Do not like the female death knight

It was a thread from 2 days ago.

K, not my thread though

I think you figured out what I meant dummy. Don’t play the wc3 players in a wc3 remake, blame blizzard.

It depends on what you believe. If you believe Blizzard, the community caused the cuts. If you don’t, well, that’s a different story.

Back to the point of the thread, I don’t want the community to cause the removal of the female death knight.

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Why can’t they make both male and female models and let either one randomly appear? You know, like the dark templar in SC2, wielding a scythe or a saber.

Do you consider the option to use both removal? Or does everyone have to use the female dk in your view.

If you read my replies, you’d see I’m down for having both a male and female option. Idk if you should be able to select which one 100% of the time unless it’s a paid skin though.

This is a fantasy world where their culture developed independently of our own, so they could very easily not have a male dominated society, for example see the Night Elves. Also they will have male skins for multiplayer, each hero name will have a unique model, and most are probably going to be male to cater to the “purists” anyways. I think they just put the female in the beta and as promotional art to spike interest as it is new and has a badass design.

I am under the opinion that you should be able to select 100 percent of the time. And I wouldn’t play the game otherwise.

I don’t think its an excuse when they got severe backlash for planning to alter the story line, I think it’s the reason.

That is what seems to be the plan as each name for each hero will have a unique model according to the Reforged Deep Dive.

I doubt it, I think they fell behind on the schedule and decided to cut content.

Man some of you have frail masculinity.


Why should that be a feature? I can see how you can pick your favorite because as I said in other posts, it seems like their will be a unique design for each hero name. However you say,

Why would you quit over that? You never got to pick something cosmetic in the original? It frankly sounds like an overreaction for an amazing game on little “issue”.

I doubt that as there isn’t proof for it, however I have seen a lot of complaints for how they shouldn’t change the story. As we are both on gut feelings though we shouldn’t be racing to baseless conclusions.

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Shhhh don’t tell them they have no proof. Don’t use logic either unless you want to be called a shill/communist/anti-hong kong…

In all seriousness though the forums will be cleaned up once EA does something. They’ll head over to their forums in droves.

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Yeah, they’ve been very lazy in the last few years. I don’t recall anything amazing since Legacy of the Void. They’re cashing in on the fan’s nostalgia. Reforged and Classic are not their top priorities. They are in these projects just to grab some easy and quick bucks.

They out-sourced the models so you porbably not wrong.

Even if they have been lazy in the past as a company, that doesn’t mean this team is also lazy as they are different developers. Sure it may have been cut because of time and money issues, but they said it was because complaints, I saw excessive complaints, thus I believe them as a reasonable conclusion.

? Because I have my own preferences? I played the original game. I want it to be like that. I don’t care how you have it. Are you suggesting that I should be forced to play it in any new way?