New engine for true remaster

The look of someone who hasn’t played wc3 since reforged was released

The look of someone who plays reforged.

Well, at least you’re honest when told you’re saying things not accurate to what’s actually in the game.

And yeah tell me when someone makes a noteworthy wintermaul/warcraftmaul outside of wc3.

Yeah, we believe you.

You’re going to tell me what I haven’t been playing the past few weeks?

Did you know there’s a new version of Warcraft Maul called Warcraft Maul Reimagined? It has a Blitz mode (4 waves at a time) as well as the ability to random your race for additional gold at the start.

They also made it way easier to work together, as while all the areas are separated unlike Wintermaul, you can now use -claim to take any towers built in your area as your own, which leads to people mixing and matching towers like Dragonkin’s eggs, or the human death tower, or the chaos buff shrines in general.

Personally I really like Human towers, as they have frost and poison towers, as well as the death tower which is the best AA tower in the game for it’s cost and point in the game it can be gotten.

Also it has working pathing points unlike most wintermauls currently, meaning you can do spirals and even hooks

But i’m sure you don’t know any of this because you’re making arguments about a game you’re not actually playing.

You’re mashing a potato to make it take more room on the plate. You know what’s wrong.

The things you mention are so basic. Did you conveniently forget every last other popular custom game, including those possible with third party models?


I’ve been playing custom maps for 3 weeks at this point. I’m pretty sure that goes pretty far past trying to stretch things out as much as I can.

Oh no, I better go tell all the DBZ tribute maps being hosted they’re doing bad things.

Or maybe I should go tell the “DBZ Cirlce TD Fix” maps to stop being hosted. Should I stop hosting them as well? Oh noooooooo

Again, words from someone whose entire opinion is based on something they haven’t actually been playing are cute.

Again, you ignoring the broken custom games is pathetic.

You ignoring the many perfectly working ones is just as pathetic

I bet you haven’t even checked to see if the ones you’d actually play are broken yet.

Thank you for admitting the custom games are broken.

Argument over.

Oh nice cherry picking, I guess if it helps you win an argument

Continue to be mad over a game you can’t play, while I…play the game you apparently can’t play.


Be sure you click your mouse extra hard when you flag me for no reason.

Hope you do the same.

Oh and thanks for linking a video that has little to no effect on my ability to enjoy custom maps. I’m sure i’m deeply devestated over a campaign mode I barely play.

Thank you for implying that ignoring parts of a game somehow makes it better, it’s a good red flag to mark you as a complete disingenuous person.

If you take the arm off the statue of liberty, at least it weighs less, I dunno, I have no problem with it, torches are ugly anyway.


I mean, at least I know what I like, I don’t just try to win arguments by picking whatever piece I can and latching onto that, regardless of how true it actually is.

Also nice, childishly throwing some patriotic symbolism in to try to look better :slight_smile:

At least I know how low your bar is set.

Shouldn’t you be playing kick the can? Was a classic back then.

Oh no my standards are quite high, they start at “Wintermaul” and end at “Tower Defense”

Or “DBZ” and end at “Tribute”

Come back to me when Dota or SCII have those, kay?

Some of us play games for gameplay, not for shiny glitter that grows old in a day.

If you can connect.

I mean if you want to keep showing you haven’t actually played the game be my guest, but pointing out day 1 issues that were gone by day 2 isn’t going to make a worthwhile argument.

Pointing out the rest of the issues will do just fine.