This beta version graphics is final version?

The actually models are looking good! But the graphics dont are good… :frowning:

These are the final graphics. You can take this to the bank.


they still need to add more animations as no units seem to have lip animations at the moment.

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Who told you that it’s the final graphics? I hate such toxics like you

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From who you get this information? From what you are saying?

there is still animations left to add.

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Yeah, but its a 2019 beta, so i think what that is missing now will be back in final release, so lets hope and wait more :smiley:


The beta version is not final, but the 2018 demo still looking better because have the awesome shadows,awesome rendering,awesome new UI,new mini map,post effects,reflections,colors and other awesome things

what are you a parrot? it seems you post about the exact same things each time.

Also I think the campaign will look about the same as blizzcon. but for competitive reasons they can’t make foggy maps like in single player with cool effects. I’m pretty sure blizzard will deliver :slight_smile:

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Well the game is out now… and the 2018 demo looks much better.

:slight_smile: rip my dude
edit: cant post new messages, idk why. Maybe free users cant respond now.

This aged so well xD