WC3 Reforged Refunds / Class Action Lawsuit

Okay shill.

I’m so glad I canceled during that whole Hong Kong thing. Didn’t have a problem then.


I played a custom game and first mission campaign.
Watch Grubby’s stream except the unit models, they are all the same than classic War III, du no where are those 4 hours reforged cutscene and map. I send a ticket refund til wait for an answer.

I got a refund yesterday,np. I played the 2 prologue maps.

todo lo anunciado y prometido por blizzard jamas lo cumplio y deberiamos seguir con la demanda por estafa de publicidad para comprar un juego

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Okay check this out people. I understand that alot of people are going…
“I pre-ordered a game and i have been waiting for 2 months for what?
All that happened was a small engine upgrade, the terrain doesn’t even have 3D grass or rocks apart from a bunch of placed Doodads.
The campaign has alot of bugs and problems, there is no Ladder, there is no decent Single-Player menu like Classic had and I WANT MY MONEY BACK”

But, there is no way you will win this lawsuit against Blizzard. Instead of throwing down a lawsuit that will cost you $15,000. Why don’t you just help them improve the game by making topics on what you think needs to be improved?

I mean they’re a very large company and they can do nearly anything they want right? Then how hard will it be for them to listen to all the angry fans?

Say it, we want Ladder, we want our ingame Profiles and stats back.
We want a proper working Single-Player menu, with a working campaign and new campaigns every couple patches, and custom games in Single Player option like it used to be!


Oh shut up. You have no grounds for a lawsuit. If releasing a buggy game was “false advertising” then Bethesda would be dead by now.


No idea why you have to be rude on a forum, he’s just making a post, in a sea of posts, everyone aiming in a certain direction. So him making a post doesn’t matter, maybe he’s just a guy who remembers the good old days when WC3 was just released, and feels this nostalgia once again. That doesn’t mean he’s a retard.

So what if he doesn’t know much about these problems, why attack him when you are supposed to be attacking the devs?

I’m very disappointed with this game. Promises have not been kept. I want my money back. The old version of the game is hardly indistinguishable from the new one. A lawyer would be good.

they promised to us for change game ( customs,ui,graphics,4k) they have to allow refund !

I don’t care about reforged because I thought I’d still have the original game. Instead, blizzard has taken the original game away from me and… possibly wants to charge me again for reforged (unsure if that is the case, I’m afraid to touch it).

I bought the game in 2004 for $40. Counting for inflation, Blizzard should be refunding me $50.71 CAD.

I know there’s a work around but I shouldn’t be expected to reverse engineer a game just to get back some of which i lost.

It’s not about being broke, funny guy. I don’t give a damn about that money, i can donate it or just toss it out the window. The point is, we shouldn’t be supporting a scam, since it would just encourage the company to repeat the same thing in the future.

The game is ugly, cutscenes are boring, havent even been updated the same way as it was shown on blizzcon. It also made classic impossible to download from battle.net, since it wants to download the reforged version, which is in fact more than 30gb instead of a much family friendly 2gb. So yeah, they have really gone far with this and it needs to be retaliated. I refunded my purchase and I’m more than happy about it. I hope many other people will do the same.

It’s not a scam. It’s a rushed product. Blizzard intended to give us more and underestimated the deadline. Scam implies Blizzard was planning to do this from the start and I think deep down you know they did not.


Wow this is one of the stupidest things ever posted to the WoW forums. :slight_smile: And that’s saying something, since most of the umbrage over Reforged is melodramatic garbage.

A class action lawsuit? Are you serious? The only lawyers who would take this case are of the Lionel Hutz variety, and even if you did get to court the judge would laugh his robe off before throwing the case out for being silly.

Its more then just bugs.
Its promises they didn’t deliver on.
Its removed futures from the old game.
And others too

What do you get when you put 20+ raging nerds on a thread that didn’t get what they thought they were going to receive when it was never advertised? This dumb threads full of wannabe lawyers who have no idea how a class action lawsuit works.

Why rush it? I’d rather have a game delayed and done right and keep your promises like cyberpunk is doing, over pulling a no man’s sky

Blizzcon advertised higher graphics than delivered.
Blizzcon advertised 4k support. Show me either.

You can see those via YOuTube, look up Warcraft 3 Reforged vs Classic cutscenes/cinematics. One plays on 4K one doesn’t. I am sorry for your lack of understanding of the English language. The ONLY cinematic they said would be rehashed COMPLETELY was the intro as a promo. The rest would be “reforged” which meant the original cinematics on 4K.

That being said, if you bought the game for the cinematic’s alone… why buy the game at all? I am not trying to be a d*ck but come on… at least follow publicantions from 2018 all the way until now. I’ve been in beta since the start and they’ve not misled anyone. People are unable to follow news.

It was advertised. On their Warcraft III: reforged website, it is written in black and white, features that were not delivered. This means it was false advertising. You can jump to their defense all you want, but what they are doing is illegal, and the excuse they will use in court is that the refund denial is an automatic process. Which will then allow them time to issue refunds without taking a hit from the lawsuit(aside from PR).

They are also impeding on people’s first amendment rights and silencing them when they try to talk about this. They are banning people who have not violated terms of service. This means with no legal agreement, they are ‘taking back’ digital property that consumers paid for. Without violating terms of service(the contract between you, as a consumer, and blizz) this is illegal.

For example. Sony cannot come take my PS4 just because I started talking crap about the framerates on social media, it doesnt work that way. The terms of service are there for a reason, to allow blizz to ban people who violate their rules without facing a lawsuit. There is no violation here, therefor the bans are unlawful.

you guys want in on the secret? the reason blizz is legally invincible is because they are owned by china and china owns us.