Warcraft III: Reforged PTR -- Version 1.33.0

now they deliver the promised profiles, ranked play and campaign updates. yet people still complain.
thats amazing news.
im acutally hyped.


If you are a new team assigned to work, please try to take your time, at this time War3 needs carefully thought out and well discussed introduction of features, fixes to bugs, and addressing of issues.

Looking at Tech Reports and especially Bug Reports and people chipping in to report issues will enable you to help fix the game with a more clear understanding.

Hope you will be staying atleast for a year, maybe let us know how long will we have support so we can communicate better.


Thanks for the effort but it’s a little too late, already lost all interest and faith in the company. I won’t bother wasting my time until at least all the features lost on re-release return.

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then let those of us who like wc3 get our fixes and functions back ;p


Wc3 team is the janitor and some intern.

I just dropped a tear… Thank you, thank you, thank you! The BEST game ever has not been forgotten! :heart:


Oh… I was really hoping we’d get Clans… Cool we got an update but its a bit underwhelming for how much time has passed, especially considering how the game was better before you ‘reforged’ it.

Not sure if this was the right project to start with for this game since we already got a pretty good implementation of a ladder system with w3c that the new system will now have to compete with.
But at least we finally got some sign of life from this abandoned wreck of a game again for which I am overjoyous to witness it. I do hope you will get all the data you need and that we will see much more from you guys in the coming months :]


I hope it will be not laggy as now while playing a world wide ranked, or competitive players still stuck at a 3rd party client.

YES! I dont give a damn about ranked play but at least somethin is happening. Can’t wait for custom campaigns! Blizzard has started their way to redemption with this.


Thank you for your work on the best RTS of all time. It took time but you may finally be on the good way to honor the Warcraft 3 name.

Keep up the good work guys !

It could be a good thing to come in touch with Grubby and W3Champions team. I think they only want to help. They have nothing to win there and you have nothing to lose trying.


Finaly, thanks for the patch and ladder, profiles, :slightly_smiling_face: . Continue like this blizzard .


Hey, Blizzard WC3 team, could we please have the custom campaigns back as well, while you’re at it?


Now that Blizzard had spread its games all over the world, why does WarCraft III still doesnt have a South America Server?

I play with 300ms since 2004. It is not even fair, and I still play.

Put some Servers at Brazil maybe.

Congrats on patching in baseline features two years and a half after release without even mentioning community work in the notes. Clowns.

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yeah hit the new team with unnecessary snarkiness, that’ll accomplish stuff for sure


I hated it because of the moonkin not looking like a moonkin, the DRM, AND the lack of custom campaigns. So far this new patch doesn’t impress me or give me any reason to give them back the money I made them return.

Can we just roll it back to preReforged version? It was in my opinion a lot better.


At last!
Now don’t forget about custom campaigns! Please! This is what I used to play most, and what I miss!!


I still wish the team good luck and thank them.