If you could retcon WoW

A magic faerie descends, granting you a wish. The condition is you can only change or completely rewrite WoW in your vision and have Blizzard executives carry through with it. You have one chance to rewrite the story in a way that will appeal to the masses and bring back all the fans.

What do you do?

Give me your best WoW Revision, Post-WC3 or WC4 story pitch.

  • Post your ideas. Criticize or Compliment anyone elses. Lets see who can pitch the best revision to WoW

I would keep Garrosh Hellscream alive in his version from Cataclysm, just to see him insulting Sylvanas more.


Kind of with Marioxxo on this one. Wished that the ‘make Garrosh big bad’ memo never happened and the Horde stuck with him as a leader who was tough on them, but fair. Not unreasonable but just demanded the best for the Horde so they could have the best.


WoD doesn’t exist, Garrosh died of assassination.

that’s it. that’s all we need.


Not write off a lot of major characters. Have Archimonde be the demon he originally was and return from the void. Have Kil Jaden focus on returning Archimonde from the void through an elaborate and multi-campaign plot.

Have Illidan, Kael, the Bloodelves and Naga flee from the Demons and struggle for survival back on Azeroth. Make the Naga not evil, or at least some of them not evil. Turn Arthas into a necessary evil to oppose the demons and who is not defeated by the end. Have the Orcs, Nightelves and Humans start out fighting each other but eventually allying by the end. Have another Forgotton one like side villain that plays a more important role/distraction. Add the Naga and Bloodelves as a single playable race, to mirrior the other combined races.

Follow a Sylvanas who detests herself leading undead and secretly hatches a plot to try and restore her to life, but fails and instead eventually sacrifices herself to save Kael or stop demons or something heroic and gets put to rest in the ruins of the place she once protected. Have Viranath (not spelt correctly) the dread lord become very mercenary and selfish and even help stop the demons.

Plots involving dragon aspects, plots involving gods, plots involving time travel and plots involving elemental lords are not touched. The idea would be to try and leave Azeroth without lose ends in a state of peace, to allow for a 100-200 year or so time skip for an additional sequel with a mostly new cast of characters and only a few recurring ones.


Maybe i say this because i’m not getting something but i always thought it very stupid that Terenas didnt recognize Medivh when he came to his throne to warn him. I think he should have known his shapeshifting abilities and his overall appearance if he is the single most important person in the whole planet…?

I think that Terenas rejecting Medivh needs a better explaination than “he never said who he was, and was taken as a mad hobo, nobody recognized him, not even the elven councelors”


But demons have never had anything to do with the Void, right?

You see, in an RTS such as WC3 being evil mattered not.

That’s quite weird. An incredibly early redemption arc for Sylvanas… Not sure whether I like it. TFT built her to be much more.

A worthy effort, but futile.

I believe, having a hundreds of years’ long intermission would be unnecessary if you went straight from WC3 to WC4. See WC2 where you could have predicted that Orcs might be a threat again. It’s just WoW has illuminated so many aspects of the world, it’s hard to imagine any other way for mystery to reappear.

Seriously? Why the Sylvanas hate? I really like her. Well, i used to before they decided to make her into a cheap cackling villain that says “there is no hope” and treats the forsaken like cannon fodder because lol she is evulz guyz. People say she was always evil. Yes. From the perspective of the living. Not from the perspective of the forsaken.

I would change it so that Sylvanas genuinely cares about her people and prevent her from being turned into a loot pinata. Not saying you can’t kill her off, but if you are gonna replace her, do it with some kind of plague scientist and don’t make her into a cheap villain.

I would bring back that proud forsaken spirit that has been lost. What ever happened to trying to genocide the living? Undercity used to be great, it used to be the shining beacon of darkness on the hill standing defiantly alone in such a bright bright world… :expressionless:


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Races do not matter in WoW. It has nothing to do with the “bad” direction for Sylvanas. It’s just that racial identities and realm politics are not for WoW.

Warcraft 4 should start with flashbacks of events from wow, ashbringer vs frostmourne duel, deathwing impaled on shrine, burning orgrimmar.

Two blue spots in the background should appear and as the screen zooms out lich king would stand up from his throne wotlk style, promptly retconning whole wow postTBC.

I really like arthas/lich king and I think they offed him far too early in way too stupid a manner, in his book its mentioned he had seen things from the future, it would be cool seeing him become some master planner in the background.

Also the old gods/voids are pretty lame, we spent several expansions basically offing them half way through without even caring (you even nuke one in a low lvl quest :man_facepalming:).

It would be cool pulling some more stuff about them, the whole idea of lich king building his empire from blood of one of the old gods sounds nice, maybe more stuff about what the old ones are doing on other planets, ethereals got shafted pretty hard by the dark.

Also the whole thing with them being unkillable or whatever is trash, I know warhammer is skub overload and massive my dad is stronger argument, but they had similar concept with their old gods and imprisoning one of them 60 million years ago caused whole galaxy and all upcoming races to soil their collective pants from nightmares about dude with hoodie and scythe …

Meanwhile in our universe, bunch of 40 nameless noones nuked one of the old gods who did probably the most work, few months after they started their adventure … such wow …

Also burning capital cities and building new ones is good idea, siege of undercity and teldrasil would be awesome from RTS perspective and founding of orgrimar was also fun campaign so having new ones where undead are building new home or elfes trying to blend in with local dwarf populace would be cool …

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I would keep the LK alive and have him be his own faction.
DK’s could still be introduced as “The LK granted them freedom as a sign of peace in return of us helping him defeat the Burning Legion”

I would have made an entire expansion of us fighting him to reach this conclusion, and would have kept Yogg-Saron for his own x-pac with Titans & The emerand dream/nightmare.

No WoD. No time-travel, alternate timeline bulls*it. The only good thing to come out of WoD was Khadgar.

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What are you referring to? I don’t remember any Old God’s being killed at all.

He said 40 people. Gee, i wonder which old god was killed by 40 people…

Now, maybe C’thun and Yogg are not dead, but the fact that they can be “defeated” is bad enough when no-one ever seems to die here anyway.

40 people have never killed anyone in WoW.

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Also void lords and old gods aren’t a thing.

Good god how i cringe at abused lovecraftian crap.

The Void Lords are the Titans. Or the fallen Naaru (see: M’uru), which is the same thing as the Naaru were created by the Titans.

Have the Burning Leagon attack every few years anyway.

Thats how the Races stay united or something.

Have only minor strugles between Horde and Alliance fanatics, or merge Azeroth into another new planet and make new race so more fighting potential.

Like that guy said from up, Sylwanas should try to do good but instead die a heroic death (like Grom Hellscream or something).

Deamons cant be good guys.
Beings such as deiteis should not be part of WOW Universe and it should be compltelty mortal phantasy (or part mortal for Night Elves), there should be a potential shift of 100-200 years into future well, because, when you tell a tale of characters it kinda gets old quickly but if you build a world from the scratch the potentials are infinite.

You dont need to reset WOw though, only advance in time and new generations to their thing, Jaina Thrall and many others should not exist anymore and new characters can potentially be morally gray instead of classic good bad.

These are some possible ideas or something, I dont need a magical fairly to fulfil it, only a writer to make it possible.

But gimme a good reforged first! please!

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caps intended.

  • Starts 15 years after TFT
  • The Grand Alliance has reformed under Stormwind’s and King Varian Wrynn’s leadership after receiving major refugees from the north, including an important High Elf population. The Silver Hand and the Kirin Tor survivors reformed their orders within Stormwind. Khaz Modan and the Wildhammer dwarves kept their ties with the Alliance. Gnomeregan is completely lost to a radiation accident and allmost all the gnomish population dies, the few survivors blend in within dwarven society, they have no military presence or political power within the Alliance, but their technology is still highly appreciated. Their main goal is to retake Lordaeron from the undead.
  • The New Horde consolidated their hold on central Kalimdor, though they still struggle to survive and adapt themselves to their harsh adopted homeland. The Sentinels kept their neutrality and independence, but engage in open diplomacy with both the Alliance and the Horde alike while they rebuild their civilization and adapt to their new mortality in their new capital of Teldrassil. Theramore, while an official member of the renewed Alliance, stands as a haven for diplomacy under the rule of Jaina Proudmoore, and helped build an important, yet fragile, peace treaty between the Alliance and the Horde.
  • The Forsaken consolidated their hold on Lordaeron after routing both the Scourge and the Scarlet Crusade, and forming an alliance with the remaining Blood Elf survivors on Quel’thalas. The Scourge under the leadership of Kel’thuzad retreated to Northrend to rebuild their forces, while the Lich King is still dormant atop Icecrown, however they secured new subjects in the recently reawakened Vrykul and are preparing an offensive to take back the Plaguelands while they wait for their master’s awakening.
  • Though the Burning Legion’s invasion memory is fresh still, thanks to the joint effort of the Sentinels, the Kirin Tor and Jaina, allmost all their remaining presence on Azeroth has been eliminated, however, there are some major threats still that need to be accounted for, like the looming menace presented by the Scourge and the tenuous peace and old hatreds still present in some major factions.
  • The Forsaken approach Jaina and convince her to summon a peace summit to formaly introduce them as one of the major factions on Azeroth, while also discussing how to deal with the Scourge threat. Jaina’s investigations also leads her to discover faint activity within the ruins of the Dark Portal, fearing a new invasion she dedicates all her efforts on discovering the origin of the signals.
  • During the peace summit the Alliance, the Horde and Forsaken agree on a temporal alliance and to launch a joint invasion on Northrend, hoping to destroy the Scourge before the Lich King awakes. Though initially succesful, the invasion prolongs too much and the fighting reach a stalemate. Finally, the Lich King awakes when the joint invading forces had pushed the Scourge to a corner and struggled to assault Icecrown itself. At the climatic battle at Angrathar the Wrathgate, the Lich King himself joins the fighting and the Forsaken finally reveal their true intentions, betraying both the Horde and the Alliance and using them as cannon fodder in order to debilitate the Lich King. Though the Lich King ultimately survives, he is severely weakened by the Forsaken attempt, who decide to keep on the war by themselves, as the Horde and the Alliance had outlived their usefulness.
  • The disastrous invasion results in several loses for both the Horde and the Alliance and breaks their already fragile relations, while also attempts to reignite their war. Jaina finally tracks down the source of the signals and indetifies them as a distress call, deciding to reopening the Dark Portal after discussing it with her allies. Once open, the Sha’tari draenei emerge from the gate, led by the Prophet Velen on their exodus from Outland, who identifies himself as the one responsible for the signals. Velen reveals Jaina that there is an ancient major threat about to re-emerge on Azeroth and that the shadow of war looms over them once again. While the draenei had come to their world seeking refuge, they had also come to help them fight the void.

This is the opening scenario of my view of history after Wc3 from a RTS view, basicly it keeps some major plot lines from WoW, the main difference being that the Night Elves and the Forsaken didn’t affiliate with neither the Alliance or the Horde, and that several events from different expansions are used to develop eventually a new history, while keeping some of the most iconic wow moments. My main antagonists would be the Old Gods, specially Yogg-Saron, who would manipulate the mortal races to wage war between themselves and ultimately break free from their prisons in order to retake the world.


You do understand that these are purely WoW lore, right? Would you loan the idea that Arthas randomly grew lethargic?

Other than that, a great and exciting take!

High Elves are Blood Elves.