Check your graphics settings and make sure they’re the same as on live (they are stored seperately).
My performance is higher on this patch than the previous PTR version. No joke.
maybe you did. But my performance only dropped a little. Not more than 50%. Most likely this is due to different graphics settings selected. Especially the “Reduce mouse lag” option which absolutely tanks your frame rate. Make sure that is turned off. I all but guarantee significantly higher FPS.
Have you actually tried the latest PTR (and with reduce mouse lag off)? I’m (bizzarely) getting over 300 FPS despite the game not letting you cap it over 300.
A useless solution. If you are an official, please take consumers seriously; If you are not an official, please do not speak rashly. I see you have been arguing with others. The video evidence he provided is the same as my current situation, and the solution you provided cannot solve my problem.
I am very much not official, nor have I ever claimed to be. If I was official, my posts would be in blue text with a Blizzard background. I am not employed by Blizzard or Activision or Microsoft and never have been- but since I don’t curse them out every other sentence, some people seem to think I work for them. Blizzard does not have “undercover” posters, nor do they pay anyone to argue with people or butter them up.
I’m sorry that you didn’t find my comment helpful, but some people may.
I’m sorry also that you’re offended by my interactions with others, but I am acting in good faith to try to drill down to the actual cause of the issue at hand.
I don’t recall providing any “solution,” merely advising on how to ensure that we are consistent when testing in order to submit the most accurate information. And that’s the key here. If I’ve “argued” with anyone, it’s because I was disputing inaccurate comments made by those others- things like the framerate problems being exclusive to AMD users (they are not) as well as people misrepresenting the issue as being worse than it actually is to try to compel a fix. I am merely trying to ensure that we provide the facts, no more and no less.
The Reduce Mouse Lag option in the menu says right on the tooltip that it can substantailly reduce your frame rate. And while this is not the actual issue that people are discussing here, it definitely makes it worse, which is why I’ve been advising you and others to turn it off. It is not a “solution” but rather an interfering factor.
And as I said before, I would suggest that you check out the latest incoming patch on the PTR and see if there is any improvement for you there. I am seeing signifciantly higher performance on the new version (which I certainly hope will carry over to release…) and you really should have a look to see if you can expect better performance in the next update- just be sure you’re using the same settings as you are now to insure that your assessment is accurate.
ptr is sht too,
My CPU is 5800x3d(Just like Jafrostcard), and the dram is 16g(Just like Jafrostcard is 64g)But I have the same problem as him, low fps, lag,
When I used the 1.35 recommended by him, I felt very good, with high fluency and no lag at all,
Good news for you though: There isn’t a monitor in existence that can display even 400 FPS, much less 500.
Snark aside, it is still an improvement, and only the most elitist of gaming elitist would consider over 400FPS to be “s**t.”
Any normal gamer would not notice this outside of having the FPS counter on screen, because of that simple fact that their display is not capable of showing that many frames. There isn’t even a reason to allow the game to do so, it just puts more stress on your graphics hardware, you should be capping the game to your monitor’s refresh rate.
420 FPS is not low. By any imaginable standard.
If you have “lag,” by all means turn on the reduce lag option. But if you thought 400 FPS was bad, it will only get lower with that setting on.
Look. There are people here that are legitimately unable to play despite having a system that meet’s the game’s requirements. That’s fine, and those people should definitely post here with their specifics. However, your complaint that you’re “only” getting 400 FPS is ridiculous.
it IS the subject of discussion. You are complaining about “low” FPS but you are not getting low FPS.
Low FPS is like, low enough that you can see the individual frames, like <30. You are complaining about a level of performance degredation that, while it does exist, is not actually harming you in any perceptible way. It is irrational to be as upset about it as you seem to be.
No it won’t lol. I can have max food no problem, the FPS might dip below my refresh rate but it definitely does not drop to an unacceptable level.
If you are playing custom games that exceed the normal food/building limits, that’s on the map creator. These maps always pushed the limits of the game’s performance and you can not base your complaints on unofficial content. Because of course if you put more stuff on a map than the game was designed around, it’s going to drop your performance. That’s not a game bug, it’s not a CPU bug, that’s just a badly designed map / a map that was designed by someone on a high end PC that only people who can handle it should play.
But you’ve given me great insight into the nature of these complaints, so I must thank you.
You can’t build 100 units in normal game modes, pretty much every unit other than workers is 2 food or more which realistically means a max of around 50 units. That’s what the game was designed to handle.
Blizzard never has, and can not, guarantee any level of performance on custom maps. Custom content is played at your own risk with no gaurantees that it will work or perform to a given level.
As I just added above, Custom games are user generated content. it is up to the creator of the map to ensure their map performs to any particular standard. Blizzard never has and can not guarantee performance of custom content.
The system requirements for the game were established based on official game modes/content- not custom games.
And even if the technical issue is a bug in the game, if the issue is only obvious when playing custom content, well, they probably aren’t going to see that, because they don’t use custom content to test things, unless it’s like a map editor bug or something.
If people were up front and clear with the specific conditions in which they were not able to have a good experience, it might have provided better insight into solving the problem.
I’m neither avoiding the topic nor trying to. I’m directly addressing your points, and by saying things like this you’re only dragging out the conversation.
The number of units you’re saying you can build is outside the number that can be built in any official game mode. Thus it shouldn’t really be a problem. You really are making a mountain out of a molehill.
Also, you previously stated that the 1.36.1 performance was in fact higher than the 1.36 performance. You should be happy that improvements were made, even if it isn’t all the way there.