Blizzard give us REFORGED RETCONS back!

the reasons are simple dont do what you dont have to do. how much money and effort would that cost when they are in delay and have other problems.

Well false advertisement is one thing and I agree that they should fix that thing on their website since that is no longer going to be the case. However everyone who knows anything about games and their development that these things can change before the game is out.

Of course. But to the degree that’s apparent now? No, that’s very rare. Turning the game from a slated reimagining to mostly a remaster is quite a bit more than “subject to change.”


You’re late by about 15 years. Reforged probably wasn’t going to change anything that already hadn’t happened through either the Warcraft MMO or novels released after 2003. It’s most likely just to depict what’s already gone through as retcons.

See above. You’re late to the party, pal. Retcons started as early as 2004, big or small.

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Again lots of that is entirely up to different opinions…many people actually DID voice their concern here in the forums year ago when Blizzard revealed their plans to redo all the voice work. People said that they definitely want atleast the OPTION to have all the original voice actors with Reforged remade cutscenes, if nothing else. And imho Warcraft 3’s voice actors were FAR superior to WoW, especially with Arthas and Illidan and most ppl here agreed on that here and on other forums year ago when Reforged was announced…and thankfully Blizzard listend to that. The only voice actors that I personally think did better job in WoW have been Jaina’s Laura Bailey and voice actress of Sylvanas, but in my honest opinion, the voice actor of Arthas in WoW does poor job and so does Illidan’s voice actor, so if the Reforged team had to make the choice between re-voicing everything or keeping the old voice work, Im damn glad they chose the latter.

Those who are not happy with this decision can just as well keep playing WoW.

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They should make a whole new website because almost 90% of the information stated on that website is a total flat out lie.

Sign petition make your voices heard

Balnazzard, I get that you’re trying to play devil’s advocate but you’re repeating a lot of your sentiments. We get that you’re a purist and (I guess?) I’m happy your side of the fence is being listened to, but that leaves the other seriously unhappy and feeling like we have been misled and lied to.

The changes they made now are HUGE and a far cry from what we were supposed to get. It just doesn’t stand to simply ask for a refund because waiting for a year only to be met with this news feels like a disservice to the fans, whether die-hard Warcraft 3 players or those from WoW.

Yep. They should just change the name now as well. It should just be called Warcraft 3: Remastered since there is nothing “Reforged” about it.


Duh. This is why we don’t want anything post-2003 in Warcraft 3.

If you want to know what your getting just look at the beta campaign plays, if you think thats worth 50 bucks, sorry to say but you’re an idiot.

The original experience is not going anywhere.

Imagine being stuck in 2002-2003 though. It’s an 18 year old game. The times move on and so did the game.

Sure. That’s why I want Warcraft 3 with better graphics :stuck_out_tongue:

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Big or small, I dont really care. There is NOTHING so important missing from Warcraft III that it should be added in at any means necessary. for most parts the storyline and history of Warcraft III still holds true in WoW to this very day. Just some minor details can be different.

And again if there ever would be Warcraft IV, there is simply no chance in hell it could somehow pick up where WoW would one day end…in fact if they would want WC IV to co-exist with WoW the only choice Blizzard would have would be to have them 2 different timelines where different events can occur independently from eachother. Thus doing retcons in Warcraft III is even less necessary should they even consider making Warcraft IV one day.

But again I would have been open for small ADDITIONS in the story, but NOT at the cost of changing voice-work entirely without us even giving the option to have the old voice work.

Overall imho its the job of ANY remaster to work as faitful but visually improved re-creation of the original game and mainly please the existing fans or those who never played the original in the first place…and I still see this holding true with Reforged. But if thats not good enough for some people, then it isnt. Either way I didnt see it as necessity that Blizzard should add anything new to the campaings, VERY few remasters ever do so…

For sure I can see your argument “but this was advetized as more than just a remaster”, but I wouldnt say it was even close to being “full remake” even if they had gone through with new voice acting and lore additions.

Either way when it comes to lore/story one thing that everyone should understand by now is how much many Warcraft III fans out there hate what WoW has done to the lore and just how bad the writing currently is…thats why people were not really willing to let even anything small added in to WC3 in the fear that we get to hear some really cringy dialogue aka “THE HORDE IS NOTHING!” rage quit…


Full game price when its just an oldgame with only new model? thats sad that blizzard easily break their promise nowdays, and didnt want to say it in Blizzcon reforge panel cuz they broke their promise. And even the model is made by Malaysia’s Lemon Sky artstudio, not BLizzard Team.

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From what they were saying around 2018 BlizzCon it sounded like pretty innocuous stuff between modern geography and fluffing up the characters a bit with more dialogue. From the more recently datamined models and whatnot, a more gratuitous example would have been something like Anasterian and Arthas squaring off.

This is a very interesting take that kind of ignores that the MMORPG that’s been out for 15 years has been their primary platform and delivery method for the Warcraft series’ stories and lore. With the novels being the second most used media outlet for them. You genuinely think they’d throw 15 years out the window? They might retcon heavily sure, they’ve done that for each next game in the series. They have only come out and declared like… three? Four? Things in the Warcraft series as non-canon such as the tabletop RPG or Hearthstone’s events.

Well Ive always said that in regards to these things, you simply cant please everyone…Blizzard digged their own grave in this matter as soon as they decided to make MMO to drive Warcraft’s story forward.

Anyhow thats why I repeat again what Ive said countless times before. Blizzard should split Warcraft as RTS franchise and WoW as MMO into two different/seperate timelines…I know that would again piss off some people, but its really the best they can do to please both groups…atleast then you would get to pick which of the two storylines you like more.

But in regards of Warcraft III that became BEFORE WoW I can understand 100% why so many people aside from me who love WC3 more than any other game out there dont want ANY changes to be made into its lore just in order to please WoW fans.

Again while I understand that there ARE those of you who like both, the matter of fact is that Warcraft III: Reforged should aim to please Warcraft III fans most of all. And thats what I see Blizzard is doing here. I see this as no disservice to ANYONE else but those of you who played WoW and love its established lore more so than what was originally written for WC3. And while I can understand that many of you wanted to see something new whether or not that would serve the lore of WoW, try again to understand that what most ppl of these kind of “remasters” want is the game to stay as faithful as possible to the original, just with visual updates and possibly some other improvements like matchmaking, more difficult AI to campaign (if possible), but storywise stay same.

Anyhow I knew back year ago already that before the release there would be something controversial that would really divide the fanbase and this is it.


Well let me remind you that Warcraft the movie was basicly Warcraft: Orcs and Humans in alternative universe…so much was retcon about the story that even though the main setting and characters might have been the same, Blizzard made it clear that the movie univerese would be more or less entirely seperate that from the game’s universe.

So why simply not do the same with Warcraft IV? again with WC IV there would be NO story-limitations WHATSOEVER that MMO design has ALWAYS had and ALWAYS will have. The most WC IV could take are the main events of WoW, but retcon them so heavily that its essentially just another alternative universe. So why not go all way,say that WoW and Warcraft IV are simply two completely alternative timelines, completely independent from another? In terms of story creation that would give Blizzard COMPLETELY free hands without having to think how this or that thing from WoW would fit better in another Warcraft RTS game.

So I say this again and again, but the best choice for EVERYONE (or atleast most) involved would be that from WC3: TFT onwards WoW and Warcraft IV (should Blizzard ever decide to make it) have their own seperate story/timelines. That way WoW’s storyline would not be thrown into trashbin, it would simply continue to live its own life in what works best in MMO design, while it would give another team at Blizzard do whatever they want with Warcraft IV. That way these two could even co-exist with one another as long as Blizzard makes clear that they are essentially two different versions of Warcraft universe that share the same beginning.


There’s a reason they went with the first game as a movie rather than throwing us into the Second War or Arthas’ story or Deathwing’s resurfacing in Cataclysm. Despite there being lore and in-universe history prior, the First War is a good starting point for an alternate timeline (even evidenced with Warlords of Draenor, since the Iron Horde was gearing up and got through the Dark Portal in the pre-launch event).

The movie was also a side venture. Granted a massive one in scale, but from the get-go they were like “hey this isn’t the mainline Warcraft stuff”.

It’s silly and flimsy. Since I mentioned it above, there’s a reason why a lot of people didn’t like Warlords of Draenor on premise alone. It’s no less funny strange if people think that personally but draw the line in the sand about retcon this and retcon that and argablargh World of Warcraft. Yet previous RTS games and even Warcraft 3 gets a pass because of nostalgia and game design/genre?

I’m not saying anything, past, present, or future for Warcraft is perfect or absolutely bulletproof and immaculately constructed. I’m also not saying everything is a trashfire. The series is 25 years old and just kind of… is at this point. Sometimes the absurdity of events or characters can be frustrating or infuriating, sure. Sometimes the absurdity can be entertaining and interesting. If people aren’t enjoying the ride, they can always just get off it. I just don’t like the idea of the crabbier people being a ball and chain that haven’t “kept up” or don’t want to see any positives in anything going forward always being something the developers have to keep in mind.