If you could retcon WoW

IMO Sylvanas never wanted to be an Undead. She wanted revenge on Arthas, but once he became LK, it was out of her reach anyways. Besides, regardless of whether it would “cheapen the Sylvanas trilogy”, that’s the logical way the story goes. Sylvanas would have never regained her own mind in the first place if Ner’zhul wasn’t temporarily weakened.

I’d go a step further and have Arthas outright execute Sylvanas right there in the middle of the Undercity. Give her true death, because he can’t risk her breaking free again.

And then he makes the Undercity the new seat of the Scourge, as he intended all along.

Have Sylvanas windrunner aid Arthas menethil against the undead. And have her steal him from jaina.

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