Preordering Every Day 'Til Beta: Day 23

Well, sir I don’t keep track, that’s not what Reforged is about, it’s about escapism. Playing a game, thinking about the game world. I can get more money by typing “greedisgood 999999”, or at least, that works when I’m working on it by myself.
So, Day 22 video is out, so that’s like, 22*(30 + 2(tax)) = $704, but I don’t know that’s just a quick estimate on a calculator for the materialists who want to care about that kind of thing


Are we talking old satanism or modern?
Cuz frankly, modern one looks a lot better than most religions nowadays.


When I was in puberty all of my dreams at night were about my life in the World of Warcraft, not the Earth, so, in the one my brain considers real it’s safe to say that the Paladins worship the Light.
I think that’s probably what you guys are looking for here to answer your question – the Light.

Who ever said I didn’t like Paladins, anyway? They’re just good Unit Tests. Unit Tests are an important part of the development of projects, I learned this in college. Or I guess it would be better to call them Test Units.

Edit: if you feel bad for the Paladins, revive them at altar, OK? I think Altar of Kings is the way to go, but you can use the Tavern if you’re in a hurry


When I was a kid, it seemed apparent to me that if G-d exists, his only domain must be RNG. But of course, the true answer is determinism.

I also had a vague idea that it would be cool if there was G-d, but only on our planet, and his reach wouldn’t spread outside its bounds - literally the current lore of Warcraft (where other planets bore their own Titans).

Satanism makes no sense. If you truly want to be an anti-Christian, you should not merely choose everything opposite to Christianity. You have to understand the reason and rationale behind Christianity - the hatred of all existence, the envy of beauty, the denigration of intelligence, the contempt for order.

Christianity is an expression of out-group altruism. Its opposite is in-group altruism. Tribalism. Love of your relatives. And love cannot be felt without hatred.

In a word, the love for the world, the utter unacceptance of existence-deniers. But I do believe, a little Christian lives in everyone’s soul. The craving for nothingness that consumes everything.

And of course, it is all entangled with the dilemma of man - his Nature is destroying Nature to fuel his appetite. From that, there is a small step to destroying his own Nature, too - and that is death.

You could congratulate him on the suicide of this monster. The issue is that we are men. And I believe, we can create beauty. See the DPR of Korea and the City of Pyongyang. Juche! Songun! Manse!

This is almost like stating the obvious but plenty of messages seem to genuinely miss why he would keep buying reforged and make videos etc about it.

It’s called marketing and stuff. By investing to this stuff he gains better following, meaning he can keep putting out videos and even twitch stream. People flock around him and he financially benefits from it.

That doesn’t mean he is just in this for the money but if he wants to do this full-time even as a hobby he needs money and marketing yourself in the internet isn’t the worst idea to do that.

Do you really think this is really the case? Retera still gets a few hundred viewers per video. That’s a dozen Twitch viewers at most (see zoomsf).

I would say a far superior way would be trying to shoot high and give birth to a meme. The Makrura rave was the correct direction. Other things I would see would be the likes of “Hold, Ambassador!”

Cue that /laugh sound from WoW from one of those races like the blood elves where the voice actor was underpaid and by the end of their laugh track you can hear the skepticism in their voice regarding how they reached a point of recording a laugh track at all

“Hahaha , haha, ha, heh, h eughhhh…”

But seriously, this belief is so entertaining to me because it’s like, I don’t even know. Sure man, keep believing I’m in it for the money, and let’s see where that lens of truth gets you in life.

It is not impossible that I was influenced by the sort of monkey-see, monkey-do thinking that can happen as a result of watching others who feel as you describe. But for my own part, I haven’t the faintest idea how to monetize YouTube videos that get 20-100 views per video and I am not sure I would want to. Many of my videos are ridiculous and several of the older ones, especially, have some background music that often came from another YouTube video playing in the background.

To me the idea that I am spending money to preorder Reforged once per day because it is profitable [although we all know by now that I have missed days and then done makeup purchases] is a completely ludicrous idea. If I wake up tomorrow and YouTube has mind controlled the peasants to watch my stuff and I get 1 million views per video, Im going to start releasing as much content as possible to influence those people not to use YouTube if I can. It would make the world a better place.
After the first or second video where I did so, the YouTube recommendation algorithm would learn what I was doing and silently block me from the recommended list of anybody at all. The YouTube recommendation AI and I don’t get along, and we are never going to.

One time I streamed myself coding on twitch. It was really annoying, they wanted me to keep reading this side chat, but I just wanted to let anybody watch me code. Apparently you’re supposed to read the side chat thing, but doesn’t that seem annoying?

You seem to have confused me with a person of far more calculated goals. I don’t really have those goals calculated out yet, I just felt like buying Reforged every day until beta.



First, thank you for dedicating your time, energy, and money towards this most entertaining and inspiring saga. Though this is my third post, I’ve been lurking the forum threads ever since the announcement of Reforged. However, up until your thread, I’ve been searching for Reforged news and passively reading others’ posts to see what they valued in the game. Now I’ve been coming back multiple times a day to check for new videos. I’ve greatly enjoyed your commentary and what you’ve been trying to represent here – excitement for Reforged. You inspired me to make a map, which is something I haven’t done in years. Even further, when I sat down to make the map, I never intended to put as much effort into it as I did. You drew out a love of mapmaking that I thought I had lost.

Viewers like me might make up a minority of your viewership, but I’d imagine there are others who come to this thread as well who have experienced a similar impact. Or perhaps others will come as they seek news about Reforged, much like I did.

Please, if you can, keep making your videos.



Thanks for the positive note! There are some people in the world who think all other people are motivated out of a desire to obtain money. They probably believe that you messaged me here because there are specific other people who you want to receive free Reforged.
But its cool to think youre probably just being nice xD

Anyway man, have a good one, Im like 4 videos behind but Ive done worse

Now here is video 23!


My wife and I both sat down to watch Retera vs Areter be played last night. I can’t tell you how awesome it felt to watch you play my map. Thank you for making our day. :smiley:


you folks write so much. When the devil looks good to you, then there is a problem. Just because he uses somebody to make an update that doesnt look so bad, it doesnt make it good.

First, if you take it upon yourself to decide whats good/wrong and you go by feelings, you are gonna fail. Feelings are not objective reality. Feelings can lead to doing bad while you will think it is the best thing ever you could come up with.

it is not all about ideology.
you could force the devils in Jesus name, not live according to what God ordained as His order and still end up in hellfire forever. If you love me, you obey my commandments. Stuff like loving ur enemies praying for them, not cursing them.

Is this easy and will people love you if you give yourself to Jesus ? No, your own family will hate you. There will be division, they will do all in their power to destroy you. God doesnt promise you that you wont suffer. You will and you will even take some more to save other people. God has promised eternal life, after the first death. If you wish to save your life, you will lose it, but if you lose it for Jesus, you wil receive it. Until you die, suffering and pain is used to cleanse you like fire so that you may come before Jesus without getting condemned to the nasty place.

I can be fearmongering you with hell. Boobooboo. That pitchfork wearing things and stuff, I am for freedom. God is too. If fear of eternity in hell makes you search for God or you really want to lve your creator and you need no such thing as terrorizing with it, good for you. I dont seek to rule over people.

I could write a lot of truth here and it wouldnt in many cases be taken as such.

If I hurt somebodys feelings I do apologize for that.

In the bible you have so much and in many places almost equalizing death with the devil. He will appear to you in a form that is most suitable to you in order to mislead and destroy you. How ? Through sin. And how do you know what is and what isnt ? People like to take words out of context.

God loves you. He loves me too. But he may appear like in a galaxy far far away for most of your life. That is understandable. God is reachable however. He speaks. And people can hear from him too. But there are other voices and those are not of God. There are only 2 sides there. No inbetween. This is why people will hate you suddenly without you initiating hostilities if you belong to God, because most people do not. This is sad. God doesnt violate the free will he gave you. He loves you and lets do do bad things and hopes that you finally turn to him, after all the alternatives brought you no peace.

Games cant give you peace. In most cases, the rage and other stuff that people who game experience, are not of God. I do not command you to this or that. Gaming is spiritually destructive, because it is idolatry, Book of Wisdom, chapter 12 I think describes perfectly the things that are present in gaming in general, that people who make games arent all that blessed themselves.

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Playing Tony Hawk games were pretty relaxing and these days I find nothing more chill than Diablo 2 and podcasts.


God said, “love thy neighbor” (you can press F7 in Temple OS to talk to God, that is the function of F7).
What you said here about people suddenly hating you – this is a dismissal of any attempt to understand your neighbor and how can you love someone for whom you have no empathy? If you find others online who suddenly hate you, I would imagine it could be for other reasons that are not issues with the spiritual aspects of those people. Perhaps the other person was a Hindu or Muslim and you upset them by talking about religion in a space dedicated to video games when all that person wanted was to talk about video games. Is their desire for organization regarding topics of discussion (to have a space to only talk about video games) something that you believe to be of the devil?


Indeed. The world needs more good Pro Skater games.

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Are you preordering the digital or physical copies? I will lol if there are shortages of the physical copy due to this. And your mailman is going to be extremely confused delivering X boxes of the game on day 1 :slight_smile:

Well, hopefully this helps get the game out sooner.


There are no physical copies.

What? WUT? There aren’t going to be any disc copies? That’s like the one thing I always loved about Blizzard games-the cool box art and you open it up and it shows like all the units in a cool battle. And then you’re like, yeah, I’m about to have a cool battle like that! Fuk. Download only really makes this game feel like cheap spin-off or one of those 7.99 steam games.

give me a copy 20 characters or something

Physical copies are kind of a thing of the past man. The future is digital. Some computers don’t even come with cd drives anymore.

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I … WANT … A … BOX!!!