A 30 unit group selection would be your entire army, you might as well remove the selection limit all together. I’m guessing most of you who wants this to be removed did not play much melee and spent more time with custom games and if that’s the case then I get it, bigger selections would make for more interesting custom games however I’d rather see this as an editable variable in the new world editor then have this core mechanic changed for the melee games. It’s not that hard to control three to four selection groups.
I am a big fan of this change. It both improves the acessibility for new players (they can start out without control groups) and the skill ceiling (not making control groups is a sub-optimal play, that will seperate the noobs from the veterans). So it is improving the game for anyone.
The only problem I see is, that they don’t want to split the player base. So they would need to patch this change in Warcraft 3 Classic as well. I am not sure if this is possible with the old engine. If they can’t do it for classic, they can’t do it for reforged as it wouldn’t be an even playfield anymore.
Actually they already told us that it can be done.
I was literally on my way here to post the exact same thing.
Gold star to you my good sir for actually reading the threads before posting your own. You should be a role model to all of us.
I’d say they should maybe make it an option for custom games, in the options on the sidebar, at the same time as when you choose your race. Also, allow custom maps & mods to enable or disable this feature by default.
But I’m all for removing the limit. Maybe just not in ladder/matchmaking/melee.
Logically the biggest issue with this mechanic, is now that they are merging the Classic wc3… with the reforged. Ergo… if you were to remove the 12 unit cap, it should also remove from the wc3 classic , but then some players who want to play pure classic , it would be different. But that is fine, there should be a SEPERATE mode for them to activate, where if they wanted to be trve kvlt orginal they can play use only 12 units max selection.
But big “here here!” with it being removed, it really should go .
I am a old school strategy player, a hardcore WC3 fan and I wont stop playing or buying the game if they remove the cap, because I love the game and love going back to it nice and polished. When I think “what made WC3 great” I dont think “the bad pathfinding and the unit cap” I dont get it when people argue against quality of life changes, its sounds stupid to me and is false nostalgy in my opinion … sorry … if they would change core gameplay ok … that would be reason for me to not buy the game, but the unit cap … seriosly ? Going back from newer strategy game titles to wc3 I noticed that the unit cap and path finding is what anoyes me the most. I got used to the quality of live changes of newer titles. In my opinion it wont hurt to have them in the reforged version because they dont effect balance and make the game more fun to play for new players who arent used to micro management. For experienced strategy players its only something to get used to but for new players its kind of hard and maybe frustraiting. In short: for me its important to take new players into consideration and not focus only on the hard core strategy player base, and quality of life changes are a good way to do so I guess.
It would be nice to be able to change the unit cap at the very least in Custom Games. Not sure if that was on the cards or not, in competitive it would be nice for low level games but not the end of the world i suppose. Higher ranks you are never going to select all anyway.
The 12 unit selection cap should be removed.
There will be no significant impact at high level play. WC3 has so few units, and good players use multiple hotkeys to control their units anyway; the usage of more than 12 units in a hotkey will be very rare. This isn’t starcraft.
The only case where removing the 12 unit limit will make a difference at the higher level is with flying machines. But one can simply nerf flying machines slightly to compensate.
I encourage blizzard to take to the pros: Th000, Infi, Lynn, Moon, 120, Foggy, etc. They will likely verify that increasing the unit selection cap above 12 will make no noticeable impact on high level play.
Removing it WOULD have SOME impact. If you watch a game by, say, WTII, you’ll see that when he selects a control group he can see which units need healing. Selecting 40 units? Good luck making out the health bars on the bottom unit panel. Big deal? Maybe not. But it is SOMETHING to keep in mind.
Removing the 12 unit cap is welcomed in SC, but I don’t think it’s necessary in W3. This game is hero centered and small army is encouraged. The supply cap is merely 100 and regulated by the upkeep tax (30% less gold income when you reach 40 supplies, and 60% when you reach 70). Each hero cost 5 supplies, and most units in mid and late games cost 3, 4, 5 or more supplies each. In most cases you only have 2 active battle groups if you wanna maintain your army below 70 supplies.
I really hope they reconsider this, i mean keep it original… but this 12 unit selection… like other PROS and LONG TIME players have say… it is best to get it out and move on.
This will really f$ck with my custom game atmosphere if you can only 12 unit selection… there are meant to be big battles (~200/300 pop cap)… how the hell will people play my game if only 12 units to select (+12 extra if use control keys) xd. GGWP…
and how the hell would you add in a button for it to work it, but… if must… then do that.
I’d personally like to see the macro from SC2 be implenented here… Love seeing the tabs that I set up for certain units and structures. And selecting your entire army is a possibility. +1 from me!
its not really a good argument!
by removing 12 unit limit the game will be more friendly for new player and returning players that want it gone! we get more players that way and it does not change strategy much it does not stop micro units we are not asking to increase the supply cap that wuld destroy balance!
ofc players gona use heroes but with unlimited unit cap it opens the game to alot more fun! 12 unit limit is a restriction that is not fun!
removing 12 unit limit does not change the gameplay at all!
that is nostalgia talking!
12 unit limit will discourage new players from playing the game…
12 unit cap is a relic from the past limitations and it implies close to none skill have that one or two units in a third or fourth control group just because you couldnt fit them in group anymore. 12 unit cap only makes the game tiny bit more frustrating and once it’s removed nobody will miss it and go “Oh back in the day when you could put only 12 units in the cap was the time wc3 had skill”.
And if someone wants to group up all units under 1 hotkey, they should be allowed. It’s bad, and only newbies will do it while they need to focus on learning more dominating aspects of the game, so who gives a crap?
I agree, it is outdated, however, it makes Warcraft 3, Warcraft 3, so I’d suggest instead an option to disable the 12 unit selection limit, could be good for some custom games, I think personaly that it adds extra chalange, and it is why I like Warcraft 3 so much But I’d personaly just kept it as it is. #NoChanges
I’d like the cap removed for all games. I don’t see it as an issue. Those that micro will likely have an advantage, but there is no harm in people using macro because that’s what they want to do. I used to do micro, but now I’m more macro focused because I’m an old man and can’t think as quickly!
U dont need it. Nobody cares about it. If u have probs with 12 unit cap dont start to play wc3, because you will have a lot of more probs than just 12 units cap.LOL. Warcraft is much harder to learn than sc. Plz dont start to find any reasons for your own bad play
This is still being discussed…