Night Elf Archer. Why?

Wow it’s almost like that’s what forums are for! Discussion and the expression of different opinions and perspectives.

I mean if the post is that easily “destroyed” by one other person (myself in this case) with a different point of view, it’s entirely possible it was a bad post in the first place. Rather than me just “trolling”.

It’s a good thing the original campaigns and graphics aren’t going anywhere. I mean if you want to be specific and bring up something specific like current era balance patches or compatibility errors with online play or Reign of Chaos multiplayer currently being disabled or the 32/64 bit problem for Mac users, then sure. Those changes are definitely clunky and tremendously unfortunate.

I had no idea we were getting this philosophical with it. Here I was just advocating that people shouldn’t pay for an experience they think they won’t enjoy or are certain enough about it.

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And why wouldn’t they try to make it good and give feedback to the developers how they would enjoy it and like it? (kentarion or triceron whoever was talking not even bothering to read them)

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Haha, you can bother to not read, but that ain’t gonna stop me from responding.

You’re on a public forum. Your messages will be read by others, not just the devs.

I’m all for people giving good feedback. Hell, I don’t even rag all that hard on people who want new races; I’d never want it but I respect them wanting it.

But when it’s asking for something that’s already readily available? I mean… I don’t understand what that goal is. We already have it.


I don’t know. There’s nothing wrong with feedback (positive, negative, or middle of the road). If people want to take the extra step and make it vitriolic or absurd, yeah sure. It might get noticed. It might just not be in the way that the individual intended.

Let’s get me on the record here though and say that if you’ve ever felt “shut down” by me, I’m sorry if I’ve made it feel inaccessible for you. I’ll apologize for tone or phrasing, but I won’t apologize for using the forums. If there have been posts you feel cross a line, there’s always the flagging feature.

Otherwise, I’ll also extend an opportunity to you and try to prompt you to reread your own posts for how you interact with me. Again, there’s a lot of constant belittling and groaning about my presence (on a public forum, mind you) that just come off just as unnecessary and uncalled for as you think I am.


Never felt like that, I’m more into reading than actually talking or posting, so I can tell you I’ve read more of your opinion than you realize,
And this is how you treat people, you are the policeman shutting down every post against blizzard, and bothering people in order to make them insult you so you can flag them.

Oh okay we’re just back in tinfoil hat territory, gotcha. I guess the conversation’s mostly concluded then if you’re going to clam up and lean back on genuine nonsense.

Maybe people shouldn’t be so thin-skinned and view other people’s opinions as personal attacks so that they feel like the only option left to them is to lash out at people?


Yeah I realize, they got hurt because I said there was a chance that the dark ranger, could be a remodel from heroes of the storm sylvanas… Because of the look alike of their hair…
Like gotta chill I’m not saying it’s even truth…
But even suggesting now makes police angry


Look who is taking the guy flagging every comment against him :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::rofl:

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Honestly the wisest thing I’ve head all day


I’m going to get my old Activision buddies to make lots of changes in Reforged because you’re being so mean to me :’(


I call dibs on being the sole reason and person to blame if any future balance changes make Orc really imbalanced.

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Why do you hate public discourse so much? Is it due to Turkey’s having no history of democracy? It horrifies me how you are basically telling people to be deaf to their opponents.

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I’m sure there will be different skins available for the units. Much like the Warchests in StraCraft.

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So far, Blizzard have only mentioned skins for heroes.

They were going to just use orlando bloom’s face.

Is this confirmed to be the Night Elf Archer yet, or are we still hoping this is some kind of Dark Ranger? (though, even for a dark ranger, it looks lame)

The idea of Blizzard censoring the classic Night Elf costumes for whatever nonsense reason that they censored Hearthstone is what worries me the most about WC3 Reforged at this point. I absolutely hate prudish censorship for the sake of the kids, or China, or whiny idiots on Twitter/Tumblr, or whatever other non-audience you might hope to “please” (it actually pleases no one). Leave Warcraft the way it’s always been - the way it’s supposed to be.

  1. Hearthstone was not censored for the sake of China.
  2. In August 2018, Blizzard made a better Whitemane model than what R34 artists could do.
  3. WoW BfA Night Elf heritage armor is revealing.
  4. It’s a Dark Ranger, confirmed by two official sources.
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This is more about arguing with a wall, not about democracy…

Sense cannot crack into something so hard and dull you see…

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Its confirmed to be dark ranger.

This just happens to be an old thread that stixks around cuz this board is barely alive.


How are people still arguing that this is the archer?

We have confirmation from Blues and Kam that this is Dark Ranger…

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