Pre-purchase Access to Classic

What about those that already have the classic vision ? can we give away copy to friends ?


As someone who has the classic client, they’ve already done something like this.

Not really. They’ve made it easier to switch in the menu, but it’s still 2 separate clients.

It should be properly merged like SC2: All 9 campaigns in the 1 client. A unified ladder, custom games, replay UI.

Switching game type between RoC and TFT should either be done with an option in the F10 menu, like SC2, or as one of the drop-down options when you create a custom map.


Also interested. Will we have sorta “compensation”?

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Thanks for communicating guys, and grubby has been a great resource to keep the community informed keep it up :slight_smile:

Question , its wc3 Reforge people be able to make infinites accounts like in classic wc3? And if not , will wc3 classic still gona be able to do infinite accounts if Reforge wont have that option. Am asking cus in Starcraft2 its only one account per cd key or account. If this matter its been already decided plz lets us know. THANKS :P.

I need help with using the game. I am trying to launch wc3 but all I get is a black screen. Anyone know what is the problem??


Nice. I’m looking forward for what kinda of rewards veterans will have on launch.

very good idea i’m serious

Out of curiosity those of us who already own classic would it be possible to get keys to give to our friend or something to help persuade them into purchasing the game?

So we have an official answer? is the original version going to be available on blizzard app / 2.0 starting with 1st of December 2018 ? This is what we waited for 6 years :blush:

Wait wait wait…so am I getting this right? Preordering before december 1st gives you acces to WC3 RoC and TFT?

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Yes, you need to pre-order before 1 December ! Atleast this is what i did and understood.

Yea it sucks, i was hoping to sharpen my skills but i cant find any hard copy from years ago around the house to reinstall

I don’t believe so. When you buy Reforged, it comes with Classic. When you Pre-Order Reforged, you get Classic, so if you don’t already have it you can start playing Classic now. Regardless of when you buy, now or after release, you get Reforged and Classic. The Dec 1st date is when they’re fixing the keys, and that’s when Classic access should be available to those who pre-purchased Reforged.

TL;DR: You buy Reforged you get Classic, no matter when you buy. Dec 1st is when they expect to have Classic to us.


Thanks! You are a nice one :3

Now that I can agree with.

Thank you Pete + Team for all your hard work, the game looks absolutely incredible, already pre-ordered!

What about those who already purchased Warcraft classic but don’t want to buy warcraft reforged?? Does this mean we can’t play Warcraft classic anymore if we don’t purchase warcraft reforged??? Are you kidding me? If you do this and we can’t play warcraft 3 classic (although we already bought it years ago) just because we don’t want to buy reforged then this is a scam and I want my money back!!! This is really messed up! And as an owner of the Warcraft 3 classic game I’m not going to buy Warcraft reforged if I can’t access to Warcraft 3 classic anymore. This is really below the belt and a really messed up dick move of you if you do this :rage:
I really hope I can play Warcraft 3 classic after reforged is up because I purchased this game many years ago. I am a huge fan of Blizzard but if you do this move and we can’t play Warcraft 3 classic anymore although we ALREADY PRCHASED IT then I and many other fans will be disappointed and if you delete my comment then it proves me that you just want our money!


When you not have Warcraft III and buy Reforged
You pay 30€ for Warcraft III Classic and Reforged

When you already have Warcraft III and buy Reforged
You pay 30€ for Warcraft III Reforged and get NO bonus.

When you already have Warcraft III and DON’T buy Reforged
You paid maybe MORE than 30€ but cannot play anymore until you pay 30€ (for Reforged) again!

“No King Rules Forever My Son” I enjoyed my 20+ years playing Blizz games, but it seems now is the time to admit the soul is gone. Goodbye Bliz. I will truely never forget my first Orcs vs Humans experience, again, thank you and goodbye."

BTW: I have a phone, give me Warcraft 3 - Mobile for extra 30€!!!