2.0.1 Build 22425 PTR Patch Notes

We’ve opened the PTR for testing version 2.0.1, which includes several updates to game systems, as well as bug fixes.


• Updated the custom hotkey screen. Players can now customize items, F-keys, and icon positions. This change is not final.
• All Classic HD icons have been resized from 512x512 to 256x256.
• All Classic HD icons now have bespoke boarders.
• Various Classic HD icons have been updated.
• Rank in the Multiplayer setup screen will now show rank against all races
(previously only showed ranked against its own race).
• Moved Old Terrian into the Addon Sub folder.
• Added option under game Behavior that says “Use Old Terrain” which will
use the old Reforged Terrian.
• Added an option to hide game system messages in chat.
• Map filter in custom game will now look for the map name.
• Lobby chat will now clear after you exit the lobby and game.
• Added 3 new skins: Jaina, Ghostly Antonidas, and Ghostly Keeper of the Grove.
• Orc Reinforced Defenses and Spiked Barricades moved from VFX addon to
Building Addon.
• Players who write multiple messages will only show one name and one
profile picture until a new person writes a message.
• Added Date played to match history.


• Fixed a crash that was occurring on Windows 7.
• Fixed a crash that was occurring with integrated graphic cards.
• Fixed a crash when a game with more than 11 players would end.
• Fixed an issue where certain custom game maps units would not appear.
• Fixed an issue where the Kel’Thuzard Skin would have an incorrect portrait.
• Fixed an issue with Reforged camera being an incorrect FOV (now matches
• Fixed an issue where whispers would show incorrect portraits.
• Fixed an issue where total score was missing from the score screen.
• Fixed an issue where mouse highlights in the score screen did not highlight
the tabs completely.
• Fixed an issue where -graphicsapi Direct3D12 was not working.
• Fixed an issue where adding a computer to custom games was hidden
behind the UI.
• Fixed an issue where right-clicking on the custom game menu would pull up
the right menu in the wrong position.
• Fixied an issue where Bladestorm missing VFX when using a Blademaster
• Fixed an issue where Batrider in Classic HD would still use its Reforged
animation during Unstable Concoction.
• Fixed an issue where reveal would be using Reforged VFX even with Classic
HD enabled.
• Fixed an issue with various Classic SFX not playing the correct Classic SFX.
• Fixed an issue with claws of attack being the wrong number in Chinese and
• Fixed an issue where chat would disappear if you tabbed to a whisper chat.
• Fixed an issue where Classic Sound checkbox would not be greyed out when
in Classic Mode.
• Fixed an issue where Classic Undead HUD side bars would not disappear if
scaled down.
• Fixed an issue where Camera Zoom Slider was showing inaccurate distances.
• Fixed an issue where Subgroup Order Modifier option was displaying
inaccurate tooltip.
• Fixed an issue where the game timer would continue even when the match was


love u guys but the typos/sentences in these patch notes are killing me

anyway, addressing the actual notes

This looks so much better. Thank you.
EDIT: having different preset pages to choose from would be super cool too, especially for custom maps if nothing else
EDIT2: I could be wrong, but I feel like clicking a button to set its hotkey should automatically focus the hotkey listener box

some of these are looking better, some of them like BTNForge, BTNDeathTower, BTNAdvancedDeathTower, PASBTNStatUp, BTNTaurenTotem (an especially egregious offender), the robo goblin buttons, etc. still look really bad. Also, a lot of them have a random little notch in the bottom left corner above the border that shouldn’t be there. BTNTower should be the standard that the rest of these icons follow.
Unit and building textures are also still looking not great in some spots as well (see Spellbreaker for a prime example)

also I hope this is the last spot that these are moved to, because moving the file paths around a bunch is not good for custom models that have been relying on these textures

it’d make much more sense to have this (and the use classic sound toggle) with the rest of the reforged toggles in the menu that was made specifically for toggling settings between reforged/HD classic
EDIT: it’d also make much more sense to allow mapmakers to account for all of these new graphical toggles and disable them for their maps if they see fit. It is currently possible to restrict a map to SD or HD only, but HD now allows for classic HD as well with no way to disable it.

what is this?

thank you




these are good changes, however, I’m still getting HD classic units and reforged units shown side by side in game (very easy to see for yourself in a game of Legion TD)

good to see a fix for some of the new UI stuff, however, the issues I posted here https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/warcraft3/t/200-frame-natives-are-broken-again/33171 and here https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/warcraft3/t/200-ui-scaling-does-not-play-nice-with-custom-frames/33336 are still present and should be fixed

also the R2S bug is still present, as are a lot of other bugs I’ve reported in the past :')


Hotkeys for items - nice!


Hi @Koviax are you going to look at the MMR/matchmaking/ranking system, some big issues:

-MMR gain/loss does not work well, I’m playing at 90%+ over 130 games but still going down in MMR quite rapidly as I gain 2-7 mmr per win and loss up to 200, so it will take 50+ games to ‘catch up’ per loss. This is also only losing vs people who are only similar/higher MMR than me

-XP gain and loss doesn’t scale well with MMR, currently the top ranked players are low MMR but still get similar XP gain per win as higher MMR but they can farm opponents easily and consistently so the majority of the top ranked players are not even close to the ‘top players’, in fact they cant even usually meet them at all due to their lower MMR. At the moment its just whoever wins the most games will be the highest rank regardless of MMR, even losses don’t seem to penalize you a lot.

-Search time issues at higher MMR, eg Potholderz/Hitman spends hours in ques to find single games at 219-2, after 5-10 mins I recommend matching you with the highest mmr player currently searching as an idea.

-Server matching, it doesn’t seem to pick the fairest server it just gives one player their best server, if i vs an EU player they usually have 50 ping vs my 300, or it occasionally goes to Oceanic server and I have 30 ping vs their 300. If we matches on USA server for example we could both have between 150-200 ping.

Also there is two issues with FFA currently:

-It shows icons in the load screen, so you either need to use a boring ‘standard’ icon or change it after every game so people can’t track who you are. I recommend doing what W3C did and giving everyone identical icons, or different random starter icons.

-The MMR system is messed up, it gives you a ridiculous amount of MMR loss for getting out 4th or 3rd and very little for second, this is a bad system because it means many people just play for 2nd and at worst 3rd which prolongs and makes boring games.

However this ladder is still a significant improvement over what we had previously though so thank you


I am once again asking for fixing a bug with disconnected-reconnected audio. It still persists in the new PTR.

How to reproduce:

  1. connect sound device with audiojack 3.5 (didnt tested with USB, maybe will bug too)
  2. start wc3, enable sound if not enabled (you can just chill in main menu, entering the game is not required)
  3. disconnect audio jack
  4. connect audio jack
    Result: NO SOUND. And you can’t enable it! You still see your sound device in settings, but there is no sound. And nothing helps except restarting WC3.

There were no such bug on 1.26 version.


Please fix the hotkey tabs, there are missing buttons for orc, undead and human, and there are missing spells and upgrades that are no longer used in the actual game.


thank you !!!


what’s missing?

And still no mention of the Patch 1.33 Campaign that was reverted in 1.36. I really appreciate the changes, and they’re very clearly listening to the community, but we don’t know for how long this current period of support is going to last.

Maybe the contract and/or support window expires in a month. We need to use this opportunity and advocate for the return of the Patch 1.33 Campaign.

It’s impossible that they’re not aware of its removal, as Patch 1.36 wasn’t that long ago. It’s possible that they’re working on a larger update to the Campaign, although that’s probably copium.


sincerely doubt it

Patch 1.33 campaign should be brought back though, yes. We’ve already told them the updates aren’t what was causing crashes, rather it was a bug with weather effects (that might still not have been fixed?).

There are still a couple of issues with the audio:

  • Playing with Classic HD and having “Classic Sound” checked still plays reforged new audio on a few things, such as building Night Elf buildings (the constriction sound is still reforged despite having the “classic sound” checked.
  • Having the “Classic Sound” option checked, switching back to full classic still bugs the audio out and plays the modern sounds until the client has been restarted.

Another issue, not related to audio, is that it’s not possible to play on a different monitor than your main monitor without massive framerate drops.
Choosing a different monitor than your main monitor in video settings makes the game extremely choppy. I’d love to see this fixed.

Thanks for the update and work to fix the game!

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Chad patch <3

Ptr is good. send it! :slight_smile:

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Still misses Death Knight Arthas for classic mode, please add him.


Thank you for adding possibility to manage terrain addons!
Please take a look at the World Editor crashes for the next iteration:


@Kaivax The Automated Tournaments seems to be stuck on 11/22 FYI

it means things like the “your team has queued for a 2v2 game” and similar such messages won’t be displayed.

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when is this planned to go live?

I checked through all the Night Elf buildings - currently only Ancient Protector has Uproot as an available hotkey, please add it to all ! Or is this a shared hotkey across buildings?

It’s beautiful, thank you for all this. I hope you continue working on bringing more skins for heroes or who knows, units, and continue fixing some game errors. If you can add the option for the AI ​​to use the skins that we have enabled in solo custom games, that would be great. Thank you very much, continue moving forward with this beautiful game!

same problem, please fix