Warcraft III: Reforged PTR -- Version 1.33.0

You know we want a patch, right? RIGHT?

Or only via Microtransactions?

Please, don’t give me hope.gif

Thank you for bringing this PTR patch!

Was there something done with unit sizes using Reforged graphics? Specifically human, rifleman and footman seem smaller/better box sizes. Only found one game so far however and last game prior to PTR I used classic graphics!

Small bugs/changes noticed so far.

  • it’s no longer possible to search with a partner and be matched with solo players in team games (likely intentional)
  • if you start searching for a specific mode and click back onto the versus menu then accidentally hit a hotkey i.e ‘F’ or 1/2/3/4 it changes the selected game mode to FFA, if you then cancel the search it says “search for FFA cancelled” (or relevant mode based on your selection
  • viewing a player profile you get spammed with “you already sent an invitation to that player”

Please add local timers and mouse position tracking. We will make many cool custom maps in the future.

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Even this whole “forum” is shoddily made lol, yes it looks nice but why the hell don’t we have simple pages to view comment in (like pretty much EVERY normal forum ever) instead it’s this weird endless scrolling fest where comments just get lost forever? lol

We 2020: “we want a ladder!”
Blizzard: “here are chicken footprints and customizable naga tails”
We make a ladder.

We 2022: “we want a patch!”
Blizzard: “how about a ladder on our sh1tty servers with crap maps?”


Thank you for supporting this game! Don’t mind the haters.


The quality of games ( worldwide server, latency/ping, icone, matchmaking, ranking, ladder, zoom, tools,…) is WAY better in w3champions.

Sorry, keep working “hard” and maybe I will consider playing on battlenet a day, 2025 maybe ?

good luck


Where is the custom campaign menu?


Where are Custom Campaigns?


This is a start! Thank you looking forward to what’s next.


safe to say we got an unsatisfied customer here?!

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Anyone else gets a blackscreen after starting PTR? Mine is patched and nothing except blackscreen happens after starting. Maybe because I am on Mac?!

It seems to currently not work on Mac.

whatever, as long as you dont break w3c ladder. does that mean i can finally transfer my wc3 classic account over to reforged? ha, fat chance, i very well do know you let all those accounts expire because you dont give a damn about your playerbase.

oh, when you’re at it, dont forget about custom campaigns so we can also play the community fixed wc3 campaign instead.

Well, it is a start, when are we moving to alpha?

Without new updates of peasant foot prints, I can’t take this update to serious!
I hope you will do something about campaign. I love single player in Warcraft, I need more campaigns, more stories of heroes and Warcraft 4! Bring it on! :smiley:


This is a step in the right direction. Keep it up! This game can be saved and made amazing again!


Nice to see new patch, we hope you continium work and support WarCraft III!


Thank you for the work you are doing to restore one of my favorite games of all time! Please focus on Custom Campaigns when time allows. <3