If you could retcon WoW

I would retcon ner’zhul.

When arthas finally puts on the helm at the end of frozen throne, ner’zhul does not appear to arthas as an orc or an orc skeleton. Those days are behind him as his appearance reflects his hatred towards kil’jaeden. Arthas beholds a twisted nightmare that wraps itself around arthas as black blood envelopes him like the mirror scene from the matrix. Arthas awakens in wrath of the lich king uncertain about what happened but confident in his power.

Unknown to him, he’s starting to change. Like Cain from poltergeist 2 his face sometimes shimmers a more ghoulish facade through the helms opening. A transformation is slowly taking place, but arthas falls before it can take hold.

Now sits Bolvar who holds the scourge in check. Unknown to him spectral wisps flow from his mouth as the change starts over again. The twisted nightmare of ner’zhul now has arthas’s soul trapped in its ribs, like in the movie Scrooged, with plenty of room for more.

This might be a bit off topic, but have you ever considered World of Warcraft alternative, like from warcraft 3 only build in Reforged engiene?

How could I explain, like, Arthas goes to Kalimdor instead of Jaina, or Thrall doesnt join the Horde with Humanity.

Like a DLC of “What if” character scenario, have you ever considered this?

This could be off cannon ofc.

I honestly don’t mind ‘what if’ scenarios.

I personally think Hearthstone does a fantastic job of this. Knights of the Frozen Throne and Mean Streets of Gadgetzan are incredible renditions of Warcraft ‘What if’ lore.

I also love the Altered Fate skins in Heroes of the Storm, like Betrayer Malfurion and Hellhammer Thrall. Those would be fun stories to explore.

that being said, someone needs to make a Mean Streets of Gadgetzan map :slight_smile:


Hearthstone Gadgetzan not being done up in World of Warcraft for that to be canon Gadgetzan is a war crime.


Balnazzar comes back from the dead again and posesses Sylvanas. Turns out the Forsaken were working for the Burning Legion all along.

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i would have killed off all the elves. all of them.


I would literally hand it over to David Lynch and let him do anything he wants with the lore. Just to see what happens.


The masses can jump off a pier. We don’t need them.

I would make it so Sylvanas never gets back up after jumping off Icecrown. Without revenge against Arthas to drive them, the Forsaken become even more depressed than they normally are, and impossible to motivate.

Garrosh tries threats, but that fails because they’re already dead and don’t really have any reason to want to keep being undead. After killing a few fails to motivate them, Garrosh decides to just ignore them, since wiping them out would expend troop time and energy better spent on the Alliance.

Eventually an undead holy priest known as The Dead Shepherd comes to town and starts preaching that the work of the Forsaken is not done. Arthas may be dead, but there are still plenty of undead who are trapped serving their own dark masters, and it is their duty as the people of Lordaeron to save them.

Most Forsaken just tell him to bug off, but some are so desperate for any kind of meaning in their life that they accept this new mission, and soon enough The Dead Shepherd gains a large enough following to begin actively working towards their goal.

New Forsaken begin as recently freed Scourge, and eastern kingdoms questing revolves around reestablishing the kingdom of Lordaeron, rebuilding relations with the Horde (primarily by attacking the Alliance), and rescuing undead from various necromancers operating in the area.


During the events of legion, the legjon ctually win forcing the allies of Azeroth to use their last resource, they destroy the hourglass causing an explosion so powerful they are actually able to drive the legion away through time, wiping out almost everything done in wow… =D the end…
After rebooting the whole thing
I’d have characters to be more consistent to what they are, ruthless heroes like sylvanas will be just that and not crazy bgjghes, (for those saying she’s evil now wait till she’s the ultimate martyr hero by next expansion.)

I’d still kill varían I think anduin offers alot more to the story… But instead of making an unidimensional character… I’d love to explore anduin’s evil side… The one who wants to have peace with the horde, but not as long as they are allied with the dead, which he sees as unholy creatures.
Thrall is a good character but he doesn’t move the story… He gets moved by the story which is not so good… (something big has to happen for he to act) so a garrosh like character would be more likely the warchief…
Tyrande would come back to be the glorious Amazon she used to be in warcraft 3 rather than… The women who can’t live without her man.
-the different kingdoms will be independant… (seriously varian dies, anduin is the new king and tyrande and velen almost bow to him like he’s above them,and not their equal, as of now the alliance revolves around the king of stormwind)

Shandris had so much potential… So more plot for her… XD

Illidan stays death, being the cool douche we all loved.
And not the edgy cliché martyr he never was.

Kaelthas comes back as the king of silvermoon (to this day one of their biggest wasted characters)

Maiev comes back to lead part of the night elves… (she’s one of those characters that do move the story along)
And she’s not happy with tyrande… And she 100% does not act like she was wrong and tyrande had all the rights to murder the people she considered family.

And that’s what’s on the top of my mind… Lol


I feel… edgy -Kael’thas, warcraft 3.


I don’t want to rewrite it, there is a way to script doctor what exists and make the next chapter good.

I think writing a whole script is pedantic , instead I will give some bullet points on ideas.

-Medivh senses impending doom on Azeroth, once again. This time his quest is different, he can’t unite the all the fools, the would be heroes are too inexperienced, and the existing ones have all gone mad with power or have been killed off.

-Medivh must find a new champion to align against an unknown impending doom (a bad omen).

-Medivh leaves Azeroth to find allies from other worlds.

-Bolvar is losing his eternal battle with the Lich King. Naz needs a more compatible body. Gets his minions to bring him Arthas.

-Add some soy story here. Arthas is restored but weakened. The horde and alliance QQ. Jaina visits Arthas to confront him, she wins the battle instead of killing Arthas, she instead accepts his justice and they team up (ultimate tag team)

-Arthas and Jaina have a child. It is super powered with unlimited arcane and lich power.

-Time passes

-New face of the armies of Northrend becomes Jaina’s kid(girl).

-Sylvanas confronts the kid and gets beaten, senses Arthas in her.

-Sylvanas is horrified her nightmare never ends. Sylvanas reflects on her life, she can become quite an iconic strong hero at this point.

-Medivh learns what the impending doom is, brings a new race of warriors to Azeroth to fight against the new super powered Lich King

Night Elves never join the Alliance, never integrate their sexes across societal castes. (No male sentinels, no female druids.) They also keep the savage amazonian edge they exuded in WC3.

The Forsaken never join the Horde. Neither do the Blood Elves. The Blood Elves and Forsaken however do ally but have some trust issues.

The Amani very much become their own faction but remain friendly with the Horde now that the Horde’s never accepted elves into their ranks.
Distant kinship with the Darkspear further help this along, as well as the general respect the Horde still has for Zul’jin.

Nobody ever refers to Arthas much anymore as nobody saw him ascend the throne.
The Cult of the Damned is very much still active and still revere Ner’Zuhl, the Lich King. Arthas technically no longer exists, just what remains of his body after the Lich King took control of it.

The Draenai/Eredar retcon is re-retconned. Now Draenai are redeemed former Eredar rather than the other way around. (this means the Sargeras corruption retcon is also de-retconned.)
We get to keep all the neat things from the Draenai but add more depth by exploring their redemption history rather than some boring “they were always good guys.” junk.
The broken and lost ones are still mutant Draenai warped by Ner’zuhl’s nether portals and fel-exposure at the end of WC2.
They become close allies with the surviving Arrakoa and band together against the fel-orcs of Outland.

Ogre exiles band together in the southern eastern kingdoms, near the rift of the destroyed dark portal, and seem to be forming a new incarnation of the Gorian empire and get in frequent skirmishes with the Gurubashi.

The Horde, Alliance and Sentinels are and remain at peace post Hyjal.
The Sentinels form a friendship with the Horde through their shared veneration of nature and spirits and through a combination of shamanistic and druidic magics alleviate the Horde’s need to cut down Ashenvale.

The primary axis’ of tension in the world is:
Burning Legion is still out there and plotting.
Ner’Zuhl and the Scourge are dormant but through the Cult of the Damned remain a threat.
The Gurubashi empire and Hakkar form a powerful enemy despite their entanglements with New Goria.
C’thun and the Silithid lurk in southern kalimdor.

The Naga play a more prominent role.

Late in the story the Zandalari come into play as a major power and rally surviving Amani, Gurubashi, Drakkari and Farraki trolls under their banner.

WC4 is about complex geopolitics amid a world full of threats.
Primary playable factions are:
The Horde
The Alliance
The Sentinels
The Forsaken/Scourge (share tech tree)
The Zandalari.

There’s a heavy creep and mercenary emphasis in melee maps, further diversifying the formula from Starcraft into the RPG/RTS hybrid vs the pure RTS.
The merc angle allows you to play with more varied units and strategies also featured in the campaign such as Naga, Legion, New Goria and Silithids.

Expansion adds the:
The Naarun (Draenai/Arrakoa alliance. Arrakoa regain sunpriesthood with Dreanai allies.)

SC2-like co-op mode is added as well as a full-on co-op campaign mode following a hand full of different shorter stories than the main campaign.

Naturally during development some features end up getting cut, but I’m shooting for the moon here in this hypothetical pitch.


I’ll just post a quick list of random ideas:

Illidan doesn’t get killed for no reason

Kael’Thas doesn’t become an effeminate drug addict for no reason

The Lich King doesn’t sleep for years just to return as a retarded general

Sylvanas remains a little bi- i mean a minor character

The Lich King starts a huge invasion that destroys multiple important cities and the final battle is a huge tug of war between the lich king and remaining lore character, with some of them dying by Arthas blade… Arthas will of course die af the end of the fight but Frostmourne will somehow get lost and survive.

Garrosh remain an important Horde general and Thrall remains warchief

Green Jesus would never happen

Cairne death would happen in a legit sort of Mak’Gora where no one fking cheats

Alliance and Horde would never happen. we would have a lot of different big/medium/small sized factions

Another final Legion Invasion would happen and it would completely set ablaze Kalimdor, only thing to stop it would be to bait an Old Gods intervention against it.

Old Gods would a very few times make the good guys kill innocents or allied factions because hallucinated by the old gods themselves.

Azeroth would be have to be eventually abandoned because too damaged by the war against the legion.

An eventual fight with Sargeras would happen and the only way to defeat it would be imprisonment… somehow

Nathrezim would be actually cunning and hard to spot instead of being a bunch of retarded tryhards

Varimathras would eventually kill Sylvanas with Putress help

Varian Wrynn would meet his end in an epic battle instead of being pulverized like a little buitch

Imprisoned Sargeras would eventually be used to struck down the void gods that control all the old gods stuff

Alternative timelines / dimensions bs would never happen

Kil’Jaeden would be struck down when fighting an Old God instead of getting killed on his space ship

Flat antagonists that can only spam taunts and die like morons wouldn’t happen

I am tired of writing, that’s it for now


Cenarius surviving the chaos orcs.
That would change everything.

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I actually never played prince of Persia before… But yeah exactly like That…except the hourglass stays dead… XD

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quite simply, if you have any sense, you’d know that WoW’s story was centered around game balance of racials from Horde to Alliance, and to milk your subscription money. how else can you explain characters being killed and revived again and again?

It’s basically going to have to be like Terminator, where James Cameron said ‘everything after T2 is nullified, i’m coming back to direct this myself.’

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One potential scenario is I think to make Burning Legion posess less important creatures.

SPACE MAGIC happens and new things are also born, some kind of mixture between humans and orcs, make them evil, make all the un neccesarry things evil (like murlocs trolls and so on).

I dont like the Horde vs Alliance aspect at all, this is the main reason Legion was so popular IMO it brought Warcraft 3 back

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I would have wipe all post-Wod garbage, BC and Woltk.
I would have let Illidan dead, continue the war between the Scourge and Undercity/Silver hand.
The Night elf are independent.
Pandaria still exists. I find that Cata-Mop events were the best stories writen of all Wow history.
Legion is the main threat of the universe and not just a bunch of stupid weak demons wiped in a patch.
Nazjatar : Second most powerful empire next to Icecrown.

Undead can’t have children

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