promised feature that Blizzard has yet to fulfill, is also fantastic to see.

It’s sad that a group of fans is doing such an amazing job at finishing a remaster that the game’s owners couldn’t seem to do justice. Blizzard should be ashamed of themselves and really owes these people working on Quenching some sort of monetary compensation since they pretty much are doing their job for them.


With Blizzard’s help this could become a miracle.
You guys who say Blizzard, when are you going to start seriously supporting this game?
Or at least to reward those in charge of doing this beautiful job.


there will be a easy hard nightmare in the future, now there is only an extra hard mode(sorry but it will be easier in the future). We will finish thr rest of the first 5 chapter, and add a diffculty selection.


Its pretty hard to solve perform issue without real technical help from batching and basic render, but its still possible to make it a bit smoother. We will try to make it 60 to 90 fps currently, and see of there is any trick that could make it better.


Sounds amazing. Everyone’s already really excited :slight_smile:


awesome video!

you guys should also post this in Hiveworkshop


Also Moddb

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New trees looks awesome also nice job on water and grass…

But it seems that everythings looks kind blury…from units to team color and buildings…

Also i saw and played i think its bug where units and buildings team color turn normal reforged and terrain looks like in quanching mode…and it looks great…

Hire is a video what i mean 2:48:00 min :

You can see clear difference between graphics and in my opinion this looks more like blizzcon 2018 version which is greater and less blurry…

Keep a great work :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot! keep working on it :smile:.


Because of the SSAO applied to units and buildings. Also some bloom effect. They can be deactivated in the Quenching setting tool. But live them on, they look amazing.


Maybe an option that would allow to switch between partial (excluding units & buildings) & full (including units & building) blurry effect could be nice.

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