The demo vs the current beta

There are people saying it’s a compatibility issue, does anyone know anything about it?

I don’t know if it’s a compatibility issue, I haven’t seen anything said about it

The game will have crossplay with the classic, right? Will this not cause any problems in the game?

some units look too different and have different sizes, i wouldn’t be surprised that Blizzard say “sorry we can’t make it work, compatibility won’t happen” in the end.

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Quotes from other topic, is think that will be clear to understand :smiley:

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Awesome quotes, i think they will know now what is missing in this 2019 beta

wtf is wrong with you souchirou stop posting the same thing over and over, also are you twelve?? I bet you never even played classic to begin with

These “2018 demo comparsion” topics are getting annoying, that’s not even a beta, it was a demo, lol.

if you open the editor and apply some shadows and lighting you get a very similar effect.

Not similar in world editor, the 2018 are still way better.


Even in the Editor the graphics still looking old


True, I also realized that. It’s very sad the currently look and the state of the game :disappointed_relieved:

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Hopefully! Hoping they improve the graphics! So i are bringing that feedback for the topic!

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Noticed that too! When this game will go looks like the same product shown in Blizzcon2018? Where are the modern and realistic graphics from the demo?