I finally refunded :/

It’s not a question of taste or artistic value it’s a question of numbers, and markets.

Shady morality. How ironic, given that the only “shady morality” on display is that which has been exhibited by Activision-Blizzard via false advertising, removing WC3 TFT as we have known it, and changing the EULA.

LazyHydra, I have a question for you.
What is the purpose of a game?

You’re going to have to define what you mean by game in this day and age. There is a LARGE difference between an always on, live service game and a stand alone story based once played through rpg.

Shady morality. How ironic, given that the only “shady morality” on display is that which has been exhibited by Activision-Blizzard via false advertising, removing WC3 TFT as we have known it, and changing the EULA.

Yeah it’s been pretty hilarious reading people berate atom for his morality but not once attacking Blizzard for theirs. How dare the customer treat the company as they were treated.

Also can we please stop making food analogies? What happened here is not as simple as buying a meal, eating it, then asking for your money back. You bought a product years ago, that was then made worse by a company for no reason other than greed.


The digital market is endless, it has no limit.

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What’s funny is people are becoming more annoyed by the virtue signaling social justice crusaders spewing their moral superiority down everyone’s throats than they are with the actual game.

The game, even with it’s flaws, is growing on me. These moral hypocrites though… harassing people for not harassing Blizzard… it’s just so tiring.

And it’s not just with this game, it’s a cultural phenomenon with the radical “woke” pockets of society who are basically full time professional victims. We’re just so tired of it…

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That’s a nice bait post Riptor, shame you made one when the game was released and made it quite obvious what you’re trying to do :wink:


Ah LazyHydra! Man I can read you like a book, I was waiting for that reply you know because you are proving to me how you are projecting your own personal issues against Blizzard into the OP. Do you see it now? You are off-topic about the backlash the OP is recieving for:

A: Buying a product:
B. Consuming the product.
C. Enjoying the product.
D. End up refunding it.

Also you did not answer my question earlier :frowning:

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Wait, you want me to define the word “game”?

You can’t just say what the purpose of a “game” is when there is a stark difference between a live service game and a one time purchase game. A subscription game is different to a f2p game. I want you to define what you view this game as.

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I’m not wrong. They did “Reforge” the graphics.

We can go down this road again if you like, but it’s already been discussed 1000 times.

Hey Whisper, what is the purpose of a game?

a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.

Are you going to actually answer the question properly or just act like a fool?

Your own googled copy pasted definition wouldn’t even fit what we’re talking about.

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I defined the word you asked me to define. Who is the fool here? I asked a simple question: What is the purpose of a game?

I think you’re both fools.


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You can’t just say what the purpose of a “game” is when there is a stark difference between a live service game and a one time purchase game. A subscription game is different to a f2p game. I want you to define what you view this game as.

I defined the word you asked me to define. Who is the fool here? I asked a simple question: What is the purpose of a game?

It’s not a hard question, that is clearly not what I asked. Do you have trouble with basic reading comprehension? Never mind don’t answer that, I’ve seen your responses to Hydra


For Pete’s sake. READING COMPREHENSION. He didn’t “enjoy the product.” He enjoyed PARTS of it, but was disappointed regarding the overall experience and is further dismayed at Blizzard as a company for cheapening the experience.

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Yes. He does. He has proven that he does. Either that or he comprehends just fine, but would rather engage in logical fallacy.

Are you so proud as to swim around the simple idea that games are made so people can have fun?

You know there are about a million types of game, you are asking me to define it and categorize it into two things. silly goose

Ok so you’re just going to dance around the issue instead of answering it. It’s amazing, so many of you who berate Atom seem to have trouble answering basic questions when it doesn’t suit your narrative.

The reason you won’t answer it is cause you wanted to ask Hydra the point of a game so you could paint it as simple entertainment to be consumed, when now days games are very differently used, and you know that, so you won’t answer it cause you won’t get to play your gotcha

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You choose not to see how you are projecting your issues into the OP, you can see in the OP

He had genuine fun.

So again, LazyHydra, what are games for?