Warcraft 3 Reforged Patch 2.0.0 does not work on Windows 7

I’m pretty sure i found a fix or at least a workaround. I’m logged into multiplayer right now, the UI generation completes without -graphicsapi Direct3D9, the game itself renders normally, the mouse pointer is visible and no glitches or artifacts.


Can you show us how? Also, very important, the Editor works with your new workaround?

I’m not sure yet what i can do with this… but i’m pretty confident now, that it’s very possible to find a config that works pretty well for online play

Edit: Especially because of what i said, that the only goal seems to be to get through the UI because the game itself is unaffected

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Sure if you can test GTX 660 with and without -graphicsapi Direct3D9 arugment perhaps we shall find a common denominator. The more permutations we have the better, Samuro found a way to by pass chromium based UI generation. However, this should only work on machines that can at least launch W3R with -graphicsapi Direct3D9

Unlike this Win7 machine I am testing, -graphicsapi Direct3D9 results in “unable to initialize graphics” error. It’s the same with DXVK d3d11.dll

I even tried installing supermium (Version 126.0.6478.256), a fork of chromium. Still the same. This has happened time and time again, every time there is a new patch there is a score of users that get culled off. Apparently UI (blizzard browser) is some how interfering with GPU initialization.

Feomatar reported WR3 didn’t work with a gts 250 on win10. He then upgraded to a 5700xt on win10 and game runs fine.


may i ask for the workaround?
(i follow this thread for week now and have the “no mouse pointer / graphic glitches” stuff when i start with -graphicsapi Direct3D9)


Just wanted to let you know, unfortunately I won’t be able to test and post results until end of the week due to work so Friday is earliest I can do.

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No worries, happy Thanksgiving!

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So how to make it work?

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