WC3 Reforged Refunds / Class Action Lawsuit

You understood it as such. Please provide a link or source of that adver— oh wait… you won’t… you can’t. It doesn’t exist. People are being banned for being toxic. You can see plenty of refund threads on this forum and instructions on how to refund. Or do you chose to ignore that too? Can’t fix stupid bro.

As I mentioned they are denying the refunds.

So when my m8s got refunds today… it didn’t happen? People who are being denied should come and post it right here… Oh wait. They aren’t being denied. I’ve yet to see anyone be denied yet. I just keep seeing people say they are being denied. Where are these people?

I didn’t buy it for cinematics alone. But let’s look at what all got cut or reduced over 2018 promises.
Cinematics reduced.
Graphics reduced.
Ui revamp cut.
Clans cut.
Custom game support delayed till post release.
Matchmaking ranked cut.

And yet somehow the price remained the same.

There are posts. Someone posted a few hours ago about being denied.

Your PC is busted then, my game looks great. Upgrade.

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** * 62 missions across Kalimdor, Lordaeron, Northrend, and beyond

  • 40+ hours of epic gameplay, with 4+ hours of reforged in-game cutscenes
  • Control over 20 legendary heroes and villains from Warcraft lore: gain experience, level up, master powerful abilities, and enhance nearby units**

“OH HE CAN PROVIDE A LINK”. except there is a forum rule that you cannot provide links on the forums. Go to the website yourself.

Yeah no. Not my PC.
When I say graphics are reduced. Look at blizzcon 2018. Look at the website pictures. Look at what was actually delivered. REDUCED.

62 Missions between RoC & TFT kay done.

Reforged (4K cutscenes and cinematics are there) – did you think they were going to be BRAND NEW? So when they re-released the Fifth Element movie as a remaster… did you think they were going to grab Bruce Willis and re-record the whole movie too?

COntrol 20 legendary heroes + yup with the taverns that’s all there.

So… I am sorry, what didn’t they deliver on? You can provide a link by typing X_ before the “http” and we can look at it. Please provide it =)

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You’re talking about the demo that streamers were playing? Did you know demo’s are subject to change? Did you know thats a WIP? Did you know WIP means work in progress? Did you know you’re also entitled? Did you know you took a lot out of context? Did you know you can refund? Did you know you can also leave and stop crying while I keep enjoying this game?

Did you just admit to the cutscenes not being there and use rhetoric to justify it? White knight elsewhere.

Aside from the broken promises, they also delivered a broken game and proceeded to censor their public criticism. In America we call this a violation of our first amendment rights :slight_smile:

The cutscenes are there. Again, google Classic vs Reforged. Cutscenes are in-game, while cinematics are cinema, i.e. finishing missions etc. The ONLY cinematic that was going to be redone from scratch was the intro vs Orc vs Human, this is common knowledge, keep up.

You keep saying “promises” like a child keeps saying santa is real… please link these promises you speak of.

Let’s call it for what it is Toxic, you weren’t following the story and now you’re on the bandwagon. Welcome to reality, your final stop, grab your refund and gtfo.

Yeah that’s not enough to justify a lawsuit either. “False advertising” doesn’t mean “I didn’t get what I wanted”. It means “no part of the product/service does what was advertised”. If clicking the game icon gave something 100% different (such as an RPG about the Lost Vikings), that would actually be false advertising and illegal.

But by all means, go talk to a lawyer, have them laugh you out of their office. Even if they didn’t (because they’re falsely advertising that they’re a lawyer, I imagine), you’d be wasting everyone’s time and money on knee-jerk reactions and hysteria. You wouldn’t get the game fixed, you’d get money. I don’t want money. I want a working game. If you relax, act like adults, and work on being strongly worded, without sounding like a hormonal thirteen year old having a tantrum, then you’ll be much more likely to get that working game.

No, no they didn’t. See how this thread still exists? Not censored. See how many similar threads show up on the main menu for the forums? Not censored. And this is literally in their playground.

Your first amendment rights protect you from being censored by the government. Private institutions and locations may limit your freedom of speech as much as they want. Don’t invoke laws without knowing what they mean. :slight_smile:

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Your first amendment rights protect you from being censored by the government. Private institutions and locations may limit your freedom of speech as much as they want. Don’t invoke laws without knowing what they mean.

Thank god, someone with sense… but 90% of people talk about laws without knowing what they mean. God Bless America 2020.

I don’t think the feedback will help at this point, it doesn’t seem like they are trying anymore, Reforged Blizzard isn’t the old Blizzard we once knew.

Lol @ the whiteknight squad.

IT’s called stockholm syndorme lads. You have to accept the fact that Blizzard conned us, and took our money. It is not your fault, we simply bought into their lies. When I first saw the screenshots and some gameplay vids early in the reveal, I was pumped. They looked amazing.
And now, the graphics look downgraded, especially landscape, lighting and effects, they all look like a game from a decade ago. UI is kept the same, hello world has moved on in the last 20 years if you haven’t noticed.
And they charged a full price for it.
I requested a refund already and still waiting for a reply.

“the game looks NOTHING like what was advertised” They released images a year ago of gameplay models and they look the same.
“the movements are stiff and terrible”
As advertised, so they would have the same animation rates as the original, to maintain the feel of the game. They went to great leangths to get that part right.
The cut scenes are the originals, many people actually wanted those instead.

The game is exactly as advertised.

I’m not happy that they packaged the original as part of reforge witch forces me to get reforged just to play classic Warcraft 3 No thanks I want the original as a stand alone

call your bank and tell them about charge back credit card if blizz doesnt refund

i have only played the prelude and can tell you Thrall’s Vision cut scene was just a upscale version, look notion like the intro, nothing feels different or as advertised.