The new patch stated there are graphical updates

Animations, model updates and particles as per stated, folk with sharp eyes who noticed the difference, can you post the changes here ?

appreciated in advance!


black dragon is bugged now, ursa warrior and ursa champion now have different models (warrior is bugged I think), tharifas’s wings have TC, Frostmourne pedestal now has an animation, skeletal mage has fire on it (editor), I (think) cairne’s textures became whiter more like the original, baine got a generic spirit walker model, antonidas ghost has a model but it’s unfinished.

DK/DH now have selectable gender models which is good via collection. still they’re using default arthas/illidan models.


if anything, that’s a bargaining chip for us that Blizzard may roll-out more super-ultra-specific models for campaign (minor) characters

They aren’t rolling out more stuff than what is already in the editor, if they even do all models at this rate.

Except there’s strings that contradict that. WoWhead already did a post today about more data references to generic hero models not yet included in the current build.

That and at Blizzcon they said there’d be variations to melee heroes besides the spoils of war skins.
AND the new build specifically allows you to include/exclude female DKs and DHs in the pool.


I know that there will be male DK and DH generic models, that doesn’t really mean anything for like what we got at the start of the development, unique models for High elven units and stuff like that, that stuff is over.

i will shamelessly plug in my post, there’s still way lots of unique campaign units and characters not having their models. Blizzard would be quite inconsistent if they just stopped right there. Besides, they pretty much gave us all the impression that even Menag would get his own model.

Do you mean to tell me that most units in the Founding of Durotar will be just resized and recolored variations of preset units, which pretty much is contradicting as to why they gave each creep and characters unique models in the first place? We don’t even have a proper model for Baine yet.


High elves have unique models.

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While I suspect you may be correct… we cannot be sure either.

on standard units/ maps for melee i didn’t see any changes, just the deathcoil of DK got more recognizable.

I think I saw a video mention about Water Elementals with better attack graphics. I’m not sure what their old attack looked like, but I found the water splash effect very noticeable.

Water Elemental having some sh1tty “water effects” but still looks like garbage xD

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Unmounted Thrall hair has been fixed and Gazlowe has a new model.

I really like what they did with the Frostmourne pedestal, looks great now, beautifull effects.

Check out the new Firelord and Pitlord. They added some nice looking fire effects to both of those. At least I think those are new… Firelord looks amazing right now.

Edit 1: Looks like totems are fixed as well. Sentry Ward and Statis, Stasis was broken before I think. Spell effect was out of position. Those both look finished. Healing ward looks nice. Serpent ward I think is also different.

Edit 2: Crypt Fiends I think were changed too. Looks like they added team coloring to the hair all down their back. It’s subtle, looks good.

Edit 3: Blademaster has new attack animations I think. His ult has new spell effects now too.

I’ll believe it when I actually see it at this point.

effects are being ported almost 1/1 from the original game which is good I guess, water elem had that in classic.

Well then go look. The current build already includes Arthas and Illidan in melee as placeholders for the male half of the hero pool for DKs and DHs.
There’s strings in the build that specify it.
You can opt-in/opt-out of the female versions via the collection manager.
The evidence is already there!

The only thing missing is the actual models.


Unfortunately, the only option is female. As expected, since I have a solid reason to think they just removed the male one.

They are going to update add classic portraits, maybe also more female models or unique hero skin, with the custom patch.
@Wizard : Unselect and you can have 100% male if it’s not a bug.

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I’ll believe we’re getting the actual models when we SEE the actual models. Right now this could just mean they were initially planning the actual models but the actual models got cut as well.

If we were getting generic male DK and DH models they should have been included with the factions already.