After I updated the game on the date of 14.11.2024, I was not able to louch the game and the editor. I get the error tab with this referance code: 6BD39C62-7301-4BFD-8710-68EAB9EF8E14. I already tried scan and repair and do not work. I also spoke with another person that has Windows 7 and he encounters the same problem. He also tried reinstalling the game, but it didn’t fix the problem.
Can we get an answer for when or if we should expect someone to solve this problem?
I am a map creator and I can’t open even my maps anymore.
Any info on this topic will be appreciated!
Have u checked all ur audio devices if they are named with letters Ä Ö Ü or non-english letters?
I have made a tutorial thread for the empty options bug, maybe this can help.
I have the same issue (crash on launch, Win 7)
I have just 2 audio devices. 1.Speakers and 2.Headset Earphone Razer Kraken 7.1 Chroma. Nothing special here. I was with this setup for 5 years. No weird letters.
damn…then it seems it’s another bug which blizzard has to fix.
All affected Windows 7 users, in hopes for a blue reply, please bump this thread
Same here.
Windows 7, when I click play I get same “unexpected error” msg. Can not start and play the game at all.
Hopefully it gets fixed or someone finds workaround!
Why are you all using Windows 7 still anyway especially when Windows 10 and even 11 are far more superior and last I checked most Blizzard games actually require at least Windows 10 now. I mean Windows 7 itself is no longer supported by Microsoft and I am surprised that Blizzard is even still indicating that Warcraft III Reforged is even compatible with 7 and 8.x especially with all of the updates. Most computers running Windows 7 or 8.x would never be able to run Warcraft III Reforged especially on full Reforged settings due to those OS’s not supporting most of the Reforged features. I mean I can see them maybe running it on Classic settings as Classic settings were created for those earlier OS’s and maybe that’s why they still say it’s supported on those OS’s. On the flip side I am glad that I hadn’t purchased the Battle Chest ($20 USD for me as I own Reforged) as I would have to play the games on my PC as Warcraft I and II Remastered still don’t support Mac which is completely stupid with how much Mac gaming has changed since the creation of Apple Silicon and the Apple Game Porting Toolkit. I mean for crying out loud if someone wants to they can just use the Game Porting Toolkit and run Warcraft I and II Remastered on Mac regardless of what Blizzard says and if they set up the Game Porting Toolkit they will get the same if not better performance than they would on Windows.
Why I use Windows 7? Why is that your problem? I use it because I like it and I dislike the others. I bought Reforged because I wanted to play Classic Warcraft on windows 7 and I did that until this patch 2.0.0 ruin the game for windows 7 users. I don’t need full settings and I don’t want/play other games on Battlenet for the moment.
This thread is focused on a specific technical issue: the incompatibility introduced with patch 2.0.0 for WC3 on Windows7. Many of us are here to seek solutions or clarification from Blizzard about this unexpected change in compatibility.
Arguing about OS preferences or trying to convince others to switch is not productive and only diverts attention from this issue.
To Blizzard:
We kindly request clarification on the following:
- Was Windows 7 support for Warcraft III Reforged officially dropped with this patch?
- If so, why was there no prior announcement or update to the minimum system requirements?
- Can affected users expect a fix or workaround for this issue, or is support for Windows 7 officially discontinued?
We would greatly appreciate a response from Blizzard on how this situation will be addressed moving forward.
No, if you look on the War3 Reforged under minimum requirements it lists Windows 7. There would be no reason for it not to work anymore.
Warcraft III System Requirements (Reforged and Classic)
Operating System Windows® 7 / Windows® 8 / Windows® 10 64-bit (latest version)
“System requirements” is obviously not just about support — meeting the system requirements means the game or software has been optimized and confirmed to work on the listed OS and hardware setups. If your system meets the listed requirements, the game should work as expected.
It absolutely is just about support. System requirements are developed from internal testing. It is not a definitive “This will work if you have this, and won’t work if you don’t.” Why? Because they can’t test every configuration out there.
I’ve run many games and other software without meeting the system requirements. It’s generally not a good thing, but not meeting the requirements is not a guarantee it WON’T work any more than meeting them is a guarantee it WILL work.
Those requirements are absolutely and literally there for support purposes. If you don’t meet the requirements, they will point that out and that’s all the help you’ll get. If you DO meet the requirements, then they will follow their tech support scripts to try to find your resolution.
System requirements are literally just a statement that says “Our testing found that our game worked with this hardware/software here. If you have this hardware/software, or objectively better hardware/software, then it will probably work for you.” And it is effectively a promise that if you DO meet these requiremetns and it DOESN’T work, they will help you get it to work.
No, if 2.0 doesn’t launch on any Win7 system, the info under System Requirements is false and either Win7 support should be officially discontinued or if it remains listed a global solution should be provided
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While I would actually argue they should drop win7 support, that is not how this works.
An OS being supported does not mean it is guaranteed to work. It doesn’t make the requirements “false.”
What it does mean is that if it’s not working for anybody they will either fix it such that it works again, or they will drop support. But even if they do that, it could still work.
It is 100% impossible to guarantee that something will or won’t work in the PC universe. Everyone has different combinations of hardware and software.
That’s exactly what i wrote and why there might be hope that Blizzard will actually address it
I have the same issue on Windows 7. Also, I tried to install the game on Windows 10 machine, but nothing changed — I got the same type of error.
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BTW, i can’t even see other people play WC3 in the bnet app’s friend list anymore, is this just me?
I tested this and no, you’re not just imagining it. If I run D2R, for instance, my own app will show me as playing that game. But when I’m playing war3, it does not show that I’m playing any game. So the rich presence info is either not being generated or not being sent.