Grid Layout: Simple WASD Camera Fix

I’m using the grid layout with this fix (options → input → preset keybindings → grid)

  1. Download AutoHotkey portable: (zip file)
  2. Download my AutoHotkey file:!AjKrdUvE60XngVvKBTtQJICT8nxE?e=PXHe4i
    //German version (y-z-switch):!AjKrdUvE60XngVxLawzW5it1KbCH
  3. Store “AutoHotkeyA32.exe” and “WCIIIWASD.ahk” somewhere safe (and create a shortcut to “WCIIIWASD.ahk”)
  4. Choose to open “WCIIIWASD.ahk” always with “AutoHotkeyA32.exe” (AutoHotkey ANSI 32-bit)
  5. Run “WCIIIWASD.ahk” (or the shortcut) to activate it

Pressing “Alt / AltGr” + “,” → toggle off/on script
WASD (without “Ctrl / Strg”) → camera movement
Pressing “Ctrl / Strg” + WASDstandard WCIII WASD ingame functions
//German version: y = z || Ctrl / Strg + y = y || z = y || Ctrl / Strg + z = z

  • The script can be toggled off/on manually, by right-clicking the tray icon and clicking on “Suspend Hotkeys”

Thanks for sharing
If you’re using WASD for camera controls, what do you do for unit abilities?

I’ve been considering rebinding HJKL as camera keys but I’m not sure moving my hand between that and the abilities is just making life difficult for myself and the way I play

Pressing “Ctrl” in combination with WASD uses the original functions of the WASD keys.


That’s what your post says

Everything remains the same, just added a trick to use WASD camera movement by making the standard WASD functions dependent on “Ctrl”.

Btw, just in case you downloaded it already: I used the same key twice by mistake, corrected it now.

1 Like

Thank you so much now i can enjoy the game