Good Orcs are an abomination that was just copied from the Many arrows Tribe in Faerun. Evil demonic Orcs, and christian Humans (the Chapels had crosses), actually made Warcraft more unique, when compared to most late 90’s Fantasy.
Exactly! I predict AoE2 DE will set the standard for what a true modern remaster should be, and it will have Tech and Unit changes, aswell as rebalancing of all factions, from the ground up.
The Arthas vs. Illidan cinematic has been reforged.
But anyway blizzard said how will be looking in future cutscenes, they provided us with an example:
But now they told us, that this style removed. I didn’t think before that the blizzard would reach such a downgrade… Boring. It is hoped that at least in the editor there will be tools for creating such cutscenes.
Edit: I’ll just plug this one here, people like to claim that WC3 is perfect and that WoW is not canon because it retconned lots of stuff from WC3 YET at the same time they don’t even seem to care that WC3 retconned many stuff from WC2, does that make WC3 non-canon?
I think Anasterian will still be there, Thalorien will still be there, Broken Akama will still be there, the ice bridge Arthas made to reach Quel’danas Isle will still be there, and the WoW Stratholme will still be there. Maybe they’d also make voice lines for female Satyr, Demon Hunter, Centaur, and Death Knight. That should be enough to please both sides
Personally, I don’t mind WoW-ifying WC3R a bit if it means fleshing out many things that seemed to be lacking, and enhancing some lore without making strong retcons like that stupid Vault of the Wardens and Highmountain Tauren (and this is from someone who hates WoW post MoP)
It’s quite sad though that the latter paragraph is what I bought $40 for, I wanted to flesh out Jenalla, Blackthorne, Dagren, etc. I mean, nothing would have been really be lost since not very long ago, there was some news that players would choose Old and Reforged campaigns, once again something to please both sides including the fanatic cult of the purists, and the annoying WoW-zers
" * Over 4 hours of reforged cutscenes"
"Warcraft® III: Reforged™ is a complete reimagining of a real-time strategy classic. "
That was my main reason because I buy this game
Nothing except a WIP, as-yet-unfinished game entitled “Warcraft 3 Reforged” was promised. The details were always subject to change during development.
This is the case for every single Blizzard game that ever gets announced at BlizzCon. Why the hell are you people STILL NOT LEARNING THIS?!
Here is all the basic information that the developers have announced. What is crossed out - I think you will understand what it means:
For example, they said in plain text that there would be a re-voice for all characters. But to hell with re-voicing and subsequently to hell with new lines of dialogue with new characters that were not sufficiently disclosed or were not added at all.
But you continue to believe that promises are made only when someone directly say “i’m promise.”
You need to pay more attention to semantics.
And you need to pay more attention in general because this sort of thing literally happens with every single game Blizzard announces at BlizzCon. This happens with every single WIP game ever announced, period.
Well, yes, as is the case with the Draenor garrisons. And no one considered himself deceived then, right? lol
For the rest, I basically got what I pre-ordered. I won’t go far, the same Legion, BFA, DLC for Diablo (necro), for example.
Come on without demagoguery, I didn’t seem to give a reason for this advice.