Cannot link old account

We can totally help recover the email and account. However, we are only able to handle account recoveries through support tickets. This is to help protect your privacy and personal information.

Please submit a ticket with the following information:

  • Account name
  • Account region
  • CD Keys used for the account

IMPORTANT, DO NOT POST CD KEYS OR EMAILS ON FORUMS. That information should only be provided via support ticket. Once again this is to help protect your privacy and personal information.

Thank you for understanding.

Can you help me.

Same error here…

My old battle net server Northrend Europe: kaAza

New account name Blizzard: Inhumanu

This one is already linked to your current account! Should be good to go!

Still not working.

I go options > join classic account > select my region > enter my user and password and show the message error “user name or password is invalid”.

Then I tried recover the password… enter my user name and email.
I recived my link for change the password, change the password and them submit.
I received the next error :

"Classic account management
Error in the application

Your application has expired.

Create a new application to try again."

Please, can yo helpme? I have opened a case in Blizzard Spain and they cant solve the bug.

Hey guys, im getting the error too. i thought it was my password but i recovered it and tried again to no avail. account im trying to link is supernerd@useast to this. i tried to link it when the game was in beta originally. do i open a case ?

I believe mine successfully linked the first time I did it on launch day, but i get the error now over and over…issue with my Classic account’s email is that it was my old College Email which I never switched over after I graduated…so the email doesn’t exist anymore lol…

let’s hope it linked successfully :slight_smile:

Hello support peeps, I haven’t logged in with my old account in a long time like 2 years. My account name was Fro57
Also i purchased a couple WC3 digital licenses a few years back and yesterday when I tried to download the game it gave me reforged version. Are my old keys good for the Reforged version?

Unfortunately, it’s been too long and the profile has been purged. The longest a legacy account can go without logging in is 90 days.

Think of Reforged as the new, current version (version 1.32) of the game. Meaning, that’s all that’s available to download from Bliz.

Within Reforged there are two game modes: “Classic” and “Reforged”. The digital licenses will work for the Classic mode; however, Reforged mode must be bought separately.

I found the account, but it had zero logins and expired. Are you sure that is the correct username or region?

Please Help me, same error


We already see that account linked. Please see Kaldraydis’ earlier post. Are you getting an error now or unable to access your old account when logging in to this one for some reason?

TRmz - old acc
I think i linked but yesterday i got the message that after 3 months all old acc will be deleted so pls chek ! Thanks

Could you check if my account is correctly linked?

  • This account
  • Northrend Europe: Disc-Reloaded (had 1500 UD icon)

I did this action from the start when Reforged was realised and actually same msg is appearing all the time (password is not correct) I changed psw by email and I need to know if it’s correctly linked (some feedback would be great)

Could you please verify I linked my classic account properly?

  • This account

  • US East/Azeroth: funlovingmonkey

Hey Kal, sorry i havn’t responded.
i guess story behind that is I havn’t been able to long on since i’ve gotten warcraft reforged when it came out, and prior to that i definitely logged into it. ive been worried that its been deleted since i couldnt get on but hoped when i linked it when reforged was in beta that it was somehow locked to me. it was an older account i worked hard on so i held on to it over the years (9 on that account) and played occasionally on it since. i’ve been choked that i haven’t been able to get on it so its definitely right and definitely an account.
sorry for the late response, hope all is well!

Linked properly! d-(^_^)z

1 Like

Also linked correctly! :smiley:

Yep, linked up and g2g!

A post was split to a new topic: Rage - Purchase QUestion


i tried to link my classic account since weeks now.
One month ago I opened a ticket on the topic: EU70609609.
I already got about 9 (!!!) replays and the topic still IS NOT SOLVED!

–> I am still not able to link my classic account uwk-sLy@northrend … “wrong username/password” all the time.
Furthermore, I do not receive any emails from the password recovery system (and yes, i did check the spam folder).

Can you please have a look?