…Oh, you know.
Now I can read it that way too. Huh. Hm. HRM. This is what I get for posting shortly after I come home from work.
…Oh, you know.
Now I can read it that way too. Huh. Hm. HRM. This is what I get for posting shortly after I come home from work.
You know what is disabled? WC3 post-1.26.
Well I rephrase it because you are quite slow to understand, they want it to be enabled, and playable as it was, because they also want to use the new graphics… Is that more clear for your two or three neurons?..
Sorry if I’m too harsh but I honestly don’t know how to make it clear…
That if someone wants to complain, you can’t shut them down
You don’t seem sorry or haven’t ever seemed sorry. You jump on a lot of chances or opportunities to try and treat me in a derogatory or lesser manner.
I still like to imagine that I’m less “shut it down” than I was in my earlier posting history and more take to the routes of citing possibilities (with sources when applicable) or the empathetic route of “well if I was in THIS pair of shoes…”
What is your argument again? You started out with calling the DR lady a HotS rip-off, but then what?
I posted and distracted him.
My bad, homeslice.
Never did it sweetheart… I commented in the chance that model was a rework from hots sylvanas… But I guess people here have problems with common speech
Well you see, that’s what happens when you troll in every post I’ve seen you, my tolerance rate goes low…
You are the kind of kid who wants his way or the highway… For that reason and arrogance I treat you in that manner
A difference of opinion across a variety of subjects isn’t necessarily trolling. If it’s phrased a certain way, sure. Granted I’m just going off stuff that I remember you and I posting on about.
I mean if we’re going to accuse each other of trolling, I’m happy to step up to the plate and point out that you and YourArthas were circle-jerking each other half blind, deaf, and dumb in that “No news for 6 months” thread a while back. I do hope you guys stretched before patting yourselves on the back that whole time through, wouldn’t want to pull any muscles in doing it.
I also hope it’s not lost on you that you’re potentially acting just as arrogant as you think I am. Just in the regard that you’re sitting up on your high horse looking down your nose at me.
I was talking about 2004-2010. That’s when WoW reached its height, and that was due to China.
The one good thing that I’ll say in regards to this and the one thing that makes me have a little faith still is that they went with the first original redesign of Sylvanas ( at least according to the concept art ) and not that awful brown ugly BFA version. And Jaina I think got her HOTS one too which I suppose is the same sorta.
People went on about how Sylvanas in BFA looks ‘’ more practical ‘’ but come the hell on… She’s an Undead archer, she’s more resilient than Orcs or Trolls and yet no one complains when other Horde leaders or other characters don’t wear any armor at all…
It was just ugly, even just from a design standpoint it was really ugly imo and broke the design.
And ‘’ muh practicality ‘’ even being brought into WoW/ Warcraft altogether is hilariously dumb for so many obvious reasons.
I think that’s what they meant when they told GameInformer tho ( I think that it was? ) that the artstyle was going to be ‘’ more 2019 ‘’, but the dumbasses at GameInformer seem to have interpreted that as ‘’ less cleavage ‘’ as they said ( or ‘’ more puritanical ‘’ ) and basically implied in their podcast that the game was going down this conservative Catholic nun route that Western games in particular nowadays love to go down…
Or so I hope at least… That they just took what the WC3 reforged dev told them in private and rephrashed it in a really dumb and misrepresented way.
With ‘’ more 2019 ‘’ I think that they mainly meant that they’re going to use the artstyle that they settled on when they basically revamped it in WoW which I think is totally fine.
The footmen for example sorta look a bit like the ones in the BFA trailer.
Their helmets in particular are very long and look less like buckets.
I still want them to stay as close as possible, like with the Night Elves for example I don’t want them to go down some puritan route. They should still have that Amazon / nature feel with the moon motif the same way that the Orcs and other Horde races have that Barbarian Conan-esque feel.
I don’t want them to completely redesign from the ground up characters like the Sorceress either…
I want her to have that upper-class snobbish femme fatale thing going on, it kinda fits that mage archetype imo. I think that in general they’re sorta supposed to be these ‘’ I am better than you ‘’ type of people and pretty arrogant and I think that they sold that well.
Especially since she’s a High Elf and the High Elves are supposed to sorta see themselves as these superior beings ( and then later as having fallen from grace ).
They shouldn’t completely redesign her just because they’re scared because dear lawd forbid that women showcase even a hint of sexuality?
But yeah, looking through the concept art I am not as worried as I was before.
But I am still worried.
I just want the characters to all at least have the same ‘’ feel ‘’ as in the original.
So the Sorceress should still come across as the same Sorceress from the original, and the Night Elves should still have this naturalistic Amazon feel etc.
I don’t think that’s a very strange thing to want and to expect.
To me it’s the same as expecting that the Marines in SC look and sound familiar and don’t have their design completely changed.
Or if the Orcs were running around covered from head to toe in armor…
It’s fair to expect things to feel familiar in a remake/ remaster.
Like look at Tifa in FF7, her redesign still feels and looks very similar to her original design.
If she had shown up wearing Cloud’s clothes or if Aerith was wearing blue instead I think that people would be justified in being mad about it. There are certain expectations that we have.
Like imagine if a remake of the original Star Wars happened and they changed Vaders suit… Or if they redesigned Frostmourne or Arthas suddenly was shirtless.
Something that I noticed tho is that the shadows are pretty weak which is something that I hope that they fix. It makes the characters look a bit shapeless and like they’re lacking depth.
Hopefully this is something that will improve.
They hate the dwarves more.
I act as you act yeah, that’s life, people is treated as they treat others…
And again I never say one can’t have different opinion
But you my friend basically say…
Like it because that’s the future… And the game is moving on and if you can’t move on then leave and play the old version…
That’s arrogance, and that’s NOT offering a different opinion
It’s funny how you mention me and Arthas in that one post…
When you are in every single post created in these forums…
Yeah man haha, feels like blizz police stopping everyone from thinking differently or saying blizzard is doing something fishy…
Well, this is only partly true. Warcraft 3 isn’t moving on towards like a new iteration such as an expansion or full numerical sequel. The multiplayer and campaign are still going to be around. It’s just that Reforged is going to be offering new graphics and a modern canon campaign. It’s not like Reforged is going to entirely replace the originals.
Reforged is an option when it comes to people that own the original games already. I have no idea how it’s “arrogant” to say that if people don’t see a way of being satisfied or personally compromising with the direction of Reforged (for what little we’ve seen due to a lack of releases from Blizzard), they might find better places to spend their money.
Not really. I have 1700 posts, which is a lot. But it’s not every single post by a longshot. I don’t even post in absolutely-every-thread that pops up in General Discussion. I barely even touch the Competitive and Custom subforums. I don’t really look at the Technical Support one either.
Well they stopped Kantarion at least. And YourArthas is permabanned on his main account so he’s breaking CoC to even come around to pat you on the back and tell you “job well done”. I wish being “Blizzard police” was as effective as you think it is, since he’s had this new account for almost two weeks now without it also getting permanently banned.
Yeah but I’m your real life friend too. Unless you’re living a fake life. I don’t judge.
Again you said, if you don’t like it suck it…
Arrogant little kid
If you don’t like something or don’t want a certain experience, don’t pay for it.
Reminding you that your money is yours to spend as you see fit isn’t arrogant. It’s just common sense.
Do you have a peanut for a brain or something?
Or is it too hard to understand some people want no change… And some people want the exact same game and campaign only with new graphics… Or that there’s people who wants a whole new game…?
They are all different, and they all are in their righteous right to complain, and say whatever they want,
And when u don’t like it, just like a virus, you offer your different opinion and basically destroy the whole post with arguments…
If you can’t understand you hold no truth because are simply a human child and not a god then you probably should check how many chromosomes are there in the your pair 21… A trisomy could explain alot.
Or is it too hard to understand some people want no change… And some people want the exact same game and campaign only with new graphics… Or that there’s people who wants a whole new game…?
Wouldn’t the fact that the original campaign is not going away be enough to satisfy that though?
I don’t understand the need for something additional to have to be the same as well. The original campaign will possibly be compatible with the new graphics by default.
I mean, it’s not like the Classic WoW argument where people want to add changes to it. There is no way to go play Vanilla, so I can see the argument of keeping things the same, but with Reforged the original campaign isn’t going anywhere.
I mean… if you don’t like spicy ketchup, regular ketchup is still available.