How characters Should Look like

yeah new writers for the franchise do not care about good writing anymore. sadly enough in that u are right.

but i guess you don’t know what an inconsistent character is,
i guess a character that says i hate to kill
and then goes out and kill and laughs about it is consistent for you,but well…what can i tell you,theres no arguments for you,you are too far gone.

Where in any piece of media that features Jaina does she ever do this, lmao.

that was just an example of a random character one would decide to create…nothing to do with jaina…
jainas example would be,if she hates resorting to violence,why would she dress like shes waiting for the war?, as i said, jaina by that time was this girl who was forced into the battle,most of her quotes are related to this.
dressing her with plate,like a warrior is contradictory

One breastplate does not a warrior make.

definitely, that was just the fashion of that time, is not like this is something heavy to wear and really unconformable to use…this was the typical thing to use in those times…hahaha…u got no idea…im goign to sleep good night my champ

What time? What fashion? Warcraft’s a fictional game with fictional fashion with a fictional timeline. There’s no guideline. It’s all imaginary. Follow your dreams. Build a house.

Sorry, but not in every instance.

Why everytime Tyrande, Rhonin or Illidan or Broxigar or any other character who uses a weapon it’s never omitted, but Malfurion having a staff it’s not represented anywhere outside of the artwork and his WC 3 model (and all the models stemming from it)?

Because he doesn’t have a warbanner, it’s the Blademaster model that used the warbanner and they kept it on his as well.

He isn’t a blademaster either, lore-wise warbanners are a tradition of the Burning Blade clan (the clan where all the Blademasters come from) so it never made any sense for Grommash to have it and in fact, he doesn’t, not even in the Orc ending cinematic of Warcraft 3.


(Remove the x, as always)

He does in some old artwork, inconsistencies again, but in Reforged I’d really prefer the warbanner to be gone as well. It’s even worse than Malfurion’s staff because in Malfurion’s case we are debating if that darn weapon even exists, while Grommash having a warbanner, a tradition which doesn’t belong to the Warsong clan, it’s a big lore inaccuracy.

Yes they explained that as well, his wolf and companion is called Snowsong: x

Snowsong is a Frost Wolf, he should technically be white and not black.

No, it doesn’t: x

Edit: Jaina is another example of a character whose weapon is not omitted. Jaina has a staff in her every iteration. The hood also appears in comics, whether it’s mentioned or not in the written lore I can’t quite put my finger on it, I think it was mentioned in the novel Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, but I’m not sure. Still, it’s something that is kept consistent throughout Warcraft.

I would rather associate Jaina’s hood to Malfurion’s antlers, we are made aware when the antlers aren’t there and when he has them and they are always on his character in his every appearance after he receives the antlers. The staff though, nowhere to be found.

She didn’t have the hood in her first three WoW models, but that was a deliberate change of outfit which again was kept consistent with her other appearances. Perhaps might hint at her character growing into a leader, we don’t know. The hood is back anyway.

Oh you wouldn’t believe it when I say that they explained that as well. His armor and his sword were forged by the Nathrezim before being encased in ice to be thrown on Azeroth.

This is also the reason given for why Frostmourne didn’t kill Mal’ganis, he made it.

If it’s inconsistent with all their other portrayals, it should be. I’ll go back to my point about Jaina:

Okay fine, it might not be because of other models having the staff, but it’s still inconsistent with what we are given of Malfurion.

Nono, I don’t want him to be melee at all, especially because he doesn’t actually fight in melee, he still casts spells, mostly envolving roots. The only change I’d like to his appearance is just that, to his appearance and nothing else, he would cast spells with his hands rather than with a staff he doesn’t own.

And most importantly I would not give him a goat in TFT.

Grom has a banner in Weis official artwork made post war3. He may very well retain it in reforged.

Malfurion is very likelu to have his staff in reforged.

Neither of these are lore inconsistencies when War3 came before any written lore which happened to omit visual characteristics the writers deemed unimportant for their novels. Writers arent concerned about retaining all visual elements because they are not limited to it. For the most part, these writers came in after World of Warcraft established these characters in a new light, and invariably omitted concepts established by War3 as a result.

You say things like you want Malf to cast bare handed and not have a goat, but you arent considering the fact that this is still WC3. WC3 itself is inconsistent to lore because it existed before WoW and the novels were regarded as definitive canonical lore.

Writers intentionally created their own canon. Vereesa and Falstad were never true Windrunners or Wildhammers in the novels, this was established after the fact. Rexxar was not originally from draenor or part of the horde that crossed over, this was established after the fact. Almost every instance you point out is post War3 retcon. They want to bridge elements that make sense. So changing Akama to a broken or making Kaels eyes green is fine because its established canon.

Removing Malfs staff or Groms banner are inconsequential since this is never covered in external War3 lore and can go both ways. The lore doesnt need to recognize it to be legitimate any more than lore needs to tell you Malfurion can turn into a bear. He does in BFA and it is bothing like the spellcaster Malf that we know. That is no less Lore than him using a staff or being bare handed. Lore is what we know from the games too, so him riding a stag IS lore and it is the NOVELS that are inconsistent through unintentional ignorance.

When we regard Reforged, it is actually building its own revisionist history of WC3 events including a War3s oddities and limitations.

You will see Ner’zhul employing Obsidian Destroyers even though they are old god creations from Uldum/Silithus. You will see Draenei never acknowledge the Eredar even though they have shared history. You will see Vashj pledge allegiance to Illidan and talk of their history despite the novels having no connection between the two. These inconsistencies exist because the novel writers elaborated on connections while overlooking lore from the game they deemed no longer relevant to the most current iteration of lore.

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I hope they don’t touch Akama but other than that agreed with my full heart, also not gonna argue more with people that want Wowcraft The RTS. I hope Blizzard will not make that mistake (I think they won’t) and make huge changes just to satisfy WoWheads

Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft are both under the Warcraft umbrella, I’m not sure how else I can break that news to you.

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Like I said I play\ed WoW , I’m still up with it’s lore and books but Warcraft III is not WoW it has it’s old ‘retconed’ lore which should stay as it is. It can be retconed, it can be old, it can be destroyed by changes(see draenei) , it can be improved(see: Old Gods) but it should stay as it is in Warcraft III it is not a new and up to date lore game it is an old but loved and retconed game.

Okay so what does lore/writing (what you’re talking about) mean in regards to this thread about character appearances?

Characters must look like what they had looked like in Warcraft III no matter how much improvement\retcon they have in years later. Malfurion has ridden a Stag, he used a staff and 2 nice unique capes ( one in Roc one in TfT) , Grom was thin and had a warbanner, Draenei were Lost Ones, Illidan was looking different, Jaina’s cape was covering half of her body and she wore only one shoulder pad.


None of that is ‘lore’ though.

Like if you wanted to pull up an example of - in Warcraft 3 Reforged - Jaina having her shock of white hair, Cairne having an axe wound in him from Gorehowl (and being dead), Thrall in his Go’el attire, or other stuff like that I could understand it.

Visual differences, slight or more dramatic, that aren’t a result of story stuff is fine. If they were to pull the rug out from under people that way, I could understand that. Jaina’s cloak or Arthas’ pauldrons won’t kill you.

They will kill the looks of the game, it is a remaster not WoWcraft rts , hell even custom maps had looks of old characters and even they will look different and this is a big middle finger to map maker( I’m a melee player but must think about big picture)

Looks =/= lore unless it’s a case of an appearance changing because of story progression such as bits like the 3 cases I said above.

How upset are you that in Warcraft 2, Grom had a nose ring but in Warcraft 3 in-game he doesn’t? But in the cinematics he does?


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If they were doing a Wc2 remaster and were going for Wc3 look of him I’lld be that pissed again but we are talking about Warcraft III and it’s looks and lore(okay forget about lore if you wish) and it should look like what it had in 2002 further changes can be ‘skins’ that you can buy and be happy with your ‘new’ ‘wowyfied’ looks

For example: I loved The Burning Crusade fel orcs but I don’t want them to be Warcraft III Fel Orcs , they can be skins for them in Outland missions but they can’t replace directly the old design.

The Arthas novel shows Kael’thas using a sword and dueling Arthas. He is shown parrying Frostmourne with Felomelorn, ‘Flamestrike’, the Fire Mage artifact weapon.

I dont think it will be likely to happen in reforged, and I would be very surprised if they inserted this into the campaign or visually on Kael’thas. It doesnt really do anything for the campaign, and Golden already explained that all they want to do is add a few lines here and there to enhance and suppory the campaign, not rewrite it and add completely new scenes.

I mean we have all this lore with Dar’khan betraying the High Elves which will not be remade for Reforged either. That is all lore but its not contained in WC3s campaign, nor should it really.

What is more important is that someone who makes a custom map using the Thrall on a wolf model will be playing a reforged map with the same looking unit. This is why the campaign is played with a ranged Thrall and a stealthy Grom and an Arthas who uses holy powers even after he gets Frostmourne. Illidans ranged splash demon form is never even talked about in the lore, he is always depicted as using his glaives or casting magic spells that he doesnt have in game. Lore is often inconsistent with gameplay and vice versa

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Warcraft 3 Uther didn’t have a winged pauldron or bare arms. Warcraft Reforged Uther is missing his lion-faced poleyns and belt. Warcraft 3 Uther had longer hair. He also never originally had cloth hanging down from the front of his waist but now he does in Reforged.
Arthas’ eyebrows were more blonde in Warcraft 3. Arthas’ hammer never had gold detailing on it. Also both of Arthas’ pauldrons had blue on them, not just one. Warcraft Reforged Arthas’ belt also has a gold lion head on the front of it not like the classic Warcraft 3 silver one.
Mal’Ganis in Reforged now has more than just his head and fingers showing - his arms and abs are exposed. They added a bunch of spikes and protrusions along his wings that weren’t in Warcraft 3. Warcraft 3 Mal’Ganis was also more a bone/ivory skin colour than the light purple he is from what we’ve seen in Reforged.

Man I hate to tell you this but if you’re going to nitpick one character like Jaina that hard, you should do the leg work and work over the others too. And if her changes are too much for you, then you’re fighting a losing battle in this conversation.

And to be more blunt, you need to divorce the idea of a Warcraft aesthetic from a World of Warcraft aesthetic. Warcraft is Warcraft these days.

Yes I think those changes are bad too, Bfa showed an awesome Arthas that looks exactly like Wc3 one, they could have used it , Uther is fine , Mal’ganis needs a dress and a tail.
I’m a modder\modeler myself some easy stuff like Arthas , Uther , Mal’ganis does not concern me I have ‘loyal to wc3 designs but HD’ versions of them made for Armies of Azeroth mod already but I want them to be perfectly made by Blizzard itself to save my time.