How characters Should Look like

so im opening this thread to know how u guys think the heroes of the story should look like, as some already know im dissapointed on the wowfying of characters…so what differences would u guys do?

WOW is cool and they characters are cool…but this is not wow. and war3 should stay distinctive.

this is just my opinion…
for me this is how jaina should look like i made a quick drawing to show my point.
Jaina ----x just deleted the X
remember she by this time is the just an apprentice of the kirin tor…just a girl

Maiev -----x
how can anyone forget maievs sexy green lips?


I’m in love with your concept for Jaina to be honest I wish they were going for it


thank you very much,as i said i dont think its better than WoW/Heroes version,but still I want them to remember this takes place 4 years before wow vanilla story begins…they should all look different


I personally made jaina model for Armies Of Azeroth mod but even that did not catch the epic concept you made to be honest


There are good old WC3 arts by Samwise (I think), they should stick to that. Those arts don’t depict each and every unit, but you can catch the style and the feel, which current Reforged team failed to do, in my opinion.


thank you very much i really appreciate that, I hope with our opinions blizzard dev team can make a change. I wonder what other units you guys think should use a re-work???

pd: I saw armies of azeroth!!! it was epic to see it first time it was a shame i could never played it

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I hope they’ll change their Ghouls to the old concept that has been used for Wc3 I think even taking my Ghoul as a starting point is better:



I said that somewhere before, but I think they are probably gonna go with the Heroes of the Storm designs, which are much based on the WC3 designs (except Maiev’s). Jaina’s design in Reforged/Heroes is a mix of her WC3 and WOW Vanilla one, which doesn’t looks very bad aslong as she keeps her iconic hooded cloak and not wearing any robe like in WOW. The HotS designs would probably do.

I understand and respect you opinion, but I would like to ask, what part of her warcraft 3 design was kept in heroes model?, other than dressing her with pants…?
The design team is not understanding the characters and what they are going throu and for that reason they are failing with depicting them…
Key facts about Jaina
*kirin tor apprentice,not an expert sorcerer ready for battle
*just a girl
*she only wishes to study!
*what war is she waiting for? (we all know what war, but she doesn’t), who says, hey I’m gonna meet with my boyfriend… What to wear… What to wear… (hearthstones reference) oh yeah! Let’s wear a heavy plate armor chest piece and shoulders!,…
*the first time we meet her she’s running from two ogres and she gives the impression of being a fragile girl to the footmen and captain, who instantly tried to run on her aid, this goes away if we see a heavenly armored girl.

I think they can add much details to the heroes as long as the don’t mess original shape of the heroes

Like Tauren chieftain… He looks a little too bulky! He used to have a thin waist


I was actually forever surprised at why Jaina became the main Kirin Tor guy. Like, she was Antonidas’ apprentice, but still. And we do see the likes of Modera around after the destruction of Dalaran.

Jaina’s thing was never magic to begin with, it was politics (i.e., saving the last remaining human beings north of Southshore).

But WoW devs and WoW players have completely missed it.

I do like your art the best as a blend between all the different styles. I think, they have based their version on images such as this.

Yeah your Jaina is legit better.

Lose that shoulderpad and it’s perfect <3

Jaina was not only a apprentice, but also a agent for the Kirin Tor. She probably was something special and learned very fast, also due to her desire to study. Otherwise Antonidas wouldn’t choosed her to investigate the plague in Lordaeron in the first place.

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I wouldn’t mind that art so much, It looks beautiful and in you pay attention her chest is cloth… It looks like a very light clothing overall I like that. No plate armor is something I appreciate…

Jaina was not only a apprentice, but also a agent for the Kirin Tor. She probably was something special and learned very fast, also due to her desire to study. Otherwise Antonidas wouldn’t choosed her to investigate the plague in Lordaeron in the first place.

Other than spying Antonidas when he was talking with medivh, I don’t think she would classify as one… She was a trusted sorcerer that was dispatched to learn more about the plague and the magical origins.
During the game she never gave the impresion of something other than a naive girl with very strong power that was forced into a battle she didn’t ask for.

I think the cloak over the shoulder may cause clipping issues with animations.

Agreed it would be more difficult to animate it but if they did it in 2002 i think they could do it if they start caring, have you played heroes of the storm?, heroes of the storm maiev’s is a monument to “I don’t care”, to this date, she still doesn’t have physics on her ponytail, her cloak is not animated while mounting, hell you don’t have to animate her face due the helmet, at least put attention to her signature cloak!

Nonsense. Just design the animations with the cape in mind.

Hi there I just spend years playing diablo hearthstone warcraft and overwatch and spend much money as well ,i would like too know if the new warcraft can run on my Mac OS?ive played warcraft legion before and there has no problem now on Azeroth I can’t play I spend many time on it I would like too play more can you guys tell me if can run on my Mac OS :system is:High Sierra
Processeur:2,5GHz intel core i5
Memory:4Go 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphic:AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512Mo
Can you guys don’t forgot Mac OS HIGH SIERRA PLS

agree, the Jaina looks nothing like she did in the old game which is just sad

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I mean. A new lighting engine, an incredible amount of new polygons, incredibly higher resolution textures, and the space as a result of this prior stuff for stronger designs will make a difference in a character’s appearance from 2002 being remastered and touched up in 2018.

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Sure, but she doesn’t wear her cape in the cool way that she used to.

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