Hello guys! I am an old player in warcraft iii frozen throne! For playing the reforged i must buy it again? Please answer me!!!
No just play the old game. It now runs on the blizzard launcher.
However be prepared. Blizzard took away profiles, clans, automated tournaments, custom campaigns, any kind of ladder and the game is constantly failing to start a multiplayer game.
Wacraft 3 got messed up because of blizzard being greedy and putting 0 effort into the game. Don’t give them your money. They also lie to your face and tell you, you could choose hero skins from the campaign in multiplayer. Its on their official blog posts “Tales from the Smithy”. But thats false advertisement, its not even in the game. Do not support these liars and deceivers.
To answer your actual question, no, you don’t have to repurchase the game as long as you have your old RoC game key. You just need to link the RoC key to your Battlenet account and that will grant access to the Classic mode of Reforged.
Thanks you guys… I appreciate it…