on 2nd thought I think it is better that the background of the new addons stay with the background they have at the moment
don’t make it transparent. Was a stupid idea from me
as long as we are able to minimize certain menu points as it is now I think it is perfect
What would be intersting though is the Hotkeys for replays in the current patch that could be also available for PTR.
Follow Hero while mouse pressed on hero Icon to follow a specific hero smoother
hold down middle mouse button to navigate map smoother
'+ on numpad for additional speed
'- for less speed
insert/del for camera turn
(F11) I dont remember exactly - for switching player perspective in replays
Break key for pause
and what is important as well is that it works on every resolution
in Warcraft 3. Some players have diffrent resolutions for Warcraft 3.
We honestly and truly from my heart, need BUG fixes, and QoL improvements which are Repeatedly asked from Every Single WC3 Player for 3 YEARS now, for both the Game (most importantly) and then Battle.Net
Love WC3 and Love you guys for all the work you are doing, i just wish the person in charge of leading would route effort in the most critical direction “The Foundation Base” of the game, instead of adding to a already shaky and twisted tower.
I think it would’ve been better if Rider on the Storm doesn’t tag on a specific building in order to complete the mission. Which it is the blacksmith somehow more important than it should’ve been. I know this isn’t what is happening in the current PTR. But it had been for a while. Also, Thrall’s character portrait still need to be fixed on that level.
I have ideas to fix DH-Immolation and here are 3 reasons why:
AOE Damage while moving a unit is a bad RTS mechanic and is not performed in any other rts
Especially against hum players and creeping this mechanic right right now is too strong since you can solocreep big camps or just win a game by staffing into a base and turn immo. on
Nelf had more variety before the immolation Buff. Now the meta is DH only.
So how to adress this immolation (3 ideas):
Decrease movementspeed drasticly while using immolation (gives an opponent the possibility to run away like from a blizzard or a flamestrike) but keeps the ability to creep
Decrease damage drasticly and increase the initial mana cost drasticly - but maybe give the DH + (1/2/4) armor while using it - you can still harras but creeping needs additional trees / units
it is a crazy idea but - reduce damage a bit + remove getting XP from units getting killed by immolation (makes it harder to use and u still have to care about lasthits)
Any patch which improves the game is very welcomed but can you finally add some stuff for customs, too? The custom map communities are pretty big.
For example, increase the maximum hero skills number or provide it as gameplay constant and add natives:
native SetHeroMaximumSkills takes unit hero, integer maximum returns nothing
native GetHeroMaximumSkills takes unit hero returns integer
native GetHeroSkill takes unit hero, integer index returns integer
native GetHeroSkillCount takes unit hero returns integer
native ReplaceHeroSkill takes unit hero, integer old, integer new returns nothing
Fix rendering more than 2 cliff types (if 4 are used for example the last 2 are rendered as the first 2).
Fix changing object fields (especially ability fields) with natives.
Add natives to retrieve stock replenish intervals, cooldowns etc. for unit and item types and shops for the types like GetStockReplenishInterval takes unit shop, integer typeId returns integer and GetStockCharges takes unit shop, integer typeId returns integer
Reincarnation start and end event, item drop end event (after the item is on the ground), unload event, silence/unsilence event, buff events (especially for auras)
Getting item gold and lumber costs with natives.
Progress natives:
UnitSetTrainingProgress(GetTriggerUnit(), 50) - for the currently trained unit
UnitGetTrainingProgress(GetTriggerUnit()) - could be scripted manually with a timer but would be nice to have
UnitSetResearchProgress(GetTriggerUnit(), 50) - for the current research
UnitSetRevivalProgress(GetTriggerUnit(), 50) - for the currently revived hero
Maybe add a research effect for changing training/upgrading/research time for specific IDs.
Timed life natives:
native GetUnitTimedLife takes unit whichUnit returns real
native GetUnitTimeLifeTotal takes unit whichUnit returns real
native GetUnitTimedLifeBuff takes unit whichUnit returns integer
and fix specifying a custom buff when applying timed life with the native a bug which is older than my grandmother (who is already dead btw.).
ability data constant for Black Arrow to define the maximum target creep level.
Allow accessing button positions and changing them dynamically for abilities.
Allow accessing/changing all trainable, upgradable, sold items/units from shops with natives.
Increase limits: Max selected units (gameplay constant or per player via JASS), Text tags, tilesets, maximum illusions by mirror image (seems to be 9), number of hero equivalents in gameplay constants, more than 6 items in the inventory ability even if only 6 are visible etc.
Illusion natives to create custom illusions.
Native paging for UI with command button slots:
native EnableUIPages takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
native DisableUIPages takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
native IsUIPagesEnabled takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
native SetMaxUIPages takes unit whichUnit, integer maxPages returns nothing
native GetMaxUIPages takes unit whichUnit returns integer
native SetCurrentUIPage takes unit whichUnit, integer page returns boolean
native GetCurrentUIPage takes unit whichUnit returns integer
native GetMaxUIButtons takes unit whichUnit returns integer
native GetUIButtonId takes unit whichUnit, integer index returns integer
native GetUIButtonType takes unit whichUnit, integer index returns uibuttontype
The paging would allow us to use more than 12 UI slots and allow players change pages locally. It could also be done for the inventory UI which would allow us to use more than 6 equipped items. The natives alone would allow modders to change pages per player simply by using SetCurrentUIPage and GetCurrentUIPage with GetLocalPlayer.
API to change race UI per player.
API to change race sound effects per player.
Custom Unit sound set support in maps and API to change it.
Unit transformation natives like: TransformUnitTo takes unit whichUnit, integer unitType, boolean permanent, real time returns boolean
Druid of the talon needs to be cut. It is cheap, build fast and control hero or unit for a very long time. It is so easy vs. Orc after enhanced Demon Hunter’s Immolation.
Need to reduce its control time or increase its build cost/time or increase its mana cost or increase experience after killed the unit.
Druid of the talon needs to be cut. It is cheap, build fast and control hero or unit for a very long time. It is so easy vs. Orc after enhanced Demon Hunter’s Immolation.
Need to reduce its control time or increase its build cost/time or increase its mana cost or increase experience after killed the unit.
would be nice if they also allow increasing maximum unit select in gameplay constants, and allow dynamic values in object editor like scaling on certain values so we don’t have to do trigger editor anymore, and also allow proper aoe visualizations like in league of legends
You do realize that the reason the map vetoes were limited was to prevent any situation in which the entire map pool is vetoed among all players right?
What is the system doing if this happens? Just not matching those players? Because the whole point of vetoing is you are guaranteed not to play the map you thumbs down.
Nice patch, awesome team. But to me troll headhunter hp nerf is too big in the superlate game. Probly their hp pool should be back to 475 when the berserker upgrade is applied.
P.s. I am an UD player.
Interesting balance changes. Here is some feedback.
Immolation mana drain per second increased from 7 to 8.
I don’t think this will solve the problem. NE will keep investing all their mana from DH and moon wells to creep him faster. To me, the issue is how fast DH is creeping with Level 1 and Level 2 immolation. I’d rather consider the opposite direction, something along these lines:
(i) Decrease mana drain per second from 7 to 6.
(ii) Decrease dmg per second from 14/24/36 to 12/20/30.
The longer game goes, the more stronger immolation is, because armies get larger and it’s impossible to avoid direct confrontation with DH. Even with 8 mana cost DH will always have enough mana to cast immolation.
Sentinel Research cost reduced from 100 to 50 lumber.
When you go hunts, the main issue is lack of gold, not lumber. That’s why, to me,
the change from 100/100 to 75/75 would be more welcomed.
Arcane Tower Feedback increased from 12 to 18 on heroes (24 on regular units).
Disagree. Arcane Tower is already powerful enough. Please buff HU in some other way.
Troll headhunter hit points reduced from 375 to 350.
This is a strong nerf. I’d rather see +5 gold increase in cost. Headhunters are fragile enough at any point of the game. Orc mirror can become one dimensional: only BM vs BM.
Claws of attack +5 damaged reduced to +4.
Disagree. The value of the item will drop a lot, especially in comparison to the circlet.
The remaining changes are great! Thank you for the patch.
Nerfing Claws+5 to +4 is bad idea, coz circlet is already better compared to Claws+5 in almost any situation. Nerfing Claws+9 is ok.
I think HH is nerfed in wrong direction. Their DPS and Range are too high, but HP is not very high. But this nerf is better than nothing.
Happy to see that immolation vs human is addressed but disagree with the method. It’s better to just decrease Immolation damage. Even if we ignore damage vs player units (peasants, ghouls, footmen) this damage is also allow to creep superfast. And increasing manacost almost doesn’t nerf that fast creeping.
Feel free to overbuff humans, dont afraid to make such situation. We are the only race who didnt have their patch in reforged. And overbuffs could be easily fixed later.
What is the problem with that if there are more than 5 maps? In CSGO you can literally just only play Mirage for ranked if you wanted to and I honestly think it’s a much better and enjoyable system than having to play in maps you don’t enjoy.
Also regarding bugs:
There is a thread about a bug with the native BlzHideOriginFrames.
You can use it simply by making a map and in triggers you just place a custom script and in the text you enter “call BlzHideOriginFrames(true)”.
Normally that should just hide the UI, however, now it’s crashing, it might be for a variety of reasons but what I speculate is that it’s related to the observer mode changes.
There were new frames added that may be a culprit of it.
This is a high priority bug because a LOT of maps utilize this
The map pool and veto system has always been set uip so that there is at least one map that isn’t vetoed by any player so there is at least one map the system can select from. This means any map you veto is 100% guaranteed not to be selected. I don’t know anything about CSGO but frankly there are too many maps and not enough players to have individual queueing for maps.
The whole point of the veto system is exactly this. Thumbs down a map, you don’t play it.
In 1v1, there might be 11 maps, and each player can veto 5, which means there is guaranteed to be 1 map not vetoed between the two players. For team games, you get fewer vetoes because each player gets vetoes and there still needs to be 1 map which doesn’t get vetoed by anyone.
I noticed before this PTR that certain queues have more vetoes now, which means it is possible for all maps to be vetoed. Which is why I asked, what happens in this case? If these players can still be matched, then someone is playing a map they specifically said they didn’t want.
Add the ability in the editor to convert a map from starcraft 2 to warcraft 3
It is very important to add this option, besides, it will appeal to everyone, many mapmaster and will not be superfluous.Add this feature now, and I hope it will already appear in 1.36, it will be great, like when it was possible to play up to 24 players.