The Gender Outrage

Only inbreds ask questions about inbreeding. Good luck keeping to those 2012 stereotypes.

Trump 2020.

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It baffles me how Blizzard shills will accept anything the company provides them and even spend their own free time defending every single feature on the forum.

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They have nothing else to cling to, besides the pathetic Culture War. They do not even reproduce anywhere close to replacement levels. The future will be mostly free of shills and “activists”.

Maybe they think if they picked the female version of a hero in melee play, other people will think they are a girl. And yes, girls do play games like this. I showed my niece the game and she told me she liked the blood elf and orc campaigns most.

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Don’t worry. Be happy.

Yeah there were none in game. So by your logic there are male priests of the moon and female keepers of the grove. Can’t wait to see them in reforged.

There are no women paladins in the game. My statement is true. As a side note the orcs (grom) do make fun of the night elves for having women in their army but later gives them respect.

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Yeah you right. Clearly I’m the one being irrational for not throwing a tantrum because of a female Death Knight skin


It’s not about the crying, it’s about keeping the previous models with HD.
Why they changed 2 male heroes to females and not the other way around?

And I think that people have right to be mad. Plenty of people who were making maps were using male Demon Hunters and male Death Knights, Duke Wintermaul is one good example of that.
And I personally liked male DK/DH models and voice-overs, they were on TOP, even from the all games I’ve ever played.

I just don’t understand the point of changing something that worked before.

The best if the enemy of the good.


Look. It’s a Beta. They are testing assets. The assets most in need of testing are the ones that are newest. That includes new voicelines for the new rotation. The more these voicelines have been in the rotation, the more bugs will have been caught by the time it’s pushed out.

They didn’t throw them in to calm people down. They’re just testing stuff.

They didn’t change them from male to female. They added new models and voice lines to the rotation. You will have a chance to get the male or the female death knight or even Arthas himself in melees. They are currently testing only those with new voicelines, because those have the biggest chance of running into sound bugs (such as interference problems, like what happened with Kel’thuzad’s voicelines in the current beta).

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It’s probably not a change but an addition. Go look 4 posts above yours.


I hope that’s just an option. Being forced to use a new model is… just wrong.

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Except for those there is explicit lore dictating that the Sentinels are all women and that the Keepers of the Grove are the sons of Cenarius. His Daughters are Dryads.

THAT said, I could imagine them adding specifically Lunara as Keeper skin.

So yes, it is in fact different, that would be an actual retcon.

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I don’t care about the skin. They might as well make a pink unicorn death knight skin if it’s optional. I just want my old non Arthas death knight back.

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You should look at post #25 of this thread for some evidence that supports what you want.

they never see a girl, that’s the problem they don’t know what it is


The funny thing is…I think of the WC3 paladin model, which is a burly muscleman with huge biceps carrying an equally huge hammer. Basically Thor. I’m fine with female paladins/DKs, but it does seem strange for a girl to be carrying a huge hammer. Unless, she is, like Uther, insanely muscular. Then again, realism isn’t a priority in this game. Regardless, I have zero problem with a female death knight. I actually would like some female grunts/orcs, considering that their females are likely to be powerful warriors.

There it is everyone, The most enlightened and correct statement in answer to all the garbage going on.

And the orcs explicitly have male heroes, so we’ll see what happens. It seems they are doing these retcons so why not a priest of the moon as well.