If you could retcon WoW

how about born by means of a magic ritual?

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Idk about that Rickā€¦ Unless they retcon it, sylvanas stated that undead cannot have offspring in cataclysm


Didnā€™t she also say there was nothingness after she died? Shadowlands seems like a whole lot of ā€˜nothingā€™.

Not if my Sylvanas fan fictions have anything to say about it.


I would actually retcon warcraft 3 too.
And beyond the dark portal.

Reboot the warcraft frachise with the premise that the orcs win in warcraft 2 instead of the humans.

Orks win and wipe out all the elves ā€¦ heres my 60$

If I could retcon WoW, Iā€™d keep Classicā€™s events intact but then go to a completely different take on Wrath of the Lich King that opens with Arthas and the Scourge retaking Undercity and putting Sylvanas to the sword before taking Undercity as the new Scourge capital.

Bam. Arthas got his kingdom back like he originally intended and he actually now has a strong, permanent foothold from which to attack the Scarlet Crusade and Argent Dawn.

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Hahahahahahahahahaha oh well I donā€™t know about thatā€¦ But Iā€™d love to read it xD

Burning crusade gets rid of the sci-fi new dreanei faction.
the dreanei stay as they were in warcraft 3, and stay loyal to illidan.
the illidari become a third playable faction based in outland under illidan. the races are naga, fel orcs or demons of some kind or satyrs(?), dreanei (or broken dreanei as we know them now) and blood elves, putting them in line with the other two original 4 races per faction. illidan is a continuous character, a power hungry half demon, but not an evil person. complicated, as in warcraft 3. akama, kealā€™thas, and lady vashj are loyal to him, as is whoever the fourth faction leader is. if i could go back iā€™d get rid of warlocks as a class, and make that the unique class of the illidari. or maybe not. if not then iā€™d probably make demon hunters the unique class. the campaign is about kilā€™jaeden coming through, but the main guy you deal with is kazzak the supreme, who is the commander of the legion forces with kj overseeing them. the blood elves also have some territory in silvermoon as of now, in addition to their outland starting zone. thatā€™s if it still has to be wow. iā€™d change more but thatā€™s the big stuff. thatā€™s also if i have to start from vanilla wow as it was.

Draenei being more present in the stories and less sci-fi. The problem i had with them in WoW was that they are too cool and too advanced to be sensibly weaved into the Warcraft universe. But theyā€™re still super cool.

Pandarens being less ā€œChina Market friendlyā€ and more integrated into Azeroth. WoW just makes them too politically correct and chilled, itā€™s boring.

Satyrs becoming a playable race, and most races like Night Elves and Undead being faction neutral like Pandarens are. Make the story less about Alliance vs. Horde vs. LOL-Evil and more about conflict of interests between different groups. This would pave the way for Warcraft 4.


Ah, i see you are a man of culture as well.

I remember a badass quest from wow in ashenvale where a Satyr wants Elune to forgive him and so he undergoes a ritual in which he rips his own heart out and Elune resurrects him as a Night elf. Iā€™m a simple man, i see horns, i see hooves, i see edgy things and bloody organs and i press like.

no such thing as any Island Expedition other than Crestfall; nor Valā€™sharah, Stormheim, Highmountain, Crystalsong, Sholazar Basin, Storm Peaks, etc; nor Draenei - Eredar link; no WoD and no time travel stuff like Rhonin/Broxigar/Krasus; also Cenarius, Muradin, all demons stay dead.

-Take Scale and Geography seriously. For example: Make Stormwind a Meditarreanian megalopolis, like Byzantium, with its vassal areas similarly being relatively hot and arid plains and grasslands. This in turn makes it a very appealing to the Orcs, whose homeworld Draenor is a compromise between W2 and WoD, being mostly savannah.
-Segway to Draenei: Since the Arakkoa culture and Draenei culture are oddly similar, but the Arakkoa being more tied in with Draenor as a planet, the two races should be merged or at least sharing a common ancestor. Draenei have further evolved to appear more ā€œhumanlikeā€ than their anthropomorph bird cousins through the influence of Old God shenanigans, leading to less clawed feet and plumes for body and facial hair as well as horned crests on their faces. Since ā€œLost Onesā€ Draenei appear like featherless Parrots, this creates a natural bridge with an early design as well. Naaru are crystal constructs that were infused with Rukhmarā€™s and Terokkā€™s power as magical A.I.s to help guide their civilisations and administrate the Draenei cities.
-The Warsong are actually pirates, not wolf riders, and their maritime culture has led to them practically deforesting their own island (as seen by the W2 map of Draenor), foreshadowing their role in Ashenvale and eventually settling in Azshara instead.
-The First War didnā€™t happen until 20-30 years after the Orcs first migrated to Azeroth in the Black Morass. They instead undertook raids and settled in abandoned Dwarf holds and human villages, building up a civilian life. It was only by Gulā€™dan and the Shadow Council provoking the Chieftains into another warpath that actually led to the formation of a Horde and conquering Stormwindā€™s vassal lands. This uneasy co-existence leads to human Half-Orcs having a presence within the Horde as many humans are abducted as thralls and their offspring only appearing in Orcish clans, which explains Garona being a trained infiltrator and assassin. However, she is not the only one and the Half-Orc infiltrators are used to great success. The First War lasts 10, not 2 years, and the siege of Stormwind lasts two years with King Llane being assassinated early on but Anduin Lothar rallying the forces and organising evacuations via ships.
-The Second War starts about 5 years after the destruction of Stormwind, but only lasts 2 years due to Gulā€™Danā€™s betrayal.
-The Third War happens 20 years after the closing of the Dark Portal. A sizable amount of Orcs lives in internment camps, but the Horde at large has splintered into Clans and has settled all over the Eastern Kingdoms with the Blackrock Clan being the most notorious one and the Warsong Clan being infamous raiders all over Baradin Bay. This means the Orcs have been a recurring enemy in skirmishes and raids and basically replaced the Trolls as the default enemy for most humans. The Third War begins by Lordaeron being destabilised with the Plague of Undeath, leading to various orc clans and foreign kingdoms infringing on their territory and continues with the ā€œCivil war in the plaguelandsā€ where itā€™s an absolute free-for-all over the ruins of the Greatest Kingdom ever.
-The ā€œForsakenā€ are a rag-tag Guerilla faction comprised of freed undead, plagued-but-alive humans, bandits and displaced Alteraci nobles.
-Kilā€™jaeden is an Eredar sorceror, starting out as whatever the race the Doomguards and Doomlords are. ā€œEredarā€ here instead means a sorceror coven that encompasses members of almost all demonic races. Many Draenei, after being conquered and subjugated by the first Orcish Horde on Draenor, are offered to join the Legion as demonic ascendants. Archimonde is chief among them, leading to the Hooved Draenei/Eredar we know today. Velenā€™s Draenei remain largely as they used to be, but entirely cut-off from almost all their Naaru creations so they are in decline as a civilisation. The Naaru Oā€™ros is transformed into a temporary dimensional portal support, allowing a group of Draenei to escape to Azeroth and build a sanctuary on Azuremyst Isle shortly before the closing of the Dark Portal.
-Magic is back to being just a default ā€œsupernaturalā€ power, expressing itself in various energies instead of each cosmic energy having its separate origin. Demons who are beings of pure magic initially, naturally are drawn to wherever it is cast. When filtered through nature or shamanic rituals, it is less likely to attract demons because the essence is diluted and thus its echo less remarkable.
-There are myriads of organised Demon groups that work independently from and sometimes against the Burning Legion. As they naturally feed on souls, most Demons would prefer to maintain a stable mortal population to feed on instead of destroying the Cosmos.
-Dreadlords are uniquely Demonic and not Death spectres juiced up on Fel energy. They are still Sargerasā€™ corruptors. They operate mostly within the Burning Legion but only really to suck souls and feel like they run the cosmos. There are independent Dreadlords regardless.
-Satyrs co-exist in a very hostile relationship with Night Elves, practicing a similar culture but ultimately influenced by Demon worship, mirroring that of Orcs and Humans. Some Satyr covens however join forces with the Sentinels against invaders on the simple account of ā€œWe were here firstā€, creating uneasy alliances of convenience.
-Over the course of World of Warcraft, the various City States form loose alliances, but adventurers move between them as their reputation allows them. There are lasting prejudices and hostilities between races however. City States and their vassal territories act largely independent from their ā€œalliesā€.
-Outland is largely disregarded. Dimension hopping mages and their retinue of hired muscle sometimes explore chunks of it. Illidan died in Northrend, the Blood Elves and Naga returned to Quelā€™thalas and partially reconquered it but are now stuck in a three-way war with Amani Trolls and Scourge remnants.
-The outset of Cataclysm is the beginning of Warcraft IV, with various wars erupting all over the world on account of natural desasters destroying established order and causing food and water shortages. We are now roughly 15 years after the events of W3 and Frozen Throne, Thrall has generally disbanded ā€œthe Hordeā€ but acted as first among equals within the assembly of Chiefs. With the onset of a new conflict with the Night Elves and Kul Tiras having further interest in settling an old grudge, Garrosh Hellscream arises and is declared Warchief. The Warsong launch a naval campaign around Azshara and down the coast of Durotar in order to secure it from Kul Tiran and Darnassian assaults. Arthas has raised the Vrykul to his side and is invading Lordaeron, using the bridgehead maintained by the Cult of the Damned within the Plaguelands, to reclaim his rightful throne. Sylvanas has opened some diplomatic channels with the Blood Elves in a pincer manoeuver into the Plaguelands as well as using the Alteraci Nobility to negotiate with Stromgarde and Gilneas, who cautiously support them. Sylvanas is aware that she is, ultimately, just the buffer for the humans.

Personally Iā€™d do sideways-progression for Classic WoW. Take the old design documents and such, make those old ideas a reality.

Classic WoW and Warcraft 3 were both being developed side-by-side so there doesnā€™t need to be any sort of major retcon since the loreā€™s already got parity there. Just stick to the lore as it was presented in WC3 and Classic WoW and story-wise the game will be fine.


Probably someone already said this, butā€¦

  1. Donā€™t time travel. This just creates a huge mess with the lore, and enables infinite retcons at zero cost.
  2. Donā€™t merge Forsaken with Horde or Night Elves with Alliance. The factions have huge motivational differences. And if you do, use BfA like catastrophe to actually shatter that merge. There was a moment in BfA where I thought this would happen and it would have made the entire mess worth it.
  3. Illidan should be imprisoned in a clear way rather than killed.
  4. Arthas should defeat everyone in the final battle at the frozen throne. And the Ashbringer should be used, not to destroy Frostmourne, but to ressurect everyone and stop them from becoming LK pawns. Something should then intervene before Arthas can react, like Burning Legion invasion or something. So the Scourge faces the real threat instead of the mortals, as they recover.

Just use the plot from the feature length fan movie, Tales of the Past 3, that basically continues the Warcraft 3 storyline in a way that was faithful to Warcraft 3 and also to what WoW was at the time.


That was such a good machinima.

Its ez Mighty Arthas goes and slaughter them all there is only death and demons are next.

And they all live damn ever after.

  • Lich King plot begins in Vanilla;
  • After merging with Nerā€™zhul, Arthas regains his power and takes back control over Forsaken;
  • Final boss of Vanilla becomes either Sylvanas/Balnazzar in Ruins of Lordaeron/Stratholme;
  • By the end of Vanilla, the Scourge is (mostly) pushed out of Eastern Kingdoms, but forces of the Living cannot gain any ground in Northrend.
  • LK becomes a constant threat in the North.
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IMO this kinda cheapens and defeats the entire Sylvanas trilogy in the undead campaign