I've paid for a Remake Not a reskin

I’m perfectly happy with the map changes and lore character cameos/minibosses, personally. I could do without the extra side content that would have been poorly written and tarnishing Warcraft 3’s reputation for having a good story.


That happens when bunch of businessmen and money makers try to remake a great game from 2002 which was made by truly talented people.


Most people do want it, as well as gameplay changes.


Not the majority though. And Blizzard listened to the majority.

FYI, these forums aren’t the only place they look to for feedback and I can guarantee the purists outnumber the WoW fans who had any interest in this game whatsoever.


Another unfounded comment with no evidence. It’s laughable that you also think “most people also want gameplay changes.” This is shock humor right?

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War3 was dead in the water, and this “Reforged” nonsense will make sure it stays dead.
The game is incredibly clunky, with awful pathfinding, no balance whatsoever (try playing UD without going DK, or Orc without BM, in 1v1), armies that resemble small squads, weird upkeep mechanics to compensate for hardware limitations of the time, MOBA-like Heroes that one-shot whole armies with their ults…

No modern RTS player will play this, specially when there is SC2still around, and AoE2 DE coming up.
Warcraft 3 fanatics are not RTS players, they are MOBA players.


Good-bye, Felicia.

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Blizz been saying that to so much money, lately.

Money they won’t miss.

Lol you should be banned for a post like this. It’s just pure trolling. Obviously you don’t like wc3, didn’t preorder, and probably won’t get the game. So why are you even here. Btw they are going to do balance changes in the coming month after release so you’re not even following correct info. Sc2 sadly is dead and this game will lead the rts genre back into light. You’re delusional if you think aoe2 de is going to be more popular than this release.

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There is no way you actually believe that, unless you do not actaully contribute to the economy.

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Can’t ban me for this, and even if you did, it wouldn’t silence me, you would still hear me in here, no escape.

I would have bought the game, if it was changed as promised.

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? Actually believe what? That you are a troll or that sc2 is sadly dead or that aoe 2 is also dead?

lol get help. I’m so glad blizzard made the right choice and is somehow keeping the clown asylum out.

Your faith in “Reforged” will fail you, then I will laugh, and you will hear me across the galaxy.

I don’t live in a communist country, so define “contribute to the economy.”

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see you on the ladder

Make any money and pay taxes, mostly through any sort of labour.

I guess you are just beneath that, uh…

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You wont, unless it is AoE2 DE.

Oh, no I do that.

I don’t exactly see it as “contributing” though. More like “being seized against my will.”