Do not like the female death knight


How the hell… Holy crap… you are crazy. And i don’t mean that as a responsive way. You are literally insane.

Ummm. Yea. You are. You are the biggest whiner on these forums and you should probably get your brain checked because not only did i never whine about that but i am actually apart of the changed nothing crowd. Quite a vocal member of it actually.

Show me an example. Especially one that compares to “BIGOT!!! OMFG YOU HATE MEN”

That is what an actual bigot says. You know why? Because you need to express your feelings while justifying it so you make the other side hateful in your mind.

Wtf does this even mean? Now you sound like my mom.

Me: “I was a Conservative Christian for 20 years…”

What does this even mean? What does what i like have to do with what i supposedly am?

Logic does not follow and there are 3 freaking races that are all 100% male. Screw you.

I would like the male/female Death Knight skin is chose randomly.

“Like omg, like I just can’t even like omg you are like literally like insane”


no you’re not

You declared that death knights and demon hunters are all female now because it makes you feel good. You’re against male characters. You want them removed, not have an option. Pretty straightforward.

Your mom sounds like a nice lady. You should listen to her more.

Nope, human have females, so does undead. Orcs well, they’re orcs. It doesn’t matter though. We want an identically structured game with updated graphics and maybe a few additions not subtractions. Has nothing to do with sex.


Just trying to express that i genuinely believe that you are clinically insane. But of coarse you interpret everything as an insult.

Now you got the hang of it! Just be yourself! :smile:

Dude, read any of my other posts and you will see that i am for changing nothing with the female models being an exception.

No, i said that i wanted Demon Hunters to be women. Death Knights can have the option. But i really don’t mind either way.

No, i just don’t care if there is an option or not.

She is… Until she complains about the army of blacks that is gonna destroy society,

1 female.

1 female. 2 now. ZOMFG UNFAIR! They had 1. NOW THEY HAVE 2! BLIZZARD HATES MEN!

No, not “they’re Orcs!” Why can’t we say this about Night Elves? Why do all male races get to exist but god forbid we have a majority female race…?

Do we get a male Jaina now named Jain?

Hi new to the convo but this is getting silly watching people fight over dumb non-issues. I have been a fan since I was very little and still play custom games to this day, which I’m sure is true for most taking their time to go onto these forums, to get that out of the way as I saw someone using the not a true fan argument. I see people complaining about some hero skins being female, or the voices changing for those characters, but no one knows if it will be a toggled feature or not. That doesn’t matter anyways because those who complaining believe Blizzard are pushing some agenda, which is silly. They are adding a few female models for some heroes, very minimal compared to their original plans of changing campaign dialog, and I think the new skins are a great addition. In the base game each hero would always look exactly the same but have different nicknames, from the Reforged Deep Dive they explained that each nickname for a hero will now have a unique model, which is awesome, these are amazing designs! However some like the OP complain about this, but the female skins are random just like the nicknames in the OG game, so we can likely conclude; the Female Death Knight is in the beta to show off their awesome knew designs, and is only one of many others. Those who claim this is some kinda agenda, as one in particular may have jokingly or not pushed, sound a bit lost as the game will likely have a majority male skins for most male heroes, this is just some additions. Which I love those additions it breathes new life into the game with new designs, the DK in particular is epic and I love her voice, it doesn’t sound like an 80 year old, it’s Undead, like Arthas’ voice. Those who are calling her old I think you are wild because her skin is so smooth, like she has gray hair that is it, also Jaina in WoW also looks pretty young, you should look at the Archmage, also why should we care if she looks old? I think that for winning a bunch you should get more icon options for what design you like more, but like that Arthas is saved for campaigns while the new Female DK is for multiplayer, Arthas should be for the story line competitions as that is where he is from, while the DK is very unique but still and important Undead character so it’s cool. Also for the one person who thinks the Arthas model is cooler, well it kinda is because its Arthas he has a dope backstory, but he is a place holder probably. Finally I don’t want it to be toggled, maybe they should let you pick your favorite because some designs are cooler than others, such as chunky Dreadlord over non-chunky Dreadlord, but I’d prefer all these being random to having one permanent character like in the old game where you got Arthas with a different name. This was a long post but I tried to summarize and address all the arguments, if you want to talk to, question, or address me please do I love talking Warcraft! (I’m so excited for Reforged, like the leaked models are amazing!)

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I think you are kidding, but personally I believe more skins for every hero would be cool, as I said in my recent post I believe they are adding a new skin for each nickname in the old game, based on what was said in the deep dive. So if they for instance added Jain that could be cool, but because there are so many more male heroes they are likely to add more females as they offer new design options. I am going to edit this because Jaina isn’t in the multiplayer game so this couldn’t be a feature, so that’s why I hope you are kidding.

If they make hero classes customized like custom skins in starcraft 2, I’m fine with that but I do not want to be forced into rolling a different hero without changing gender/appearance etc, this is suppose to be a remastered, not remake

Why would you be care? It’s similiar to the random names for each hero, now they just look a bit different?

I agree with a lot of your points.
But that was very hard reading :wink:

Next time could you add some paragraphs in?
Like really was tough to read that post ^^

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I’m new to posting here, but I think 110% you are correct, thank you. :smiley:

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No, female death knight is great.

Adding a male version would be cool too, but I do like the female death knight. Let’s not have another disaster where War3 purists ruin everything like they did with the campaign.

Wrong, it’s a reforge not a remaster which is exactly why Blizzard up front said it was not a remaster in Blizzcon 2018. It was more

No, that’s a campaign character not a generic character. How about we get a female archmage though? I mean…technically that’s Jaina if you bought spoils of war but what about for the people that didn’t?!


The English language demands a knight to be male.

You can only view it as correct if you consider the Scourge to be an abhorrent abomination and perversion of traditions… and that’s not far from the truth exactly.


Yes most people interpret “clinically insane” as an insult but I guess for you it’s just another day in the park.

Maybe I am insane. Seems like I’m living in an insane world.

Well that’s a change then.

lol you can have a majority female or all female race I don’t care, but it should be in wc4. Not wc3.


Lol disaster where wow purists ruin everything? Blizzard used purists as an excuse to strip you of content. Clearly they have no intentions of keeping the game true. They are just lazy and pit the community against each other. Gl with your game.

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War3 purists not wow purists

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whatever, good point though we need to get rid of the wow purists too

No we don’t

That wasn’t my point

Can you guys just stop being wrong every time you type something?

I know I’m making fun of you. Yes we absolutely need to “purge the purists” right? /s

I never said that. Wrong again