Night Elf Archer. Why?

NE deserve it, OP as fûck

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Did they just removed Night Elf section ? or am I bugged ?
if so I guess Blizz heard your Cries buddy lol


Yup. At least it’s off the en-us domain.


Guess what I just saw that im on en-us part even tho im on eu part on every other computer thingy I use.and I can’t go en-eu by writing it lol

Well I hope they got their message and start listening to us.i mean if they gonna give hijab to every fantasy character better give humans a mosque on their keep

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I’ll take “Being Overly Dramatic” for 400, Trebek.


Yeaah, spot on Omelette. Can only agree with ya.

Also: Yup website back to shadows…

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lol im pretty sure more than that xD and I don’t even know why

Website shows the image, don’t lie boys…


Still up on US Mobile

Well, as we said, that was not the archer, it is the Dark Ranger…

Confirmed by Kam at Hiveworkshop.

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well if its the darkranger then it looks great.

the end.

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It’s true, she looks good with that pink skin of Night Elf.


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It also looks like they reverted it to the silhouettes, so maybe they’re updating it properly to the Archer. Maybe the Dark Ranger on there was a mistake.


IMO the model being Dark Ranger doesn’t help it at all

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In a roundabout way, it gives me faith they’re going to put in the effort to make every hero distinct.

So people like Maiev, Tyrande, Anub’arak, Muradin, Kel’Thuzad, etc. might have unique models separate from the melee ones.


I kinda wish they went out of their way to do the same for SC:R and make the unique models for Tassadar, Aldaris, Stukov, Duran and Raszagal as they should have always had.


I want them to be distinct too, but just a bit not that radically. Also as I always say i want them to have a look as much as possible close to the classic.

KTZ (at least chin) and Mura (at least portrait) have their a bit disdinct models in RoC, not sure about Maiev

Isn’t Muradin’s portrait nothing special, it’s just reversed? I’m curious about the Kel’Thuzad thing though. Gonna check it out in the editor right now.

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