I’m using the grid layout with this fix (options → input → preset keybindings → grid)
- Download AutoHotkey portable:
(zip file)- Download my AutoHotkey file:
//German version (y-z-switch):https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjKrdUvE60XngVxLawzW5it1KbCH
- Store “AutoHotkeyA32.exe” and “WCIIIWASD.ahk” somewhere safe (and create a shortcut to “WCIIIWASD.ahk”)
- Choose to open “WCIIIWASD.ahk” always with “AutoHotkeyA32.exe” (AutoHotkey ANSI 32-bit)
- Run “WCIIIWASD.ahk” (or the shortcut) to activate it
Pressing “Alt / AltGr” + “,” → toggle off/on script
WASD (without “Ctrl / Strg”) → camera movement
Pressing “Ctrl / Strg” + WASD → standard WCIII WASD ingame functions
//German version: y = z || Ctrl / Strg + y = y || z = y || Ctrl / Strg + z = z
- The script can be toggled off/on manually, by right-clicking the tray icon and clicking on “Suspend Hotkeys”